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Everything posted by Ghostwalker

  1. random fact: the gravel or stenmjöl ("stone flour") that they are putting on have been warmed up to a temperature of 200 degrees Celsius.
  2. They say that it has stopped raining, so I think that we will get a race then. As the rain over Motala is heading eastward. @MP I do agree with that. Probably on of the rainiest seasons in a long time.
  3. a new decision will be taken at 20.00 Swedish time. If it stops raining they will put dry material on. Then the referee and the two team captains will walk the track to take a decision whether or not its safe. Also normally no racing is allowed past 22.00 according to the police permission.
  4. well they also forecasted it to be semi-clear all day in Eskilstuna. Well they were wrong. Yes i still have the google earth file. So I'll look into it. Nice to get some feedback for it. Dave, I don't know but, I would guess that it won't be before 20.00 Swedish time / 19.00 UK time. It entirely depends on when it stops raining.
  5. they will wait until the rain stops and then put on some warm "stenmjöl" which is a very fine calibre gravel.
  6. we'll see, looking at the radar image it looks like it will pass but it might take another 30 minutes for that. http://www.smhi.se/vadret/BETA-tjanster/radar-sverige-beta-1.16531
  7. Live scores: http://ta.svemo.se/Public/Pages/Competition/DrivingSchedule/CompetitionLiveResult.aspx?Branch=Speedway&Columns=CompetitionInfo,Branch,Name,Arena,Organizer,FromDateShort&Datefilter=Today&pagesize=10&CompetitionId=1704 race card: http://www.mediafire.com/view/?c96s5zcsnltsk65
  8. well not this time of the year. The sun sets at 19.01 CEST today here in Eskilstuna.
  9. It goes by avergae. all those with lower floating averages+the one of those with higher floating average that has the lowest floating average.
  10. Oliver Berntzon says that for next season the most optimal for him would be to ride for Smederna in Elitserien, Lejonen in Allsvenskan and a Polish Liga I team. http://www.ikarossme...ews&newsid=2483 I think it would be wise by Smederna to sign him for next season especially since his average in Elitserien will be 0,500 which means that he will not take a place in the squad. Other riders I'd like to keep is PK, Zorro, Kenni and Szymon. That means that Smederna would need another 3+2 riders. 3 for the squad and 2 guestriders. Perhaps Smederna could try to get Buczkowski back. Its also clear that Valsarna will not be in Elitserien next season after being hit by a 500'000kr tax penalty by the Swedish Tax-authority (Skatteverket). Vargarna will be offered Valsarna's place and if they say no Rospiggarna will get the offer.
  11. yes what about it? nr 6 does a TT and Gnistorna then decides to put in a tactical substitute.
  12. It seems like Dackarna will go with Jonas Davidsson after all, so Tai out Jonas in. updated race card: http://www.mediafire.com/view/?c96s5zcsnltsk65
  13. Imo Målilla is great racing however it is the "rest" that is the problem. Food/beverage/accommodation/things to do and etc. besides Philip said that the riders have told him that they do like temporary tracks.
  14. yeah they don't have much choice but to use R/R for Linus if the want a chance of winning.
  15. yeah unfortunately Vetlanda is almost always as boring as this. Should be much better tomorrow.
  16. no 8 points from 4 heats against Hampel, Emil, Ruud, Jason, Madsen. no way.
  17. you will find a link tomorrow at svemo.se/speedway Svemo decided that they wanted to do it themselves rather then using an external service.
  18. Its tomorrow. Btw Hampel did a classic roll start surprised that the ref let it go.
  19. Jimmy! Jimmy Jansson says that Smederna will take it "slow" and not aim for the top straight away but to just keep the team Elitserien in the first season or two and then try to improve.
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