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Everything posted by Ghostwalker

  1. meeting slightly delayed because of rain, estimated start about 20 minutes from now,
  2. Live scores: http://ta.svemo.se/Public/Pages/Competition/DrivingSchedule/CompetitionLiveResult.aspx?Branch=Speedway&Columns=CompetitionInfo,Branch,Name,Arena,Organizer,FromDateShort&Datefilter=Today&pagesize=10&CompetitionId=1705 race card: http://www.mediafire.com/view/?j4cdxpfnmcx6gm5
  3. an article about MJJ in Gorican: http://speedwaygp.com/news/article/1910/mjj-deflated
  4. or don't give it to anyone of them but to Grigorij Laguta.
  5. Ok i found the article and Linda who wrote the article says Article was posted yesterday. So I can 100% say now that her article is not correct. (see my previous post). Edit found another one: http://www.svt.se/sport/piraterna-slar-ur-underlage-i-finalen basically says the same but it is also wrong.
  6. @manchesterpaul they are way wrong. Sure they can hypothetically replace Linus with Koscuich however then they need to replace any of the others with Fredrik Engman as its mandatory with two Swedish riders in the lineup. If they would put Koscuich in for Sundström Piraterna would only have one Swedish rider (Rosén).
  7. tonight: http://www.smhi.se/v...onameid=2690960 http://www.yr.no/ste...e_for_time.html Tomorrow: http://www.smhi.se/v...onameid=2663293 http://www.yr.no/ste...e_for_time.html It kinda depends who you thrust most. Yr claims that its sunny weather right now but as you can see its not.: http://www.smhi.se/v...Satellit-Europa http://www.smhi.se/v...olnighet/norden http://www.smhi.se/v...lnighet/blixtar http://www.smhi.se/v...ge-beta-1.16531 http://www.smhi.se/v...en-beta-1.16539
  8. thread updated with lineups for Wednesday. race card: http://www.mediafire...auyg6kzzhekwa6c
  9. Smederna have announced their first (?) signing. Krzysztof Buczkowski returns to Smederna. http://ekuriren.se/sport/speedway/1.1565478-publikfavorit-atervander-till-smederna
  10. No, I have been supporting Nicki since he came to Smederna in 2003 and I don't intend to stop now.
  11. Sorry I forgot to say that Norbert have not been registered with Piraterna's Squad yet and until he is he cannot be in the line-up. --------- Today Smedernas Div-1 team defeated Lejonen at home and this mean that Smederna won this years div-1 series. So for the 2012 season Smederna is double champions!! Both Allsvenskan and Div-1. Lejonen will advance to Allsvenskan next season while Smederna's Div-1 team will stay in Div-1,
  12. I hope for Nicki but think Holder will take it, Nicki have had allot of opportunities but besides from Vojens he have notoriously managed to let those opportunities slip away. Mostly be picking the wrong gate.
  13. thread updated with lineups for Tuesday. Wednesday's lineups will be released tomorrow at 21.00 Swedish time. race card: http://www.mediafire...j4cdxpfnmcx6gm5 besides official streams. v i p b o x .tv usually provide a stream.
  14. Piraterna have brought in Norbert Kosciuch as a replacement for injured Pawlicki. http://www.nt.se/nyheter/artikel.aspx?articleid=7971390
  15. t had the same i Firefox, its starts in Opera but is just the commercials over and over again.
  16. try this link: http://www.sportowefakty.pl/zuzel/313701/ogladaj-na-zywo-turniej-o-puchar-prezydenta-czestochowy
  17. It depends on how you see it. No team wants him. From what I've heard this is mostly because he asks for way more money then what is reasonable.
  18. A few posts ago you said that MJJ's win at Vojens was due to track knowledge since he have been riding for Vojens for many years. My question for you then, who says that Tai's higher average is EL is the merit for including Tai in SGP, is how long have Tai been riding for Wolverhampton and how many years in the Elite League? How many meetings per season have Tai had at those tracks and how many meetings have MJJ done at Vojens per season? Regarding their Swedish averges, Tai started riding in Sweden in 2008 and MJJ started in 2010. yet MJJ have a higher average then tai, Then their correct averages for 2012 should be 1.726 for MJJ and 1,636 for Tai. That is the same as an 8,054 points per meeting average for MJJ and 7.198 for Tai. The first is average points per heat and the second is heats divided by number of meetings * average points per heat.
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