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Everything posted by Ghostwalker

  1. Simon Gustafsson have signed as a guest rider for Dackarna. http://www.barometer...rna(3477651).gm rumours are also that Chris Holder will leave Piraterna for Hammarby but it is unconfirmed yet. Also don't forget Smederna's press conference at 17.30 Swedish time (4.30pm UK time).
  2. For me it would travel by car. A quick drive from Eskilstuna to Stockholm, then the overnight ferry to Åbo and then a 2 hour drive to Tammerfors.
  3. anyone else just getting the two minute loop? http://i.imgur.com/9eCeh.jpg tried this too but keeps stopping. http://www.zapni.tv/...Q==&stream=play
  4. He had, he made a brief 30m comeback though before crashing. Doctor did not allow him to continue after he had hit his head.
  5. no crash? Holder who were out of control smashed straight into nicki.
  6. Quite likely they will announce the signing of Grigorij Laguta. http://ekuriren.se/s...ernas-nasta-ess Simon Gutafsson will most likely leave Indianerna. He says that the club haven't been in touch with him and that it feels like the club doesn't want him anymore. I think its a shame really that Indianerna can't take better care of the own products like Simon now and Freddie and Ludvig Lindgren before him. http://na.se/sporten/speedway/1.1841926-simon-lamnar-indianerna
  7. All 4 back is not really a rule but just an excuse to avoid being forced to exclude someone. You claim "unsatisfactory" start, But there wasn't anything unsatisfactory about it unless your name is Chris Holder. Surely incidents in the first bend have nothing to do with the start? Unsatisfactory start is when someone "Jumps" the start. Not when someone makes a bad start and as a result of it runs down another rider,
  8. why not using the existing thread? http://www.speedway-forum.co.uk/forums/index.php?showtopic=70982&st=390
  9. Peter Ljung and Ludvig Lindgren have signed with Västervik. http://www.vastervikspeedway.se/speedway/
  10. Vargarna will have a smaller "Internal" team meeting tomorrow called "lördagsracet" (the Saturday race). The Lineups are: ULVARNA 1. André Hertzberg 2. Adam Shields 3. Viktor Bergström 4. Ashley Birks 5. Freddie Broms Lagledare: Thomas Carlsson VARGARNA 1. Sebastian Carlsson 2. Adam Skornicki 3. Eric Andersson 4. Andreas Westlund 5 Alexander Liljekvist Lagledare: Peter Jansson http://www.laget.se/...-Racet-12-10-13 Smederna have announced that they will have a Press conference on Monday. Two riders as well as a big news for next season will be presented. http://www.ikarossmederna.nu/?page=news&newsid=2507
  11. Masarna have two more contracted riders for next season: Sebastian Aldén and Maksim Bogdanovs. http://www.masarna.nu/nyhetl.cgi#24212 Rospiggarna have contracted Joel Andersson and Viktor Palovaara. http://norrteljetidn...for-rospiggarna Darcy Ward will stay with Dackarna. http://www.barometer...rna(3474163).gm
  12. He was but have decided to Switch back to Swedish license for next season due to the new extended Swedish rider quota rules for Elitserien next season. see this post.
  13. Well he is back to being Swedish now so can we really have a Swedish rider as a wild card in Finland?
  14. I'd reckon it will be Timo Lahti or maybe Kalle Katajisto. At least one of those would be my choice. But obviously allot can happen during the more then 19-20-21 months or so to go to the gp.
  15. ullevi have on year reaming on their contract. Problem with Målilla is the isolated location and lack of "facillities" nearby. Good racing but not so much else. I also think that Gotevent can give IMG better offers then Målilla. Add to that a few thousand more in the crowd...
  16. Andreas Jonsson and Simon Gustafsson stays at Rospigagrna. http://norrteljetidning.se/sport/1.1838736-simon-gustafsson-klar http://norrteljetidning.se/sport/1.1837292-nt-avslojar-jonsson-klar
  17. Here's a link to the article: http://translate.google.com/translate?sl=fi&tl=en&js=n&prev=_t&hl=sv&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.aamulehti.fi%2FEtusivu
  18. you know there IS a world outside GB. MJJ has a slightly lower average then Tai in the EL so what? I would be surprised if it wasn't like that since Tai have a much higher experience from the Elite league tracks compared to MJJ, especilly when you compare home tracks. However MJJ have better averages in Sweden and Poland. MJJ is within the top in Sweden when it comes to averages. Tai is only 28th. MJJ is 22nd in Poland, Tai is 33rd.
  19. I agree with you Iris. Sure, MJJ didn't do to well in the GP Challenge, however he had just won his first GP so Its not to hard to understand if he gad problems refocusing. MJJ also have ridden very well during the entire season so I would also pick him before Tai.
  20. That is exactly what happened. The referee had to make a decision and he made the decision that is not in the rule book. By not excluding Holder, the referee gave Holder an advantage by giving him a second chance. Holder was off a better gate then Nicki and Holder made a better start the second time. 2. Please show me where in the rules it says that the referee can allow all 4 back. The referee job is to exclude the causing of the stoppage in this case Holder who made a worse start then Nicki. Holder then first pushed Nicki out, then lost control, then slamming into Nicki again while still being out of control. Holder is clearly the rider at fault.
  21. No it wasn't since one rider should have been excluded and thus interfered with the other riders chances of winning the title. What you are saying is that if two riders are fighting for the championship and the one leading violates the rules, he should not be excluded? Had it only been the first incident, ok then all 4 back could possible have worked but it with the second incident as well, where Chris were out of control and slammed into to Nicki that really should have resulted in an exclusion for Holder. But it was. Red rider knocking off Blue rider = red rider excluded unless, red rider leads the championship.
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