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Everything posted by Ghostwalker

  1. Start list for the Nordic Championship final on Friday at Smedstadion, Eskilstuna. http://www.ikarossme...ews&newsid=2597 Also does anyone know if Timo Kankkunen is related to Juha Kankkunen?
  2. A Danish article about Darcy: http://ekstrabladet.dk/sport/anden_sport/motorsport/speedway/article1925425.ece I don't like what the article is implying that FIM might look through the fingers because Darcy is the new big star in Speedway and that Monster might put pressure on FIM to look through their fingers since they have been backing Darcy and since they have invested allot of money in the sport.
  3. for the record, Cannabis IS listed as a forbidden substance by WADA. Page 8: http://www.wada-ama.org/Documents/World_Anti-Doping_Program/WADP-Prohibited-list/2013/WADA-Prohibited-List-2013-EN.pdf
  4. Smederna have been awarded the Nordic Championship with fairly short notice. It will be held on Friday next week; http://www.ikarossmederna.nu/?page=news&newsid=2596
  5. Results: Stefan Svensson (won all his heats) Robert Henderson Fredrik Johansson Very good battle between Svensson and Henderson in both of the heats that they met in. Posa rode good as well during the qualifying heats but made a mistake and fell while being in last place.
  6. Live scores: http://speedwaylive.se/I.20.16.php?id=57
  7. http://www.iceracing.se/ Swedish final live on Saturday, not free though. Pay per view, 79kr (~£8/~€9.3/~$12.5)
  8. Start list for Saturday: http://www.ikarossmederna.nu/?page=news&newsid=2576
  9. Daniel Henderson tries out the Swedish Championship venue:
  10. The weather forecast for the Individual Swedish ice racing championship final looks promising. A few days of warmer weather will be followed by a change to back to colder weather. http://www.smhi.se/vadret/vadret-i-sverige/land?pp=http://www.smhi.se/produktportal-1.0//hourByHourTable.do?geonameid=2715953 The final will be held at Smederna's track about 12km north west of Eskilstuna.
  11. C more have signed a new tv-deal with Svemo. The new deal is for 2014-2017 seasons. http://www.cmore.se/news/item/349/C-More-s%C3%A4nder-Elitserien-i-speedway-2014-2017
  12. Don't worry, I had intended to do it anyway. ---------------------------------- Dates/hosts for the Swedish Individual Championship: Vetlanda, August 30th-31st http://www.svemo.se/sv/Grenar/Speedway/Nyheter/SMFinalerochKval2013/
  13. They replace Jason Crump and Mikael Max. http://www.dn.se/spo...-ersatter-crump Not sure why Max is "de-signed" and where will he go? Imo Vargarna would be a good place for him andthey need a good Swede in their lineup. Shields out, Max in would be my move.
  14. spreadsheet style Race card for Elitserien and Allsvenskan: http://www.mediafire...vgojoajl26ns3rb
  15. apparently S:t Johann qualification have been moved to Norrköping. Will be held on January 19th. http://www.laget.se/VARGARNASPEEDWAY/News/2786036/Sensation-i-motorvarlden!
  16. results from Falco's memorial in Norrköping: http://www.laget.se/VARGARNASPEEDWAY/Page/179978
  17. I agree with you, I think Premier-sports renewed their broad cast rights for Sweden for another two years.
  18. Yeah I would think so. Hypothetically Gollob is an option but I doubt that he would fit into Bosse Wirebrand's team build philosophy.
  19. Round Robin is the first 20 heats, the all meet all part which is followed by the knock-out part. http://en.wikipedia....obin_tournament http://en.wikipedia....tion_tournament Also I definitely agree with your final line.
  20. In an interview with Ole Olsen in the latest issue of the Swedish speedway magazine Speedway racing, Ole Olsen said that they have scrapped the semi final gate picks. Ole considered it unfair for the riders who did the best in the round robin stage to be able to pick their gates. Instead there will be a draw to decide which rider goes to which gate for the semi finals. Gate pick will still be in place for the finals though. I don't really like this. Ole was asked about the gate differences that there usually are and just said "they are working on it". I don't its particular fair if the best rider during the night ended up with one of those really "dead" gates and thus loosing out on a place in the final. Ole also mentioned the dirt problem or lack grip on the tracks and he claimed that they "are working on it" but that the riders already are having problems with it and the engines have become more sensitive.
  21. more info: http://www.ikarossmederna.nu/?page=news&newsid=2552 tickets: http://www.ticnet.se/event/sm-isracing-biljetter/247883 Note that if you pre-book tickets there will be an additional fee of 20SEK (~£1.8) on top of the regular ticket price which is 160SEK (£15).
  22. Individual Swedish championship; Smedstadion Eskilstuna, Saturday, February 16th. http://ekuriren.se/sport/1.1606557-eskilstuna-vard-for-sm-final-igen
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