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Everything posted by Ghostwalker

  1. I strongly disagree. Both are professional speedway riders and then they have no business being in bar in the middle of the night.I would personally expect them to show some professional manner, especially after Darcy's previous "adventure". But perhaps Darcy's "new start" was just the start of a new pub crawl and not a new start of his life. They have signed contracts with teams in England, Sweden and Poland, that means that they likely have obligations to their teams. I doubt that running around at bars in the middle of the night is one of them. I always thought that being professional meant that you during the season, stay away from drugs, alcohol, partying, that you should eat and sleep well, that you have your equipment in good order.
  2. So, DW, who is your favourite to win the (league/team) title this year.
  3. yeah this was the same. Minimum 3 Swedish-licensed riders per lineup. We've had the same rule for years so why does it suddenly become a problem now?
  4. It was supposed to have been a rule that 3 Swedish riders per lineup, however now this rule have been scrapped since its apparently is violating EU-laws that says that you cannot limit anything based upon nationality. The teams have made an agreement though to use three Swedish riders per lineup. IMO this agreement will be worth nothing and I think that many teams will break this rule, especially those who can put in a good foreign rider instead of a less good Swedish rider. I also think this rule was necessary for Swedish speedway. http://www.corren.se/sport/motorsport/olaglig-regel-skapar-oro-i-speedwaysporten-6362262-artikel.aspx http://www.corren.se/sport/motorsport/pirat-ledaren-foreslar-boter-6362266-artikel.aspx
  5. Denmark usually have their meetings on Wednesdays, I think it is 18.30 Danish time (17.30 UK). For both time and what meeting check: http://kanalsport.dk/programoversigt
  6. Well that means there will be three Smederna riders present then. AJ, Buczek and Szymon.
  7. hey your message inbox is full.

  8. I've been told that this link should work http://www.fim-tv.co...3117431,00.html SVT-play works fine for em though. There have been a question posted on SVT's help forum so we'll see if threre will be a reply.
  9. Weird, it says that it should be available for everyone.
  10. Just a reminder about the live broadcast from Uppsala later today at 12.40 CET http://www.svtplay.se/video/1100220/24-3-12-40
  11. I'd say keep the local wilds but ditch the season permanent wilds.
  12. SVT will broadcast live from Uppsala on Sunday: http://www.svtplay.se/video/1100220/24-3-12-40 Broadcast starts at 12.40 CET and should be available all over the world. Also an article about Robert Henderson: http://ekuriren.se/sport/isracing/1.1726347-vastbrak-stoppar-king-kong-
  13. I've been told that it is a new television channel called PRTV. apparently its run by some magazine dude
  14. I think Gollob and Greg have showed that peaks can come pretty late in the career and Lindgren will be 28 and KK 29 this year. So I think that claiming that they already have reached their peak is a little too early.
  15. Of course its their business, he is one of their riders. Regarding the legal matter, well FIM have a very similar clause in their licensing application so doubt that it would be illegal to have such a term in the contract. The official statement from the team also said that Dackarna have contacted Poole and Torun to try to make an effort together, both for Darcy's sake but also show that they fully deprecate themselves from the use of drugs and doping substances.
  16. Darcy's Swedish team Dackarna have fined Darcy with a 6-figure sum* for breaching his contract in which there is a zero-tolerance clause for drugs and doping, which means that if a rider is caught using drugs and doping substances he will be fined by the team. * In Swedish money which means that the fines are at least £10'000. http://www.expressen...-drogskandalen/
  17. Rospiggarna have signed Kauko Nieminen and Daniel Henderson. They replace Jari Mäkinen och Kalle Katajisto. http://norrteljetidning.se/sport/1.1999384-de-ar-rospiggarnas-tva-sista-nyforvarv
  18. I could be wrong but I think FIM ruled against allowing new silencers for at least two more seasons.
  19. the world championship final at Studenternas in Uppsala will be covered by a one hour summary by SVT. The finals will also be live at SVT-play. I am not sure if these streams will be available outside Sweden, if they are I will let you know, http://www.unt.se/sport/hoppar-jamfota-av-gladje-2308270.aspx http://www.aktuellspeedway.se/news.php/2013/03/05/isracing-vm-finalerna-fr-n-uppsala-i-svt.html
  20. Results nordic championship: http://www.ikarossmederna.nu/?page=news&newsid=2600
  21. A short summary: Tthe city council of Poznan wants to build to new sports arenas in Poznan. Unfortunately forspeedway in Poznan, the location of these two arenas are where the speedway track is located and speedway are not included in the plans for the new arenas.
  22. So what you are saying is that allot of us tried to get away from the police when they are trying to stop use when we were driving an uninsured, unregistered motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol and cannabis? I pretty much doubt that many of us have done something like that. I also recommend you to read FIM anti-doping code; http://www.fim-live.com/fileadmin/alfresco/6572010_eng.pdf Particular "Fundamental Rationale for the Code and FIM’s Anti-­Doping Rules", "Scope" and Appendix 1+2.
  23. Masarna have decided to break the contract with Kauko Nieminen since he have signed with two teams in England and that would mean to many schedule conflicts. They will replace him with Daniel Jeleniewski. http://www.masarna.n...er.cgi?id=24373
  24. The fixtures for the new junior series have been released and they can be found in this post. The Junior series is a U21 series for the teams in Elitserien.with a total of 4 meetings and with 6 teams in each meeting. Each team will have three riders of which two will have scheduled heats. I don't know much more at the moment and I have not seen a heat schedule yet but I assume it will be clarified when the 2013 series rules are released, whenever that is.
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