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Everything posted by Ghostwalker

  1. How else would you explain Harris inclusion? A rider that was knocked out already in the quarterfinal.
  2. Why isn't it then? Have all riders t hat finished ahead of Harris been asked or did they just give it to Harris without asking anyone?
  3. Then why are they allowing riders to withdraw with such a short notice preventing riders that have earned their place (as a reserve) from taking part of the GP-challenge. Surely if a rider wants to withdraw he have to do it with such good margin that the reserve(s) can arrange their participation? Have you ever asked those questions?
  4. I though it was a speedway magazine? As a such perhaps it could question why a few riders are keep getting charity picks?
  5. Yeah right do you honestly believe that yourself? BSI is the promoter of the GP-series and I am pretty sure they have influence of the Gp-challenge in the same way as they do over the GP-series.
  6. Yes I would!! Harris is in Poole because he got another charity pick despite being knocked out early in the qualification process, Pavlic however got himself to a position as reserve by his own performance. Finishing top 8 in the QF and then top 8 in his semi which should have given him a place at the Grand Prix Challenge. However because BSI thinks a Brit has to be in the GPC Pavlic was robbed of his place. His place instead went to Daniel King who also have done nothing to warrant his inclusion rather then being a Brit. Then suddenly on the night before the GPC, Zagar pulls out and guess who gets the newly open charity spot? Yes that's right Chris Harris who has the record in received Wild Cards to the GP series. The very simple solution to these things would be 1. no wild card picks for the Grand Prix Challenge 2. Any riders who pulls out should have to so at least 5 days before the event. With exception for riders getting injured after the deadline has passed.
  7. Luck? NO!!! Charity? YES! Does he deserve it over all of those who finished ahead of him in the qualifying quarterfinals and semifinals. No he most certainly don't.
  8. which he shouldn't be. It would be a disgrace if he qualified. getting in on another charity pick.
  9. Agreed. However riders should obliviously be forced to send a notification of entry or of not coming, lets say one week prior to the meeting so that the qualified reserves can have reasonable amount of time to sort out travelling arrangements and etc. It should definitely not be allowed to pull out the day before the meeting without a valid cause such as injury. Zagar is the one that causes this mess in the first place by pulling out so close to the race. As I wrote above, Zagar pulled out yesterday which means that the other reserves don't have enough time to get to the meeting in time.
  10. D.Ch., got much better riders, you know riders like Nicki P, Iversen, MJJ, Kildemand, Mikkel B, Hans A, Bjerre, Madsen...
  11. TBH, I would predict that the Danish championship will be more exciting and have better racing then the Swedish championship.
  12. i think it depends on which riders that pulls out. I would guess Kildemand is a reserve for those who ride in the Dk semi. While Pavlic is a reserve for those who rode in Lonigo.
  13. Fjelsted vs. Holdsted next week. Both tv (regular stream) and stream (same as tonight).
  14. No it was earlier 1st or 2nd lap. Yellow rider looked to be inside the white line.
  15. Looked like Rasmus Jensen was over the white line? *edit streamed died.
  16. I guess it does. Anyway Nicki's 0 was hist first 0 this season in the Danish league.
  17. A.Laguta, klindt, Rasmus Jensen, Sten Jensen.
  18. ´First heat was Nicki P, PUK, unknown third and Jonas D 4th.
  19. yep, direct link: http://kanalsport.dk/livestream
  20. Lahti was first reserve but Pz Pawlicki is injured so Lahti will take his place.
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