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Everything posted by Ghostwalker

  1. no you have got it wrong. Its the opposite of what you wrote. Main tv-meeting will be Smederna vs. Piraterna on Tuesday and Dackarna - Elit Vetlanda on Wednesday.
  2. I can tell you it was a fabulous meeting. Almost the entire first bend was filled Smederna fans following the proclaimed #dresscode red. Really tight, tense, nervous but still very very exciting. Like had allot of 5-1 situations but somehow couldn't keep it together going in to the bends, going wide, opening the door and etc. Heat 10 was probably the best heat (don't remember heat 12) Smederna had a 5-1, then Holta took the lead, Eklöf and Jonsson then made a split pass passing Holta on both sides. Overall a very good meeting but the track was still far from perfect, quite dry and the inside line was superslick but fast. It was so dry and so slick on the inside You could actually see the sparks flying around when the graded the track Rider wise, I understand why some call Laguta "Wild thing". because he is completely wild. Sometimes maybe too wild, you know sometimes its better to be happy with what you have then try too much and risk loosing it all. I was really annoyed at him for screwing up in heat 14 but forgave him when he scored the necessary 2p in heat 15.
  3. perhaps but its still weird that you have two meetings where the points from the final at leg 2 counts, but not the points from the final of leg 1. Why would you have such rules? Why even have a final then in leg 1 then? Since it is completely meaningless and completely illogical. I say either have: Three kegs with 16 rider/20 heats in each. where the riders with most points after 60 heats is the champion. One leg 16 riders/20 heats, with a last chance heat for riders placed 4-7 after heat 20 and then a final where the winner of the final is champion. One leg 16 riders/20 heats,, top 8 to semifinals top 2 in each semi to final, winner of final is champion.
  4. Zorro only ride two heats and from what I've heard with the double header semifinal next week, it wouldn't be a good idea to ride in Denmark tomorrow and Vetlanda on Friday. We shall see though speedway riders more often then not decides to ride despite not being fit.
  5. Not looking good, too many freebie givaways from Smederna. Looks liked Smederna cant decide where to be. Too much too far out or in the muddle Gives away too much hy opeing up the inside.
  6. Thanks rr but i will watch this on locatio. We're three buses (coaches) and probably a couple of hundred cars coming from Eskilstuna. Thanks to a sponsor buses are free.
  7. Just remember #dresscodered and that applies to all of you but especially rr, mp and bb48 http://www.smederna.nu/?page=news&newsid=2785
  8. I don't know, Laguta seems to be the "No surrender" type of rider. I think most of them just focus on winning their next heat. Just like any other rider. Its hard to make any conclusions from two weeks ago when the last met at Sannahed since that meeting didn't really have any importance. I think Laguta will do his job, but question is the for the rest of them, PK is pretty stable around 7-10p/meeting (his average is 7,93p/meeting) The others are to up and down, AJ wasn't particular good last week and needs to scored 12p+ if Smederna are going to have a chance. Smederna needs 44 points. And if you break it down for each rider this is what they need to score; Laguta 13p AJ 10p PK 8p Buczek 7 Zorro (or R/R) 5p EKlöf+Berntzon 1p together,
  9. If Zorro don't ride tonight I doubt that he will do so tomorrow.
  10. He's 5th in the averages in the lineup, Eklöf and Berntzon have lower average. If R/R Eklöf, Berntzon and Buczkowski will take Zorro's heat. Either of the reserves will take two heats unless tactical substitute is used. I think the have to nominate one of the reserves for the R/R heat and then replace the reserve with a TS if Smederna is 6p behind. Zorro have a doctors appointment at 13.00, but at the moment it seems that he won't be able to ride. In anyway I don't see how we could possibly win tonight regardless if Zorro is riding or not. He obviously doesn't feel good and if he rides I don't think he'll be able do 100% and the reserves are to weak to take his place.
  11. Aslo Jacob Thorssell have confirmed that he has a broken arm, he will undergo surgery today and will miss the rest of the season.
  12. Zorro is doubtful for tomorrow following his crash in Wolverhampton earlier tonight.
  13. In Sweden we have a sort of a "pirate" organization that are not affiliated with Svemo or FIM. The call themselves "Folk speedway" and their idea is that everyone should be allowed to race without the needs of a license or bikes that full fills the latest noise and safety regulations. There is only two Folk Speedway clubs but they also don't use air fences but rather want "something else". In Sweden we were in the same position a number of years ago when it became mandatory with air fences for all tracks that wanted to hose competitive racing. I think 2 or 3 teams pulled out due to that they couldn't afford to buy air fences. But the rest of the teams managed to acquire air fences on time.
  14. I also think that the weight will matter as well, at least to some extent., Too heavy and the bike will accelerate a little less quickly, but if the riders is too light there might not be enough weight on the back wheel to get enough grip
  15. No I am not, but rather that it should be since the rules are unfair. You don't get anything extra for winning the final of leg 1 compared to the extra points received of winning the final of leg 2. That is what I don't like. Obviously points should be awarded for winning the final in leg 1 and not only for winning leg 2 final. And I don't understand why they would have such strange rules but then again this is speedway, the nr1 sport when it comes to unfair rules.
  16. I remember from last year that the point scoring rules were different from event 1 and 2. In event 1 the points from the finals didn't count towards the title fight while the points from the event 2 finals did count towards the title fight, Nicki won the first event but didn't get any extra points, Iversen won event 2 and won the title thanks to the fact that Nicki's extra points was not included, I can't understand why an official federation championship would have such a set of stupid rules? (No offence to Danish Webmaster), On the other hand we have tactical substitutes and jokers in speedway so perhaps one should not be surprised.
  17. You do realize that its an 17 hour drive (approx 1800km) från Gorican to Poole? Would you drive 1800km there and then 1800km back home again if you didn't know if you were going to do a single lap? What if he did the journey just to realize when he reaches Poole that Zagar is there to participate? Then the time and money spent would all be in vain and I do believe that riders have things they would rather do then spending 2-3 days in a van going to Polle and back without riding. The short notices could be at least partially solved by requiring a notification of withdrawal 5 days in advance. Riders who fail to notify a withdrawal within the specified time will get 1 week mandatory rest from the day of the event, An injured rider would still not ride anywhere and a non-injured rider would probably not want to risk missing league meetings because of a missed deadline.
  18. I know Phil & Spook but I still don't like it regardless of nationality and/or reason. Regarding wild cards I definitely don't think there should be two Swedish wild cards, I find it hard to justify even one wild card. I also would prefer to have only one GP then two as there isn't enough people "fill" two GPs. Also If I could pick four riders I would pick Holder, Dudek, MJJ and Grigorij Laguta, On the other hand someones like Lebdaev (spelling) or Poudzuks could be interesting but they would probably need a year or two to get more experience.
  19. Yes he did and I didn't like it then either. This year though there are also allot of other riders who finished ahead of Harris in the qualification who got overlooked/wasn't asked. I am of the same opinion when it comes to Freddie Lindgren, who 5 out of 6 times have failed to make the top 8. Yet doesn't bother with doing the qualifications and for that one can only blame him for not doing it. You could claim that Freddie have a busy schedule with his three leagues, but Iversen is doing four leagues and still have managed to win the Grand Prix.
  20. Actually its not because the gifted riders shouldn't be there in the first place. A rider like Pavlic was denied his go because the "need" of a local wild card. Other riders were also denied their right to have a go because Chris Harris was given a place ahead of them when Zagar pulled out. The whole point of a knock-out tournament is that when a competitor is knocked out he/she is knocked out from further participation of that tournament. Harris was knocked out by scoring only 4p in the quarterfinal but still "miraculously" found his way into the Grand Prix challenge. I also think that the wild cards for the Grand Prix series is slightly different because there is no list in which order the wild cards should be handed out (unlike the qualification process) and Tai have ridden very well over the entire season and he have not achieved his results in an one off meeting but rather in a series of meetings.
  21. Definitely not, You should remember that Harris actually was knocked out in the QF and he was given a pick for this meeting, Besides from finishing 5th yesterday he haven't really shown anything that could warrant a pick. The same goes for Lindgren and Jonsson. Harris (and Lindgren) have had enough wild cards and there are several other riders that would deserve a pick well ahead of him. Riders like,Patryk Dudek, Pz Pawlicki, Michael Jepsen Jensen, Grigorij Laguta. Both MJJ and Pz Pawlicki qualified by merit for the Gp.Ch. however Pz (not Piotr) Pawlicki was injured and could not participate. Regarding late pull outs, surely it would be possible to have a rule that said that they could not ride anywhere else for a week. If the riders is injured it won't make difference since they won't be able to ride anyway while a non-injured riders will be affected. Then like J.T and Philiprising said, those who are given a charity pick for the final should not be allowed to qualify. It should only be those who have qualified that should be allowed to be eligible to get into the Grand Prix.
  22. The only difference is that Kasper actually qualifies by his own performance unlike Harris who have needed a wild card for all seasons except one. In my opinion that makes Kasper a better rider then Harris. I am not particular excited about KK or Bjerre or Smolinski either but they actually got this far by doing better then all the others riders (including Chris Harris) who entered this years Grand Prix Qualification. And they did not need a wild card to get this far unlike two of the riders that participated tonight.
  23. I disagree regarding Bjerre, he had one poor season but rode pretty good the other years. In case you have you have forgotten, he did lead the series after a couple of rounds in 2010. Sure its a couple of years ago but I do think that he still is a good rider.
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