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Everything posted by Ghostwalker

  1. He is listed for Vetlanda for tomorrow but not for tonight.
  2. I assume that Mikkel Bech will have to put priority on Vetlanda's meetings.
  3. lineups and race cards for Tueday, Wednesday, Thursday added to first post as well as live result links.
  4. aflyst / avlyst means cancelled or closed depending on which situation it is used in.
  5. Most likely it depends on your ISP, different ISPs have different censor lists.
  6. In article from yesterday at the teams official website, it says a broken arm at the elbow. http://translate.goo...kontuzja-emila/ Then a newer article says that the doctors in Torun first diagnosed a broken arm but that they apparently might not have been correct. Emil will undergo new examinations at the Red Bull clinic in Switzerland. A first diagnose should be available today or tomorrow. http://translate.goo...e-jest-zlamana/
  7. Mee too. A broken arm is obviously very serious but it could have been allot worse. The only "good" with a broken bone is that when it have healed fully it will be stronger then it was before it was broken. Really gutted for Emil. On a side note there have too many injuries this year and I (as well as Hampel and Kolodziej) think that part of it can blamed on the current silencer but obviously the riders needs to change their way of riding as well. They're sometimes too tough or rough never wanting to give up and when they're so close and the the speeds that are present there is zero margin. Every rider is constantly on the margin and that is when the accident happens.
  8. i agree with the coach Emil was along side Adrian when Adrian fenced him. imo Adrian should have been excluded. i agree with the coach, Emil was along side Adrian when Adrian fenced him. imo Adrian should have been excluded.
  9. That would be incredibly stupid. Both by the rider and by the fans suggestion such a thing.
  10. I know many riders does the same but perhaps its time ro put a ban on these kind of blockings. Do we want see passings or blockings?
  11. As I have said before I think atleast some it depends on that he skipped Sweden. Just one meeting a week in poland plus occasional meetings in Russia is probably not enough to keep the pace up and to keep the setups in check.
  12. T.N.T no need for a run off at all. Troy had most heat wins and should have been third. Madsen and Zagar who had two heat wins each should have been 4th and 5th since Madsen was ahead of Zagar in the heat that they met. Dryml should have been 6th since he was ahead of NKI in the heat that they met. And there was also no need for a run off in Poole since Smolinski had one more heat win then Harris and Smolinski was also ahead of Harris in the heat where they met. Smolinski outranked Harris by right.
  13. Plenty of good heats now. Nicki was too wide so he only have himself too blame.
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