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Everything posted by Ghostwalker

  1. In what way are the SEC preventing BSI/IMG from improving their job with the SGP?
  2. @F-S-P, call it what want, gold, winner, best pair or whatever same thing different name and you know what I mean. At today's press conference pricing was revealed for the final round at Eskilstuna and it was pretty reasonable. Here is a map that I made (ok I'm not Picasso so sue me ) over the arena: http://www.mediafire.com/view/d3a713xu6kjtl1w/smedbana-1.png Anyway for roofed Grand stand A at start/finish straight the price is 300SEK for adults (19 yo. or older), 250 for kids/teens (8-18yo.) for roofed seated stand B at back straight price is 250SEK for adults, 200SEK for kids/teens. For the first bend stand, stand at the grass hill at finish bend or standing along the boards, price is 200SEK for adults and 150SEK for kids/teens. Children aged 0-7 enter for free. There is no info available at the moment regarding where to buy tickets online. Current exchange rate is approximative 10.7SEK for £1. If anyone is coming to the final round and needs any kind of info let me know and I'll see if I can help you.
  3. The Swedish team will be Andreas Jonsson, Antonio Lindbäck with Peter Ljung as a reserve. That means that we have the following lineup: Russia: Emil Sayfutdinov, Grigorij Laguta, Artem Laguta (reserve). Germany: Martin Smolinski, Kewin Wölbert, Max Dilger (reserve) Latvia: Kjastas Puodzuks, Andrejs.Lebedevs (reserve tba) Poland: Tomasz Gollob, Adrian Miedziński, Patryk Dudek (reserve) Denmark: Nicki Pedersen, Niels-Kristian Iversen, Michael Jepsen Jensen (reserve) Australia: Chris Holder, Darcy Ward. (reserve tba) http://www.speedwaynyheter.se/vastervik/lagen-i-best-pairs-2014/ Imo Australia, Russia, and Denmark are the favourites to fight for Gold. Sweden and Latvia as Darkhorses and Germany will probably not be able to match the other teams. http://www.speedwaynyheter.se/vastervik/lagen-i-best-pairs-2014/
  4. Regarding Kylmäkorpi and licenses it's Swedish->Finnish->Swedish license. He is also a former Swe U21 champ and I would guess that he has a dual citizenship.
  5. There will be a press conference tomorrow from Smederna and One sport regarding the final of Best pairs: http://www1.idrottonline.se/SmedernaSpeedwayforening-MotorcykelochSnoskoter/Nyheter/Nyhetsarkiv/INBJUDANTILLPRESSKONFERENS/ http://www.speedwaynyheter.se/smederna/live-2014-speedway-best-pairs-press-conference-for-final-round/ Also Russia have announced their three riders: Grigorij Laguta, Artem Laguta and Emil Sajfutdinov. http://www1.idrottonline.se/SmedernaSpeedwayforening-MotorcykelochSnoskoter/Nyheter/Nyhetsarkiv/GrigorijLagutakorSpeedwayBestPairs/
  6. Sebastian Aldén have announced today that he have decided to retire from speedway. http://www.speedwaynyheter.se/hammarby/alden-lagger-slapskon-pa-hyllan/
  7. IMO this has nothing to do with employment laws since the riders who ride in the SGP are not employed by FIM (or BSI), The riders are self-employed freelancers/consultants, so the law in question should rather be the Swizz/European Union competition/antitrust law http://ec.europa.eu/competition/antitrust/legislation/legislation.html . Read this post again: http://www.speedway-forum.co.uk/forums/index.php?showtopic=75712&page=2&do=findComment&comment=2407263 It is a very similar case where ban such as those FIM insist on having were deemed to violate non-competitive laws,
  8. Latvia have announced their lineup: Kjastas Puodzuks and Andrej Lebedev. https://twitter.com/speedwaystarmag/status/437908528179576832
  9. Apparently the Polish team will be Tomasz Gollob and Adrian Miedzinski with Patryk Dudek as a reserve. http://www.smederna.nu/?page=news&newsid=2880 Danmark brings in Nicki Pedersen and Niels-Kristian Iversen, Michael Jepsen Jensen is reserve. http://www.smederna.nu/?page=news&newsid=2877 Australia will go with Chris Holder and Darcy Ward. Reserve is tba, http://www.smederna.nu/?page=news&newsid=2875
  10. Parabola antennas are expensive and if you live in an apartment you may not be allowed to put up one on the façade of the building.
  11. From Dave's twitter: https://twitter.com/MidSportsMedia/status/436141138978668544 Here is another tweet from Dave that confirms that Premier sports will not show any speedway this season:
  12. The EL runs from March to October/November, on basically everyday of the week except Tuesdays and Sundays. You complain that the SEC intrudes on the EL but you fail to realize that the EL intrudes on both the Polish leagues and the Swedish Elitserien and if a meeting in those league have to be postponed it's very difficult to find new date because all potential dates are already occupied by the EL and now you complain that other series is doing the same to your league. It's time you stopped using the SEC/SGP as an excuse for the poor state of the EL when you know inside that the true reason is poor management and an excessive amount of fixtures. I see no problem with two competing championship series and if there is only room for one well let the best series win. The question still stands why FIm/BSI/British fans that, according to you, never cared about the SEC before suddenly have become so upset about the SEC? Why have FIM suddenly become so upset about that they decided to ban riders from riding in events sanctioned by FIm-Eur? What does FIM think that they can gain from these sanctions? BSI and FIM have caused a split in the speedway world and they only have themselves to blame.
  13. But it is the British fans who complains that the SEC is a threat to their league because according to your opinion SEC blocks the EL from using weekend fixtures.
  14. No less the BSI who one hardly can say are doing anything for the best of the sport but rather for their own commercial interest just like OneSport. One thing that OneSport is doing better is Tv-coverge by having Eurosport onboard (Available in 59 countries and 20+ languages) rather having different broadcasters and broadcasting rights for each country. That goes especially for the Brits in this forum aswell. You are not less biased then the Polish members. In fact you whine just as much as they do, if not more. I also don't think that there's any merit to the constant OneSport saw a potential in the SEC and went for it and I can't see anything wrong with that and I don't why BSI's bussiness should be protected from competition especially since EU-laws in general don't like monopolies. What the FIM is trying to do is to prevent competition and while I am no legal expert I am pretty sure that the current EU-laws does not allow prevention of competition. Obviously an employer can prevent their employees from working for someone else, however in this case the riders are not employed by FIM, the riders are simply self-employed consultants which can seek work at whoever they wish.whenever they wish. So stop using the SEC as an excuse for the state of the EL and as far as your weekend fixtures go, it's about time that you decided upon two adjacent weekdays (such as mon+tue* or wed+thu) and sticked to those it would be better for the league and better for the riders). *Obviously Sweden have their fixtures for Elitserien on Tuesdays but I don't think there would be any problem to move them to Wednesdays which would mean Elitserien Wednesdays and Allsvenskan Thursdays. rmc, riders left because there are too many meetings.
  15. The only thing I have found regarding Emil is this: http://www.espeedway.pl/info,info,1.html
  16. I made a brief summary regarding a very similar case in Sweden in this post: http://www.speedway-forum.co.uk/forums/index.php?showtopic=75712&p=2407263
  17. Initially in Sweden this was a case between SBF (Swedish car sports federation) and an alternative new motorsport federation called Motorsportalliansen (MA). The situation was the same, SBF considered themselves to have the right to implement loyalty clauses that would mean a ban on drivers and staff from entering events organized by other competing Swedish motorsport federations such as MA and a very heavy fine if they still would ignore the ban. This was brought to court by SBF and marknadsdomstolen (MD). SBF wanted MD to get an advance ruling from the EU-court in Brussels which MD agreed on since they considered it their obligation as last instance to get such a ruling from the EU-court if there were questions regarding the EU-rules for such matters if they could be decided by guidance of principles that had been set as praxis. The ruling was that even if some of the claims from SBF that they provided sports for all, that they supported child and youth sport, that SBF made sure that competition was held under equal and fair forms wouldn't be helped by the ban asked by SBF. MD considered that even if these claims were legitimate, a test was needed to determine if the rules that SBF wanted to use, was necessary and proportional to fulfil the purposes mentioned above (aka the claims). MD found that even if the rules/loyalty clauses that SBF wanted to use could be considered to have a good purpose, MD ruled that total ban would to be to go to far and the purposes that SBF claimed that SBF needed the rules (ban) for could not justify the competition preventing rules. MD also found/ruled that neither could SBF rules be considered to be justified by the exception in the 2 chapter § 2 in KL (konkurrenslagen (KL) / antitrust law) and article 101.3 FEU (not sure what that is), The SBF rules could also not be justified by chapter 1, § 2 in KL which relegates agreements between employers and employees. Since MD is the highest instance for these types of matters this ruling could not be appealed further. For the latest part regarding employers and employees, I would assume that it means that drivers (riders) should be considered as self-employed freelancers that can work for anyone anywhere at anytime. The FIM hires them for the SGPs but that does not means that they have exclusive right to the riders and these are free to take up other offers on work when/where/however they like without anyone give them bans or fines for doings o. As I said and as it says, this ruling was based on the laws of the Europeans Union and an advanced ruling from the EU-court. You can read the ruling here: http://www.notisum.se/rnp/domar/md/MD012016.htm http://www.marknadsdomstolen.se/Filer/Avg%C3%B6randen/Dom2012-16.pdf A couple of articles: http://www.delphi.se/$-1/file/nyhetsbrev/svenska-artiklar/1303-eklundlundgrennielsen-konkurrensrattsliga.pdf http://www.svd.se/sport/privat-bilsportforbund-fick-ratt_7770950.svd http://rod.se/marknadsdom-hot-mot-den-ideella-sektorn http://www.kkv.se/t/Page____7981.aspx http://www.bilsport.se/artikel/motorsporten-riskerarfalla-samman-efter-dom/
  18. You have said this before but I find it very hard to believe (not your fault though as I assume that it is what they tell you) since it only seems to have arisen as a concern after last year's successful European Championship. The EC is not a new competition so why suddenly has the riders doing both SGP and EC become a problem for FIM? Look at Rally cross, they have a WC, a EC and national championships. Although to my knowledge no driver is doing both series (too much costs I would assume) if a couple drivers would want to do both, I don't think the FIA would have anything against it.
  19. I can't see any other way out then that FIm and their actions will be taken to court where they most likely will loose. As far as Europe and the EU goes FIm cannot ban riders from participating in events of competing Federations. We have/had a similar situation in Sweden where Swedish federation SVEMO tried to block riders with a Svemo license from participating in events organized by Swedish Folk speedway/Swedish Motorsport alliance. This was taken to Swedish court were it was deemed to violate the rules of free movement of goods and services within the European Union. So I can't see how this could be anything different. And it will also be interesting to see what happens if the riders start to violate this, Are they really going to ban riders like Woffinden, Hampel, Pedersen, Iversen, Jonsson if they would ride in i,e. best pairs event?
  20. The GP was pretty good for a temporary track and the arena was very nice. I have been to Stockholm many times and it is a very nice city. Some say it's expensive but it's not more expensive then you make it. The weather is like in Britain, a bit unreliable and it's hard to know until a week or so in advance whether it will be good or bad. I really hope that the Stockholm Grand Prix will get a summer position for 2015 but I don't think it's likely as long as there is two GPs in Sweden.
  21. Its a long story but basically clubs wanted more influence. Agreement was reached with Svemo an the clubs initiative to start the joint organization SSI and when it launched clubs backed out from their part of the financing, leaving Svemo with all the costs which was covered by parts of the tv-deal money. http://translate.google.com/translate?sl=sv&tl=en&js=n&prev=_t&hl=sv&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.svemo.se%2FForbundsinformation%2FNyheter%2FNyttTV-avtalforElitserieniSpeedway%2F http://www.svemo.se/Forbundsinformation/Nyheter/NyttTV-avtalforElitserieniSpeedway/ http://www.svemo.se/ImageVaultFiles/id_6502/cf_44/Styrelsen_protokoll_extra_insatt_m-te_2012-05-30.PDF
  22. it is a correct assumption that the attendance is not enough to finance any of the teams. However Vetlanda have a big title sponsor which puts allot of money into Vetlanda. The latest TV-deal did not bring that much money to the teams but they only have themselves to blame for that.
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