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Everything posted by Ghostwalker

  1. Results from Eskilstuna 80cc team cup day 2: Lineups for tomorrow's pre-season meeting between Indianerna and Smederna: Indianerna: Piotr Swiderski, Antonio Lindbäck, Piotr Protasiewicz, Cameron Woodward, Fredrik Lindgren, Mikael Max, Joel Andersson, Freddy Godlund. Smederna: Peter Karlsson Linus Eklöf Mikkel Michelsen Magnus Zetterström Grzegorz Zengota Oliver Berntzon Daniel Henderson
  2. Nope, they intended to do that but it would violate European labour laws which grants free movement for EU citizens within the European union, which means it is illegal and therefore they cannot make such decisions.
  3. Results from day 1 of Eskilstuna lag cup (80cc): http://www1.idrottonline.se/SmedernaSpeedwayforening-MotorcykelochSnoskoter/Nyheter/Nyhetsarkiv/ResultatEskilstunaLagcupdag1/
  4. Smolinski has some sort of controlled ignition available (and not disallowed) in NZ but did not use it and his bike were checked and nothing compromising was found. It was a loop hole that the FIM have fixed now by banning controlled ignition. No I meant for the entire season, a bit to early to jump the conclusions for the entire season already.
  5. Perhaps a bit too early to judge him? Besides looking back the past 10 years or so, it haven't been many cases of the defending champion winning the title again.
  6. No there weren't really much of a winter this time. and the weather was much warmer the normal and the past week has been warm and sunny. Southern Sweden already have summer, several weeks early.
  7. There will be a pre-season "friendly" meeting between Indianerna and Smederna on Tuesday next week. The meeting is held at Indianerna's track Sannahed in Sannahed, Kumla. Lineup: Smederna: 1. Peter Karlsson 2. Linus Eklöf 3. Mikkel Michelsen 4. Magnus Zetterström 5. Grzegorz Zengota 6. Oliver Berntzon 7. Daniel Henderson For Smederna, Laguta is doing rehab, while Kenni, Gzregorz and Kjastas have meetings elsewhere.
  8. Draw will be made at 16.00 local time which is just a few minutes away. will be available at http://speedwaygp.com/draw/86
  9. The following Swedish riders have been nominated for the qualification to next years SEC: Daniel Nermark (Krsko, Slovenia) Dennis Andersson (Daugavpils, Latvia) Jonas Davidsson (Zarnovica, Slovakia) http://www.svemo.se/sv/Grenar/Speedway/Nyheter/NomineringartillVMEMKval/
  10. Not stories, official decision from FIM about controlled ignition, which apparently was not against the rules (although most likely a loophole?). However the FIM have updated the technical regulations so that such controlled ignition systems is no longer allowed. http://www.speedwaybestpairs.com/eng/news__116
  11. Yeah the track is 80cc only, at the moment there is no plans to build a 500cc track as well since it's too expensive to build it and because is probably isn't economically possible to support a 500cc team at Gotland. I had a look around on their website but there aren't much info or pictures so don't know the actual status of the track. From what I have understand the club's members/volunteers have done almost all work themselves during the build process to keep the cost down. --- On a different matter: an interview with Anders Mellgren. http://www.speedwaynyheter.se/elitserien/anders-mellgren-jag-siktar-pa-en-comeback-i-ar/
  12. Well perhaps a bit to fast? According to Norrtälje Tidning, the previous statement was "mis-interpreted". and the clubs previous demands still applies and no negotiation are taking place. http://norrteljetidning.se/sport/1.2464044-ingen-losning-i-tv-braket
  13. As expected the clubs have backed off from their threat to stop C more from broadcasting from this years Elitserien. http://www.expressen.se/sport/motor/klubbarna-backar---stoppar-inte-c-more/
  14. With the start of the season still almost two weeks away, I think we could enjoy some sweet memories from last season: This is heat 13 in the second leg of the QF between Smederna and Indianerna at Indianerna's track Sannahed just south of Kumla. This is probably one of the best heats in Elitserien last season so watch and enjoy speedway when speedway is at it's best. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BJqKINHD964&feature=player_detailpage#t=6094
  15. Mikkel Michelsen and Kenni Larsen will get my support.
  16. Don't worry, go ahead and post the scores, I have not followed it that much this year. It is more of a pre-season practice cup then a festival of speedway.
  17. Lindgren have expressed that he refused to ride for Sweden in National Team event due to Anders Fröjd being one of the NT-managers. Svemos decision can be found here: http://www.svemo.se/sv/Grenar/Speedway/Nyheter/BeslutomindragetStarttillstand/
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