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Everything posted by Ghostwalker

  1. You bet I am. Dackarna should be grateful that they only lost with 7 points, it should have been a bigger win for Smederna. Heat 1, Berntzon gates very good but Laguta gets on EF on the start line. Berntzon wins the heat easily. Heat 5 Berntzon and Zengota 5-1 half way through the first bend, Zengota then get a huge lift and ends up in the airfence. He's ok but heat was stopped. Zengota excluded. Heat restarted. Berntzon makes a very poor gate but eventually works his way passed Aspegren and the gets side by side with Dennis Andersson going out of the second bend on lap 3 but Berntzon gets a huge lift and falls. Heat stopped and awarded 5-0 to Dackarna. Heat 6, PK and Zorro have a 5-1 going out of the first bend but PK hits the same hole as Zengota and it lifts off, PK falls, gets up but cannot continue but heat does not have to be stopped. Kylmäkorpi passes Zorro on third lap since Zorro went a bit wide. After this heat Smederna was down with 5p and I thought that we'll never manage to get back from this. Heat 10, Laguta is misses the gating completely but at the end of the first lap he passes both Dackarna riders on the inside in the second bend. Smederna was 1p up until after heat 13 where Loktaev shined again and together with Dudek scored a 4-2. Dackarna 1p up with two heats to go. Heat 14, Kenni is like lightning from the tapes, Laguta is his usual self, misses the start completely, is half a mile behind when the reach the first bend but still shows what a superb rider he is and first passes MJJ and then passes Nicki as well. 5-1 Smederna and it's looking good for heat 15. Heat 15, Kenni repeats his act from heat 14 and makes a lightning fast gating. Laguta actually realizes that it is much easier to win if he makes a good gate so he made an even better then Kenni this time and Kenni and Laguta can easily ride a second straight 5-1 to secure a Smederna win.
  2. This Wednesday yes, May 28th. Darcy is put at nr 2 which indicates that Rosén might take Darcy's place, but the question is why Darcy Was registered in the first place then.
  3. Lineups for the re-run of the postponed meeting between Västervik and Piraterna on Wednesday. Västervik Peter Ljung Daniel Nermark Hans Andersen Rune Holta Troy Batchelor Davey Watt Mathias Thörnblom Piraterna Linus Sundström Darcy Ward Greg Hancock (K) Bjarne Pedersen Chris Holder Simon Gustafsson Fredrik Engman
  4. Preview for Swedish Elitserien 2014, Round 4. Elit Vetlanda – Piraterna #tv meeting Elit Vetlanda Leon Madsen Bartosz Zmarzlik Jaroslaw Hampel (K) Thomas H Jonasson Tai Woffinden Jacob Thorssell Magnus Karlsson Piraterna Greg Hancock (K) Linus Sundström Darcy Ward Bjarne Pedersen Chris Holder Simon Gustafsson Fredrik Engman race card: http://www.mediafire.com/view/3z5j5ylr422tq16/ES.2014.R4.ElitVetlanda-Piraterna.pdf This weeks tv-meeting (not live on Eurorsport this week due to the French Open in tennis). Elit Vetlanda have started the season with two losses and one win. For this week's meeting Fredrik Staf and Bosse Wirebrand, team managers for Elit Vetlanda, have decided to give Bartosz Zmarzlik the chance at Emil Sajfutdinov's Expense. For Piraterna, Anton Rosén is rested today due to another concussion, Bjarne Pedersen takes his place. Piraterna have a very good team but Elit Vetlanda are very hard to beat, especially when you have in mind that Vetlanda have the excellent gater Jarek Hampel in their team. So I would expect Vetlanda to have the advantage and to win this meeting. Vetlanda's track is quite infamous for it's lack of overtaking so don't expect anything like last weeks meeting. Vargarna – Indianerna Vargarna Martin Vaculik Tomas Gapinski Peter Kildemand Pontus Aspgren Adrian Miedzinski Ricky Kling Daniel Davidsson Billy Forsberg Indianerna Fredrik Lindgren Cameron Woodward Piotr Protasiewicz Piotr Swiderski Niels Kristian Iversen Freddy Godlund Joel Andersson Vargarna won their first meeting of the season, away against Piraterna but have now have two straight losses Vargarna makes one change compared to last week and that is that Billy Forsberg replaces Daniel Davidsson. It was last week that Vargarna announced that the former speedway rider from Norrköping would make a comeback after being away from speedway for almost 5 years. I think that this will be a very close meeting but that Indianerna eventually will win. Västervik – Rospiggarna Västervik Daniel Nermark Peter Ljung Hans Andersen Rune Holta Troy Batchelor Davey Watt Mathias Thörnblom Rospiggarna Andreas Jonsson Jonas Davidsson Mads Korneliussen Timo Lahti Chris Harris Grzegorz Walasek Kim Nilsson This is a very interesting meeting, Västervik are still without a victory so far and Rospiggarna (together with Dackarna are the only undefeated team so far). Västervik is suffering quite allot from Kasprzaks absence and I think they will loose this meeting too. Rospiggarna are really hot at the moment and they have a very strong reserve in Walasek. Ikaros Smederna – Dackarna Ikaros Smederna Grigorij Laguta Oliver Berntzon Peter Karlsson Magnus Zetterström Kenni Larsen Mikkel Michelsen Grzegorz Zengota Dackarna Patryk Dudek Joonas Kylmäkorpi Nicki Pedersen Robin Aspegren Michael Jepsen Jensen Dennis Andersson Alexandr Loktaev Another interesting meeting, Smederna won the first meeting at home against a quite week Västervik but then suffered narrow losses in the next two meetings. Smederna this time faces Dackarna who are in a very good form and will have to be considered favourites. Nicki and MJJ rode fantastically well at the Best Pairs event and will be tough not to crack. Smederna's riders have been a bit to inconsistent (except for Kenni Larsen and Oliver Berntzon) and they haven't managed to perfrom well all at once, which is needed to manage to beat the expected top teams. This time Oliver Berntzon and Magnus Zetterström are moved up to positions #2/#4 due to their good riding as reserves and Michelsen and Zengota is then moved in the other direction. It wil be interesting to see how well Oliver Berntzon can perform at the nr 2 position. I think, unfortunately, Dackarna looks a bit too strong, and I think they will win this meeting as well. Especially since Laguta's gating is far from excellent. Weather forecasts looks good with mostly sunny weather.
  5. Yeah I think it's time that you start try to convince your wife that you need to move across the Atlantic.
  6. Good evening all, when reading about streaming problems, I feel very fortunate to have a on official stream to rely on.
  7. you have more meetings per week then Sweden, Denmark and Poland. This means that a couple of days with rainy weather will affect allot more meetings compared to the main countries' leagues. You probably have rainier weather as well even though ut can be pretty rainy here as well. Naturally not having to worry about other track events/users makes it easier. As for Västervik last week it had been raining on/off for several days but it hadn't rained anything during the day of the meeting but about 2-3 hours before the start of the meeting itvstarted rain again. It only rained for an hour or so but it was enough to ruin parts of the second bend which had been turned into a ditch. Both teams agreed to cancel the meeting citing despite the people who already had paid entrance fees and despite that was a tv-meeting broadcasted all over Europe.
  8. Live results from tomorrows quali semi seems to be available here: http://online.speedwaylive.eu/mistrovstvi-evropy/jednotlivci/zarnovica/2014-05-24/
  9. Iris, to my knowledge there hasn't been any rules changes regarding minimum amount for neither Allsvenskan or Elitserien to this season. Or is is it something else you are thinking about.
  10. It is not an official Fim-championship but FIM's rules still apply. It the same thing as when you go and watch your local team which meetings are held in full compliance with FIM rules (or whatever the phrasing is), which means that even if it not is an event/championship organized/hosted by FIM, the rules issued by FIM are still valid for the meeting.
  11. Official attendance 2798. Way too low to be acceptable. I personally had expected twice as many.
  12. I don't exact temperature right now but i would guess around 20-23 C, but t was closer to 30 C during the afternoon. Currently they doing some repair work on the start tape mechanism. I am also sure that our good friend BrandonBee48 is enjoying the sunset.
  13. Bb, I dont the casual fans would know about the changes Biggest cheers during presentation was for PK, G Laguta and Nicki.
  14. Hey Bb, i am extremely disappointed with the attendance. Hardly over 3000, dunno where everyone is? Weather couldnt possible be better. Warm and sunny, perhaps people does not want to "waste" such a lovely evening on a speedway meeting?
  15. Iris, in Sweden is impossible for anyone to take over a club since it is mandatory by regulations that the parent sports association has to own at least 51% of the stocks in the Ltd company and the sports association themselves cannot be owned due to the nature of their structure.
  16. They should have used Kenni instead of MJJ or MBJ.
  17. I read in the newspaper this morning that Nicki Pedersen said that NKI have been rididng for 8 straight days, hat NKI needed a day off or something like that and that this was the only available day. In that case MJJ would be moved up and a new reserve would be brought in. A look at Iversen twitter seems to confirm that he is not riding tonightl.
  18. Don't worry, you won't miss anything of importance.
  19. No, each club and the Ltd that is owned by the clubs, have a board which is elected by the members/shareholders and each board have a chair-man/woman of the board. That person usually have the general responsibility for the club. Then most clubs have a sporting director and 1-2 team managers. The sporting director is usually one of the team managers. Each club usually have multiple teams, i.e. Smederna who have 1 Elitserien team (Ikaros Smederna), 1 DIv1 (3rd tier series) team (Smederna), 1 (mandatory) Elit B team (Smederna) and one 80cc team (Smederna ungdom). Smederna like most other clubs also have a speedway school (from age 5 and older). The clubs then have a joint organization which I don't remember the name of, then there is two additional separate organizations, one for Allsvenskan and one for Elitserien. The joint organization handles general matter for the sport while the separate organizations handles matters that only applies to that series. Matters like season fixtures, tv-money/broadcasting negotiations with Svemo and other additional rules (tilläggsregler) for that series. Svemo is the ruling federation but rules can both be decided about by Svemo and the teams but all rules have to be issued by Svemo in the annual seriereglerna (series rules). Svemo also administrates the sport regarding team licenses, rider licenses, referees, registering teams for leagues and riders for teams and etc. However from next season everything will be managed the by the clubs themselves (which will be like waiting for the inevitable disaster). See this post for more info; http://www.speedway-forum.co.uk/forums/index.php?showtopic=67537&page=47&do=findComment&comment=2451626 Regarding track ownerships it varies from one track to another, all tracks except one (Tallhult, Hagfors) is owned either by the club who use it (like G&B Arena in Målilla which is used by Dackarna) or by the city (Kommun) in which the track is located. All tracks except Gubbängen (used by Hammarby) are speedway exclusive tracks meaning speedway is the only or main purpose use. Despite all this extensive organisations and etc, there are only 88 licensed riders (87 until Billy Forsberg decided to do a comeback) and several riders have retired recently and there are also several riders (Pk, Zorro, Max) who are on the verge of retirement. Luckily there are a few young guns like Oliver Berntzon and Fredrik Engman who might have a good future. Iris, the answer to your question "Do the clubs work together or do they try to out fox each other" is both. But mainly clubs are very short time minded, they want rule changed that are good for them at the moment but not necessarily good for the sport in a long timer perspective. Like the average cap, some teams like Vetlanda and especially Dackarna have for many years wanted a much higher cap or no cap at all. Obviously since they have much stronger sponsoring then the other team, they want to be able to field a stronger team regardless if that would be negative for the sport in general in a long term perspective.
  20. Weather update, today was very very warm and sunny (around +25-27 °C around 80 °F) tomorrow will be the same with around +22 °C (72 °F) in the evening. I don't expect very good racing, they will probably water it as much as possible but it will be difficult when it is so warm and sunny. Then the sun doesn't set until 21:38. So hope for the best but don't expect anything like the meeting from Kumla earlier in this week. I haven't seen any mentions of how good/bad the ticket sales have gone so far but I would expect maybe 5000-7000 or something like that, it is very hard to know what to expect. The sunny weather hopefully brings an extra 1000 or so to the attendance. Some short fatcs about the track; opened in 2002. Length is 335, banking in first bend is 8%, banking in second bend is 4%. Start/finish line is quite early into the straight and gating is usually pretty even. Capacity: 10'000 is possible, over that will get it very crowded and during the latest 5 years have been some parking problems due some moron building a large go-cart track all over the that until then was a parking place. Attendance record: league meeting; 8353 Smederna vs. Masarna, July 1st 2003. play off: Smederna-Kaparna, 2003 final, 8626. Sep. 24th 2003. Grand Prix: not sure, mayne 10-11'000.
  21. point limit is 10.250 and is based on heat averages. You can find allot more info here: http://www.speedway-forum.co.uk/forums/index.php?showtopic=67537
  22. That is correct, or be to be precise, track name (and location) is Sannahed (just south of Kumla).
  23. "Larsen kunne ikke vinde alene for Munkebo". An article about Munkebo's loss against Slangerup. http://www.fyens.dk/Sport/Larsen-kunne-ikke-vinde-alene-for-Munkebo/artikel/2511053#sportfyn.dk
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