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Everything posted by Ghostwalker

  1. Good ol' Nicki with his trusted fan: http://instagram.com/p/prS9a5I_IE/#
  2. It would have been worse since I doubt that they have fish n' chips at speedway tracks in Denmark.
  3. That won't happen as Sebastian Ulamek have signed with Valsarna. http://www.vf.se/sport/speedway/ulamek-atervander-till-valsarna
  4. Lineups for tonight's meeting between Rospiggarna and Smederna; Rospiggarna 1. Andreas Jonsson 2. Jonas Davidsson 3. Mads Korneliussen 4. Timo Lahti 5. Andzejs Lebedevs 6. Chris Harris 7. Kim Nilsson Ikaros Smederna 1. Oliver Berntzon 2. Grigorij Laguta R/R 3. Kenni Larsen 4. Grzegorz Zengota 5. Peter Karlsson 6. Linus Eklöf 7. Magnus Zetterström
  5. Rune Holta who have been sacked by Västervik told reporters that he have signed with a new team in Sweden, it is speculated that he will return to Valsarna where he started his Swedish career almost 20 years ago.
  6. This track much longer though, PB is 335m IIRC while Sannahed is 375m. Sannahed is definitely the best track in Sweden with Målilla and Motala as nr 2 and 3. Next week won't be as good as tonight though since Smederna have had a bit of a problem the past couple of years to get their track in order.
  7. Current standings: Elit Vetlanda 7 5 0 2 1 344 - 286 11 Vargarna 8 4 0 4 1 370 - 347 9 Rospiggarna 7 4 1 2 0 316 - 313 9 Ikaros Smed. 7 4 0 3 1 314 - 315 9 Dackarna 7 4 0 3 0 296 - 330 8 Piraterna 8 3 1 4 0 353 - 367 7 Indianerna 7 3 0 4 0 330 - 299 6 Västervik 7 1 0 6 0 282 - 348 2
  8. Västervik have confirmed that the new riders who replaces the three sacked riders are Premyslaw Pawlicki, Tomasz Jedrzejak and Tobias Musielak.
  9. sunrise is 03.45 and sunset is 22:17 at Sannahed today.
  10. pepe red gate 1, NKI Blue gate 3 Nicki white gate 2, Buczek yellow gate 4.
  11. Heat 14 another superb heat with fantastic fighting between Iversen and Nicki.
  12. Poland and Denmark have many good riders, they could probably fill two teams each with good riders. Yeah I think so too. Smederna have won!!!!! Superb permanence by Smederna tonight. I will take full credit due to my complaint in the beginning. That turned it around.
  13. Smederna's Oliver Berntzon makes his première as a heat leader in Elitserien tonight and has scored 9p (1,2,3,3) so far. http://ta.svemo.se/Public/Pages/Competition/DrivingSchedule/CompetitionLiveResult.aspx?Branch=Speedway&Columns=CompetitionInfo,Branch,Name,Arena,Organizer,FromDateShort&Datefilter=Today&pagesize=10&CompetitionId=3356&ShowAll=true
  14. Nope he is listed with Rospiggarna and unless he gets long term injured they can't replace him.
  15. Well Pepe is his nickname so that is a wise move by Sam.
  16. I listened the latest episode of Metanol speedway podcast, referee Krister Gardell was a guest and said the referees prefer not to award race especially if the positions are fairly close. If the positions are very clear the race can be awarded but as he said if they are not ref's usually don't award races. Just announced that next week's televised meeting is Smederna - Vetlanda. Heat 7 what a race.
  17. Kim Nilsson sets a new track record in Vetlanda. New record is 62,4 seconds.
  18. Great heat 3. Smederna seems to be heading towards another big loss, I think we need to have a replacement for Laguta asap.
  19. Loktaev is injured but Dackarna new that he wouldn't be available due to Russian championship semi-final being held today according to Dackarna website. http://www.dackarna.nu/sv/nyheter/nyheter/e/4876/ingen-loktaev-pa-mandag-och-tisdag/ http://www.dackarna.nu/sv/nyheter/nyheter/e/4879/preliminara-laguppstallningar-till-tisdagens-bortamatch-mot-indianerna/
  20. If you look at the floating averages in last weeks's lineup; http://www.mediafire.com/view/s0k2m3g68aui92q/ES.2014.R7.Vargarna-IkarosSmederna.pdf Only Kildemand and Vaculik had a higher floating average is higher then Aspgren's floating average.
  21. Krompa no the team manager cannot choose any rider. It is all riders with a lower floating average+the rider which is the rider with the closest higher average, Tonight Ricky Kling, Billy Forsberg and Tomasz Gapinski can take the R/R heats. I also checked last weeks meeting's score and Miedzinski did not take a R/R heat. http://ta.svemo.se/Public/Pages/Competition/DrivingSchedule/CompetitionHeatSchema.aspx?Branch=Speedway&Season=2014&Serie=Elitserien&Resultfilter=APPROVED&Columns=FromDateShort,Name,HeatSchema,HeatResult&pagesize=20&CompetitionId=3353
  22. Holta is also sacked by Västervik. http://www.speedwaynyheter.se/vastervik/aven-holta-uppsatt-i-transferfonstret1/
  23. Tomorrow at 18.00 BST / 19.00 CEST, Swedish Elitserien round 8, Indianerna vs. Dackarna live at Eurosport 2. Preview and discussion thread here: http://www.speedway-forum.co.uk/forums/index.php?showtopic=76882
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