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Everything posted by Ghostwalker

  1. FIm statement: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BwIHeUICIAAk3zE.jpg:large
  2. Kildemand have been much better the MJJ this season so he deserves it more the MJJ.
  3. 30 days? And Kennett got 6 months for the, in relation, petty crime of tampering with a silencer. Disgusting that Darcy once more will get away with it way to lightly. Surely a 12 month ban would be the most appropriate?
  4. It's unfortunate but quite difficult to solve for Swedish clubs since they no matter when they re-schedule it, it will clash with another league. Mon-England, Wed-England/Denmark, Thu-England/Allsvenskan, weekends-SGP/SEC/England/Poland.
  5. Backup day in case final 1 or 2 have to be postponed. Also September only have 30 days.
  6. Antonio Lindbäck won Avesta MASters 2014, Jakub Jamrog 2nd, Fredrik Engman 3rd and Dennis Jonsson.4th More info at Masarna's facebook page and at Speedwaynyheter: https://www.facebook.com/masarna http://www.speedwaynyheter.se/masarna/lindback-vinnare-av-avesta-masters/
  7. http://instagram.com/p/sNfyTUo_Iu/ https://twitter.com/dmu_sport/status/504689219575758848
  8. Terenzano is approx 30km north of the Aegean coast so I would guess that the hotel was actually at the beach and that the idea was that you only went to Terenzano for the GP and then returned to the town/city at the coast where your hotel was located. https://www.google.com/maps/dir/Via+Giacomo+Leopardi,+2,+33050+Pozzuolo+del+Friuli+UD,+Italien/45.7690572,13.1681969/@45.876028,13.1718939,11z/data=!4m9!4m8!1m5!1m1!1s0x477bb5920674418f:0xa511901fe84b13dc!2m2!1d13.2280438!2d46.0017602!1m0!3e0
  9. I just read that Peter Kildemand will be awarded with the wild card for Vojens GP. https://twitter.com/KarstenSrensen1/status/504575521225986048
  10. Sure he has. Drink and drive is not legal. He was above the legal limit 0,2 promille so he do have done something illegal.
  11. MJJ says that Coventry have not approved it but that he will ride for Dackarna on Monday. I would assume that play offs take precedence over a regular league meeting? http://www.nt.se/sport/installt-det-tackar-dackarna-for-10094581.aspx
  12. Dackarna-Indianerna are confirmed for Monday. http://indianerna.nu/nyhet.php?id=3227 not sure about the return but I don't understand why they would have in on Wednesday.
  13. Smederna were truly awful tonight. PK and Pawel P rode like newbies. Track was very heavy and Smederna did hardly win a start. Dackarna-Indianerna will be on Monday and the Indianerna - Dackarna on Wednesday apparently. For anyone complaining about ESP not showing well, you didn't miss anything.
  14. Dont think will win this. Neither meeting or qf. Kenni and Laguta the only ones doing good so far for Smederna.. As usual home team is disadvantaged after a post-rain graded track.
  15. Crowd is quite small, maybe 2500. It has rained some during the afternoon which probably have scared off a thousand or so. Add last weeks aborted meeting that...
  16. Another 10-15 min till start here but the sun is shining though. The other qf is postponed. It have to be re-run this week.
  17. Track prep in progress in Eskilstuna, we're maybe 15 min away from heat 1 at the moment.
  18. Sure I agree but from ESP point of view; live tennis gives more viewers then speedway -> better commercial conditions -> sell adverts to a higher price -> more income to Eurosport.
  19. They haven't dropped it, it's the US open in tennis which takes precedence over Swedish speedway.
  20. It seems that Davey Watt also suddenly is a Poole Pirates rider rather then riding for his Polish team which have a meeting that day. A meeting that was postponed and moved to this Sunday due to bad weather. https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=pl&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=sv&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.sportowefakty.pl%2Fzuzel%2F463165%2Fworld-speedway-league-klopotem-dla-koziolkow-kmz-lublin-mocno-oslabiony-w-rzeszo&edit-text= So half of Poole's team consist of non-Poole riders?
  21. How is this possible? How many years since Emil last raced for Poole and how many meetings did he do? Emil is not part of their squad this season so why is Poole allowed to use him? Does this mean that any of the teams are allowed to use any rider that has ridden for them anytime the past 5 years? Anyhow this just shows the pointlessness of this whole idea if the teams can bring in any rider they like.
  22. Not yet. The forecasts looked good a couple of days ago but as always it's Tuesday and it's raining. There is a large area with rain over Bottenhavet (Bothnian Sea) in a worst case scenario it will affect Smederna-Rospiggarna and possible also the second meeting. http://www.smhi.se/vadret/nederbord-molnighet/radar-blixt-sverige
  23. The background picture, which track is that and how long is it? 350m?
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