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Everything posted by Ghostwalker

  1. There have been a short delay since they had to wait for the ambulance top arrive but now we're good to go.
  2. Also Grogorij Laguta signed for another year with Smederna. Kenni Larsen have expressed his wish to stay and so have Zengota. Peter "PK" Karlsson says that if he decides to do another season he will stay with Smederna. Przedpelski and Magnus "Zorro" Zetterström already have contracts for next season. I think Oliver Berntzon won't decide until he know if Lejonen will be in Allsvenskan or Elitserien next season. No info available for Eklöf or Michelsen.
  3. 2014-09-16 Semifinal 1-2 Elit Vetlanda - Rospiggarna 2014-09-17 Semifinal 2-2 Indianerna - Piraterna
  4. Hotel suggestions: http://sv.hotels.com/hotel/details.html?pa=24&pn=1&ps=24&tab=description&destinationId=1270279&searchDestination=Stockholm&hotelId=267040&arrivalDate=27-9-2014&departureDate=28-9-2014&children[0]=1&rooms[0].childrenAges[0]=13&rooms[0].numberOfAdults=1&roomno=1&validate=false&previousDateful=false&reviewOrder=date_newest_first Lileholmens stadshotell: http://sv.hotels.com/hotel/details.html?pa=26&pn=1&ps=26&tab=description&destinationId=1270279&searchDestination=Stockholm&hotelId=352007&arrivalDate=27-9-2014&departureDate=28-9-2014&children[0]=1&rooms[0].childrenAges[0]=13&rooms[0].numberOfAdults=1&roomno=1&validate=false&previousDateful=false&reviewOrder=date_newest_first HTL Kungsgatan. http://sv.hotels.com/hotel/details.html?pa=5&pn=1&ps=5&tab=description&destinationId=1270279&searchDestination=Stockholm&hotelId=453994&arrivalDate=27-9-2014&departureDate=28-9-2014&children[0]=1&rooms[0].childrenAges[0]=13&rooms[0].numberOfAdults=1&roomno=1&validate=false&previousDateful=false&reviewOrder=date_newest_first Omena Hotel:http://sv.hotels.com/hotel/details.html?pa=10&pn=1&ps=10&tab=description&destinationId=1270279&searchDestination=Stockholm&hotelId=425074&arrivalDate=27-9-2014&departureDate=28-9-2014&children[0]=1&rooms[0].childrenAges[0]=13&rooms[0].numberOfAdults=1&roomno=1&validate=false&previousDateful=false&reviewOrder=date_newest_first SAS seems to have reasonably priced tickets from LHR to Arlanda: http://www.flysas.com/en/uk/#pos=UK&org=LHR&out=20140912&dest=ARN&return=20140928&oneway=false&view=calendar&adt=1&chd=1&inf=0
  5. Where in GB do you live? What are your budget for flights and hotels? There are several airlines flying from various cities in GB, IIRC; SAS, BA from LHR to Arlanda. Norwergian from LGW to Arlanda. Ryanair from STN to Västerås or Nyköping (both about 100km from Stockholm) SAS also flies direct from: Edinburgh, Manchester, Bristol (summers only) & Birmingham to Arlanda,
  6. Grogorij Laguta re-signs with Smederna for 2015! http://www.speedwaynyheter.se/elitserien/stjarnforaren-forlanger-med-ikaros-smederna/
  7. Vetlanda chooses Rospiggarna and they'll start with the away meeting on Tuesday. Which means that Piraterna gets Indianerna. Piraterna chooses to start at home on Tuesday. Tuesday's main focus meeting will be Piraterna-Indianerna.
  8. Piotr Protasiewicz have signed for another two seasons with Indianerna. https://twitter.com/Indianernakumla/status/506879639609180161
  9. Both semis are over already. Rospiggarna will win over Smederna and Indianerna have made short work of Dackarna so far.
  10. live scores: Indianerna-Dackarna: http://ta.svemo.se/Public/Pages/Competition/DrivingSchedule/CompetitionLiveResult.aspx?Branch=Speedway&Columns=CompetitionInfo,Branch,Name,Arena,Organizer,FromDateShort&Datefilter=Today&pagesize=10&CompetitionId=4121&ShowAll=true Rospiggarna-Ikaros Smederna; http://ta.svemo.se/Public/Pages/Competition/DrivingSchedule/CompetitionLiveResult.aspx?Branch=Speedway&Columns=CompetitionInfo,Branch,Name,Arena,Organizer,FromDateShort&Datefilter=Today&pagesize=10&CompetitionId=4120&ShowAll=true There is also live radio : http://sverigesradio.se/sida/extrasandningar.aspx
  11. I think Freddie only have done the qualifiers once which saw him qualify from it. He have also been top 8 once.
  12. Piotr Pawlicki replaces Greg Hancock for Piraterna. I find this a bit confusing since it is not allowed to replaces riders who are expected to be out for less then 28 days. http://www.mvt.se/sport/speedway/?articleid=10116721
  13. Why? Surely the engine model was used before the arrival of the new silencers? Also a silencer is obvioulsy a much simpler thing to construct then a speedway engine.
  14. FSP as for the packing, if I remember it correctly FIA claimed that the packing lost effect over time and that each silencer had to be able to be fully working for 5 years so all silencers have to 100% mechanical to be approved. To bad since the previous (they have made a new mechanical one now) Beco silencer received allot of praise from the riders (including Jarek Hampel and Janusz Kolodziej) who tested it. Bikes were much easier to ride since the engine didn't loose as much torque/power as the current silencers do. http://www.espeedway.pl/news,kolodziej_i_hampel_po_testach_szwedzkiego_tlumika,64463,2.html http://www.gloswielkopolski.pl/artykul/975854,zuzel-problemy-z-tlumikami-dobiegaja-konca,id,t.html?cookie=1 Also Mikael Max says that he like the BECO silencer: http://mikaelmax.blogspot.se/2013/03/fick-brev-idag-fran-bertil-andersson.html http://mikaelmax.blogspot.se/2013/03/anders-kling-besokte-mig-idag-och-hade.html I also don't think anyone is blaming the silencer for all accidents/crashes but that many of the crashes where a rider looses control/gets front wheel lifts because the engine power is not sufficient to get the back wheel spinning. Surely today's engine type was used before the silencers where introduced? So the question is still why they impose silencers that does not work with the current engines? I also would like to correct myself the name of the BE part of BECO is Bertil Andersson.
  15. Why? Another option would be that FIM could actually allow silencers that works and that are not dangerous. Two Swedish Engineers Bengt Eriksson and Conny Samuelsson ("BECO") had constructed a silencers that was both fulfilling the dB limit but which also did not "strangle" the engine like the current silencers do. However FIM decided that it wasn't good because it contained packing.
  16. Definitely no wild card to Ward. If he want to be in the SGP he have to go through the qualifiers and earn his place. It's about time that he have to work for something rather then having it served to him on a silver plate. I also would prefer Przemyslaw Pawlicki over his brother.
  17. Indianerna-Dackarna are the main focus meeting tomorrow and shown on Cmore sport but the other meeting is also shown on Cmore extreme.
  18. Also Individual Swedish finals on Friday and Saturday live on Cmore. Rune Holta. Where have did he find that form?
  19. live results from tonight's meeting: http://ta.svemo.se/Public/Pages/Competition/DrivingSchedule/CompetitionLiveResult.aspx?Branch=Speedway&Columns=CompetitionInfo,Branch,Name,Arena,Organizer,FromDateShort&Datefilter=Today&pagesize=10&CompetitionId=4119 Apparently Swiderski will be at nr5 and Woodward at nr4. Also Cameron woodward had a delayed flight and he have not arrived yet.
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