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Everything posted by Ghostwalker

  1. No they won't. One meeting doesn't say anything since Harris had fluke for the second straight year. That is why the world championship is decided over a series and not one single meeting.
  2. The results speaks for them self. 40p from 10 rounds proves that he shouldn't be in the GP-series.
  3. Actually there are many members on BSF that aren't British so why should we have to support are British rider? Also it's not hate, just that some of us actually can see that the SGP is no place for Harris.
  4. Quite a big difference between Tai and Harris though. How many GP-season have Harris done? How many of those have Harris been anyway near top 8? He have 1 good season out of 7. Have he been doing better year by year? No on the contrary, he have one good year (finished 6th) the rest of the seasons he haven't even been top 10. What makes you think next season will be better? Or OK it couldn't possible be much worse then this season.
  5. Actually yes, it is time that he realizes that have no business being in the SGP. Look at the SGP standings, he has 40p from 10 rounds which 4p pon average from each GP, less then 1p per heat on average. Then he suddenly do a very good Gp-challenge beeting riders that he is nowhere near normally.
  6. I don't understand why he even bother, does he really like finishing last in the SGP that much?
  7. No stream, FIM-live are recording it but the FIM live channel is occupied by the Le Mans 24 hours for motorcycles.
  8. Current start list: http://www.fim-live.com/fileadmin/alfresco/Starting_List_-_501-06_-_Lonigo,_20.09.2014.pdf
  9. The reason to why they ban cars around Friends Arena is that there isn't anywhere to park in the area.
  10. No way, first of all he will hopefully be suspended, second of all h should be forced to qualify if he wants back in again. Why should Darcy have it served to him on a silver plate? I also depends on the qualifiers. Then I'd take Zmarzlik over MJJ/Kildemand any day of the week. Thirdly I really doubt that they would give three out of four wild cards to Danish riders.
  11. It seems that there are discussions to move future Stockholm GP from Friends arena to the other new built arena in Stockholm called Tele 2 arena. Which is located next to Johanneshovs isstadion and Stockholm Globe arena, just south of central Stockholm. http://www.svd.se/sport/lindblad-praktfiasko-for-utskallda-friends_3935986.svd Friends as an arena is very nice but a little too big/expensive and without proper infrastructure while is a bit smaller but with good infrastructure, subway station Globen is just a few min walk and there is plenty of parking facilities nearby. So we'll see what happens.
  12. Lejonen won Allsvenskan's final and have earned themselves the right to move up to Elitserien for next season. http://www.speedwaynyheter.se/lejonen/lejonen-klara-for-elitserien/ Västervik will announce on Monday if they will accept the offer on staying in Elitserien for next season. If they decline, Masarna will be offered that vacant position in Elitserien.
  13. Really great to see Emil being himself again, he had a very tough year last year with the illness and passing of his father, then the injury he suffered after being fenced by Miedzinski in the end of the season.
  14. It kinda reminds of Kumla three days ago, Kumla is also a long track. Best line was along the fence and Protasiewicz almost fenced himself in one heat.
  15. I would think so yes. Also a qyite small crowd which I would say proves that the claims that a SGP wild card to Gollob is warranted from a business point of view, doesn't hold up.
  16. The ESP coverage goes out over most parts of Europe* so I think the French or the Italians would understand even less. Danes and Norwegians probably understand quite much (more then what I understand from the interviews and commentary on Kanalsport's Danish league broadcasts) but DK and Nor have their own CMore versions which shows Swedish speedway. However I can agree that there are a bit too many breaks in league speedway in general which is something speedway clubs and other official organizers have to work on. *This is also why ESP sometimes have to show it delayed or cut off since there is simply many other things that also have to be squeezed into the schedule.
  17. So you are blaming Eurosport for not staying with the meeting? They waited for almost an hour but eventually had to stop since no one knew for how long the delay would last. Had the meeting resumed before 21.30 local time ESP would have stayed with it until the end. However the delayed could have lasted for hours so they can't wait "Indefinitely" for something that that might even be called off.
  18. The racing improved after the break so too bad you missed it, but I can understand that Eursoprt couldn't wait any longer, it took another 20-25 minutes from where ESP cut off until the racing resumed.
  19. Meeting have resumed and I think ESP will cut off after 10 heats. Vetlanda chooses to have the first final away at Kumla. so Tuesday September 30th Indianerna - Elit Vetlanda, Wednesday October 1st Elit Vetlanda - Indianerna.
  20. It is the 2nd leg of the semi final with Gorzow in Polish championship
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