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Everything posted by Ghostwalker

  1. Svemo's track racing section have decided that Hammarby will not be allowed in Allsvenskan in 2015. http://www.svemo.se/sv/Grenar/Speedway/Nyheter/Allsvenskan2015utanHammarbySpeedway/ http://www.speedwaynyheter.se/hammarby/inget-hammarby-i-allsvenskan-2015/
  2. No there will not be a GP in NZ next year. See this thread for next year's SGP-calendar: http://www.speedway-forum.co.uk/forums/index.php?showtopic=77087
  3. Smederna have signed three more riders; Linus Eklöf, Alexander Edberg and Daniel Henderson. http://www1.idrottonline.se/SmedernaSpeedwayforening-MotorcykelochSnoskoter/Nyheter/Nyhetsarkiv/TREESKILSTUNAKILLARKLARAFOR2015/
  4. I've been told that he is expected to require about 3 months to recover from his injuries. Obviously a very tough situation for him but on the other hand it could have been worse.
  5. I wrote a post about it in the old thread: http://www.speedway-forum.co.uk/forums/index.php?showtopic=75910&page=119&do=findComment&comment=2530757
  6. Rory Schlein have signed with Indianerna. http://www.speedwaynyheter.se/elitserien/schlein-klar-for-indianerna/
  7. I don't know. It has been very quiet so far with rumours in general and I haven't seen specific about Emil. However I think we can say that he won't be riding for any of Vetlanda, Lejonen, Indianerna and possibly Dackarna. That leaves Smederna, Piraterna and Rospiggarna. Emil have ridden for Piraterna a number of years ago but if I remember it correctly, he only rode a few meetings, then there were rumours about him and Piraterna's team manager Stefan Andersson not getting along. That leaves Smederna and Rospiggarna. Both teams could probably fit him in in their "1st" lineups. However would either of these team be interested in paying that quite hight salary that Emil most likely would ask for? I'd say that they probably wouldn't unless some big sponsor stepped in and offered to pay his salary. So I think there might be a possibility that we won't see Emil next year in Elitserien but again I don't know anything and it's hard to speculate when there is little or no info available. ------ Smederna have announced that they will present two new signings next week at a lunch meeting at Munktellmuseet for press and sponsors.
  8. Mads Korneliussen stays with Rospiggarna. http://norrteljetidning.se/sport/1.2686344-succedansken-klar-for-ny-sasong-i-rospiggarna
  9. Ok I get your point, however the article does say that Pawel will make his debut on a "stor hoj" on Thursday in Vladivostok,' which means that he will make his debute on 500cc in Vladisvotok on Thursday. Then my post also said that he just moved up on 500cc and that he was supposed to ride in a local event in Vladivostok. His participation was then confirmed by Arnieg.
  10. No need to guess ,he did and that wass what I wrote and that was what the fb-post said.
  11. According to Czech speedway, Abdrej has broken three vertebra: http://twitter.com/CzechSpeedway/status/523567674597855232 That tweet was posted about one hour later then the article on SF. *pt=previous tweet.
  12. I just read the tweet from Czech Speedway which says: https://twitter.com/CzechSpeedway/status/523457201722376192 Sounds horrible and I really hope that the suspicions are wrong.
  13. The same as Harris for a whole bunch of years, how many of you complained back then that he wasn't top 15 in the world? Besides how many of 2015's Gp riders are truly top 15 in the world and how do you decide which riders are top 15 in the world? Of next years 15 riders, I'd say nr 1-8+ Iversen. Batchelor isn't that much better if any better at all then THJ tbh.
  14. I heard about this new rider. His name is Pawel, ...Pawel Laguta, nephew of Grigorij and Artem. He is supposedly only 14 years old and have just moved up to 500cc and was supposed to have ridden in a local race at Vladivostok yesterday. https://sv-se.facebook.com/Ikaros.Smederna/posts/714276458665845
  15. Sure, I agree, however since it affects just them and for several years time, the explanation is likely to be something like what have been mention and not that they just have been late with the visa applications.
  16. I agree it is wrong (since he is suspended) but technically if it is a meeting that is held independently from FIM/PZM, there is nothing that can stop Dudek from riding. Basically this is Adam Skornicki renting/borrowing a track and invites a few friends to come and ride just for fun in this private event. It is the same situation as the Swedish "Folk speedway", they're are an independent organisation that is not affiliated with Svemo or FIM. This means that anyone (including you and me) can get ourselves a bike and turn up and ride with no license or anything like that required. I've tried speedway once in at a sponsors event, riding on 250cc biked at the 80cc track at Smedstadion. I have also driven a Volvo 940 rally car (on a enclosed, figure 8 track) without having neither drivers license or a rally license.
  17. Mikael Max have signed with Dackarna, http://www.dackarna.nu/sv/nyheter/nyheter/e/5082/mikael-max-atervander-till-dackarna/
  18. This have been discussed several times before (do a forum search for it) and it it has nothing to do with nationality itself but rather that a relative (either their father or uncle) of the Laguta brothers had done something criminal in the past and this means that the entire family is black listed in the UK.
  19. Old news. Check the 3rd last and last post in the previous page: http://www.speedway-forum.co.uk/forums/index.php?showtopic=67537&page=53 ...and yeah I know, I haven't updated the first page in while.
  20. Kylmäkorpi stays with Dackarna. http://www.speedwaynyheter.se/elitserien/kylmakorpi-forlanger-med-dackarna/
  21. OveFundinFan, Martin Vaculik is Slovakian and Matej Zagar is Slovenian.
  22. I'm pretty sure Kildemand is one then possibly either of Zmarzlik or Pawlickis and perhaps Smolinski?
  23. I think MJJ is a good choice and equally good as, but less reckless then, PK. MJJ have had a tough season this year with back injury and lack of form. He showed in Gorzow this year and at Vojens 2012, what he is capable off.
  24. Martin Vaculik to Rospiggarna. http://norrteljetidning.se/sport/1.2679452-ny-stjarna-till-rospiggarna
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