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Everything posted by Ghostwalker

  1. That was Esbjerg (if you're thinking about the rained of SGP qualies) although Vojens can be pretty bad as well.
  2. More turbulence in Swedish speedway. http://www.speedwaynyheter.se/elitserien/fortsatt-oroligt-inom-svensk-speedway-lejonen-vagrar-ga-med-i-ess/
  3. Sam, which riders turned it down? Pavlic and? Most other riders ahead of Harris was not asked so he did not qualify on merit for 2014.
  4. Nope. He was knocked out in the first round of the qualifiers, finished among the last and then got a charity pick since Zagar conveniently had pulled out.
  5. Grzegorz Walasek is the final rider in Rospiggarnas squad. http://norrteljetidning.se/sport/1.2728442-sista-foraren-klar-for-rospiggarna
  6. Darcy's Swedish team decided to include him in next year's team: http://www.speedway-forum.co.uk/forums/index.php?showtopic=67537&page=56&do=findComment&comment=2543359
  7. Piraterna have decided to include Darcy in the squad despite not knowing if he will be suspended or not. http://www.speedwaynyheter.se/piraterna/piraterna-chansar-med-ward/ It also seems that there is no transfer window next season they cannot replace him if he is given a further suspension.
  8. Stefan Svensson and Per-Anders Lindström have been seeded to the GP.challenge in St. Johann on January 17th. http://www.racemagazine.se/isracing/svenska-direktnominerade-till-gp-challenge
  9. I never said that he did, just that you and few more think he is. I just said that regardless how big a rider is, you cannot give him or her special treatment, the same rules applies to Darcy as anybody else. But you suggests that just because Darcy is a great talent he shouldn't be punished or punished more lightly.
  10. Speedway will do just fine without him, no rider is bigger then the sport. Neither FIM or Wada can or should put any consideration who he is or how big talent he is or is not. All that matters for them is that he is a speedway rider that have failed a breath test.
  11. Didn't Togliatti sign a 2 year contract as well? In that case we "know" all the venues.
  12. The Individual Swedish championship will be held in Hallstavik in 2015 during July 31st and August 1st. http://www.speedwaynyheter.se/rospiggarna/sm-arrangeras-i-hallstavik/
  13. Gnistorna have just announced their squad: https://sv-se.facebook.com/GnistornaSpeedway/photos/a.369709129804762.1073741825.315947791847563/654085404700465/?type=1
  14. Shaggie, regarding the airports. Okecie is the biggest and the primary airport serving Warzaw while the other is mostly used by Ryanair. Okecie is the closet to the city centre while Modlin is about 3 times as far away. So it sort of depends on what airline you want to go with, BA, LOT (Both fly from LHR) and Wizz Air (flies from Luton) flies to Okecie.
  15. Sportowefakty.pl http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=en&ie=UTF8&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=pl&tl=sv&u=http://www.sportowefakty.pl/zuzel/481539/ks-torun-kompletuje-sklad-mam-nadzieje-ze-ostatni-bedzie-chris-holder&usg=ALkJrhjO_L8zqXUxsFx9Pc5pWdtZ6qKxRw
  16. I agree, you can look at other sports mega stars, like Marion Jones in athletics and Lance Armstrong in cycling. Once there was enough evidence both were convicted and suspended despite that both probably were among the biggest names in their sports. It also shows that Wada cares even less about the "biggness" of the name.
  17. The Russian bullet, Viktor Kulakov have signed with Örnarna. http://www.speedwaynyheter.se/ornarna/kulakov-klar-for-ornarna/
  18. No it is about Darcy who again managed to screw up and this time he did not only violate civil laws he also violated FIM & Wadas anti-doping rules. So just like any other athlete who gets caught, Darcy should get a punishment for a doping offence. Normally such punishments are 2 year long. I can't see why Darcy should be treated differently? In Dudek's case there might have been evidence of some sort that indicated that his forbidden substance might have been from something that he ate. However Dudek still got a one year ban from all speedway plus an additional ban from national team (SWC, SGP, SEC & etc). In Ward's case Darcy purposely consumed the banned substances in such quantities that he should have realized that this would set him over the allowed limit.
  19. Nicki P have signed with Leszno: http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=pl&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.sportowefakty.pl%2Fzuzel%2F480994%2Fnicki-pedersen-zostaje-w-fogo-unii&sandbox=1
  20. More info here: http://speedwayeuro.com/news/n/423/sbpc-and-sec-in-torun-in-season-2015-.html
  21. https://twitter.com/JKonikiewicz/status/532470911556157440 "Janek Konikiewicz ‏@JKonikiewicz 2m2 minutes ago Today first dates and venues for SBPC and SEC 2015 will be unveiled @SpeedwayEuro . Stay tuned #speedway"
  22. Signed and confirmed now: https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=sv&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.sportowefakty.pl%2Fzuzel%2F480648%2Femil-sajfutdinow-uzgodnil-warunki-kontraktu-w-unii-leszno-co-z-nickim-pedersenem&edit-text=
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