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Everything posted by Ghostwalker

  1. Results Strömsund. 1. Frank Zorn 14+3+3, 2. Vitaly Khomitsevich 15+2+2, 3. Antonin Klatovsky 13+2+1, 4. Hans Weber 8+3+0 5. Daniel Henderson 11+1, 6. Mats Järf 10+1, 7. Niclas Kallin Svensson 9+0, 8. Rene Stellingwerf 8+0, 9. Jimmy Olsén 7, 10. Ove Ledström 5+3, 11. Max Niedermayer 5+2, 12. Charly Ebner 5+1, 13. Miroslav Daniszewski 4, 14. Jo Saetre 3, 15. Markus Birn 1, 16. Robert Henderson 1, 17. Mikael Flodin 0, 18. Janne Vilponen 0. http://www.racemagazine.se/isracing/tva-svenskar-vidare-i-vm-kvalet/ http://www.op.se/sport/motor/succe-for-isracingen-i-stromsund
  2. Petition? Why? What do you expect to achieve with it? Why should FIM care or even take notice of this petition? The FIM CDI is not a democracy where you can get to vote on things by launching petitions. Neither is it Idol where you can phone in to vote on your favourite to win. Darcy will be in a hearing where he will be requested to explain how he came to be over the allowed limit of alcohol. Patryk Dudek had a plausible explanation to why he had the forbidden substance in his system, James Stewart Jr had a plausible explanation to why he had amphetamine in his system. Both riders was sentenced to 12 and 16 months ban respectively. What is Darcy's explanation? That he received some bad news (which turned out to be untruthful)? That he had few drinks? How many is a few if he still was intoxicated the day after? ---- Regarding the "other" riders who also enjoys to drink the night before a meeting well, it's just as wrong as Darcy doing it but you need some evidence since, to our knowledge, nobody except Darcy have been caught. It also doesn't make Darcy's case any less severe, "others are doing it too" is not an argument. If you know who they are, well why not send a tip to Wada or FIM? vhttps://www.wada-ama.org/en/contact-us You would do the sport a big favour if you did.
  3. The Individual Swedish championship final in Uppsala have been cancelled. The organizer, Funbo MS, says that economic reasons are behind it and it is now known if another organizer is able to take it on. http://www.racemagazine.se/isracing/sm-finalen-i-uppsala-ar-installd/
  4. It seems that the GP-challenge might be shown on tv since a Spanish company have bought the rights to the GP-challenge (as well as the SGP and SWC). http://www.speedweek.com/eisspeedwaygp/news/69130/MotoGP-Gigant-Dorna-kauft-TV-Rechte-im-Bahnsport.html Hopefully Iris123 can give us a translation (i know of google translate but a manual translation is usually better),
  5. Spanish tv-sports agent Dona sports have bought the rights to the ice racing GP-series: http://www.speedweek.com/eisspeedwaygp/news/69130/MotoGP-Gigant-Dorna-kauft-TV-Rechte-im-Bahnsport.html
  6. Miedzinski have signed with Fjelsted. https://twitter.com/Morten_Svendsen/status/556051833572315136
  7. Sommelier, I think you are spot on with that Matt ford is a business man however unlike you I think this is part of the problem. Matt ford as business man wants to make money as possible and for him having Darcy in his team is good business. It makes the team successful which attracts crowd and sponsors. This means that Ford (and Neil M possibly) don't really want to "deal" with Darcy since that would be bad for business. As for the hearing dates, do we know if the claims from Darcy and his "camp" are correct and that FIM actually have postponed the dates several times? That it isn't something used by Darcy to get sympathy and FIM actually having set the date in late January from the beginning? As for the actual test result perhaps FIM doesn't want to reveal it until the hearing to avoid Darcy/his lawyers somehow trying to find an excuse to Darcy being over the limit? Personally I think that if there had been something wrong with the testing, it would have been discovered by the FIM's medical committee and then they would not have delegated it to the Disciplinary committee (CDI). I am not 100% sure but I think the process after a positive test is like this : Breathalyser test->report to local jury-> fines and ban from race issued-> report to FIM Medical committee->investigation of the case-> delegated to CDI if investigation finds test results accurate->CDI arranges a hearing->CDI decides on penalty after the hearing is complete.
  8. I posted a link to the case regarding a suspended MX rider a while ago and in that case it took about half a year as well from time of offense to the actual hearing but I don't know if he had his hearing postponed several times like Darcy.
  9. Well Sweden is the 7th best Country in the world in the combined Summer and Winter Olympic all time medals table. I think Fundin should have been on the list but in Sweden motorsport aren't really "acknowledged" by the wide general public and particular not by most sports journalists. Not that much domination, about 8 of the top 40 are some form of skier (cross country or alpine). I think the list is quite accurate but Zlatan is a bit too high up in the list.
  10. An article about Posa: http://www.expressen.se/sport/motor/svenska-ikonen-petad-fran-vm-ar-ett-han/
  11. I can feel sorry for Darcy in the way that his camp seems to be filled with "yaysayers" but nobody that can tell him when enough is enough and that is time to stop with the nonsense. Instead we see comments like "he's just a kid" or, "everyone made mistakes when they were young" or "it's the FIM's fault" and etc...
  12. No doubt just Darcy trying to find a loophole. Really I doubt that so please provide some evidence.
  13. Sure you are correct but fraud in that sense does not exist in the rules regarding illegal substances.It also says allot about the modern society were money crimes such as fraud or illegal downloading are seen as worse offences then physical crimes as assault, rape, dunk driving and etc Compare Patryk Dudek and Darcy Ward. It's no doubt that Ward is the one who made the most severe offence.
  14. I agree that there should be a difference between performance enhancing substances and stronger substance like alcohol. The difference is that the former is "just" cheating while the latter is blatantly (and possible lethally) dangerous. So the latter should therefore obviously result in a stronger punishment/penalty. Since the offence happened before January 1st 2015 the maximum suspension for a first time offence is 2 years. For offences after January 1st 2015 the maximum suspension is 4 years for a first time offence.
  15. Sebastien Aldén have retired for the second time in one year. He says that he cannot get his budget together This means that the teams he intended to ride for in 2015, Smederna and Valsarna now have to replace him with another rider. However Smederna have decided not to bring in a new rider at the moment. I don't know how Valsarna will act. http://www1.idrottonline.se/SmedernaSpeedwayforening-MotorcykelochSnoskoter/Nyheter/Nyhetsarkiv/IngenAldeniIkarosSmederna2015/
  16. Lets take an example. My team is Ikaros Smederna and here are their website social media profiles: http://www1.idrottonline.se/SmedernaSpeedwayforening-MotorcykelochSnoskoter/ (this webhosting is for sports clubs of sports that are members of RF, other speedway clubs use other commercial hosts) https://www.facebook.com/Ikaros.Smederna https://twitter.com/IkarosSmederna http://instagram.com/ikaros_smederna Quite an extensive "digital profile" how much do you this cost Smederna annually? The truth is that it doesn't cost them anything. The website/social media staff consists of 6 persons but they all are volunteers (like most of the people who works the club). So it doesn't have to cost a fortune to maintain social media profiles. All clubs have their own websites/hosting and social media policies there is no central website hosting/policies.
  17. Best gater: Jarek Hampel Best racer: Jason Crump Best team rider: Leigh Adams
  18. A short video about Posa: http://www.svtplay.se/video/2590761/stopptid/posa-mannen-som-inte-kan-sluta
  19. I doubt that since they I doubt they would have suspended him if they didn't have proof. Also compare this to cases Dudek and James Stewart, both could explain how the forbidden substance had gotten into their system, while Darcy does not have anything to blame. Well neither club are/were forced to sign him and his Swedish team took a gamble and signed him anyway despite that they didn't know if Darcy would be available for 2015. So if Darcy is unavailable for them this season, they only have themselves to blame.
  20. Rospiggarna have declined to host a round of SEC, they say that they want to focus on the Swedish championship weekend which they host just two weeks prior to SEC round 3. http://norrteljetidning.se/sport/1.2789974-rospiggarna-tackar-nej-till-att-arrangera-em-deltavling
  21. FIM uses Wada's list and you can find it here; https://wada-main-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/resources/files/wada-2015-prohibited-list-en.pdf Some substances, like alcohol, is only banned during competition for some sports (mainly different type of motorsports).
  22. A link to confirm it: http://www.rospiggarna.nu/vm-kval-isracing-i-hallstavik-flyttat/ An article about it: http://norrteljetidning.se/sport/1.2788166-vadret-besegrade-rospiggarna
  23. The weather have been quite warm the past week. For the nearest 10 days the temperature is expected to be both above and below zero. According to the article linked below substantial subzero temperatures is required for the ice to build/freeze fast enough. They say that they expect to know pretty good in the upcoming weekend if it looks doable or not. http://norrteljetidning.se/sport/1.2778751-vm-kvalet-i-isracing-flyttas-fram
  24. I read about another doping case, a MX rider who got caught with amfetamine during a competition in April, he had his hearing in October which was 6 months from April. I don't know why it took so long, perhaps it could be due lack of availability of the members of FIMs International Disciplinary Court? Amfetamine like alcohol is In-Competition forbidden only so I guess that this case and Darcy's case are similar in several ways. It also seems that the MX rider was a quite a big star being a multiple world super cross champions. It also implies that FIM did not take any consideration to his "star level" and subsequently suspended the MX rider for 16 months. The difference between the MX case and Darcy's case seems to be that the MX rider, just like Dudek, could give a reasonable explanation (aka excuse) to why he had amfetamine in his system while Darcy have nothing to blame.
  25. The host of round 3 still have not been announced.
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