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Everything posted by Ghostwalker

  1. UK martin, I agree with your point but Football is much bigger then Speedway and football doesn't have the problem with players playing for several teams and etc. My point is that if the SCL wants to be taken seriously, the rules need to be sharpened a bit. No borrowing riders from other, no joker or ts. Full strength 7-rider teams. That is the only way to find out which teams who really is the strongest. The problem with that is that the Swedish and Polish teams are so much stronger then the Danish and British teams. In football, in the past 10 years, there have been several CL-winners from all of the 4 biggest leagues. in SCL the Swedish or Polish team would win every year and how many countries in Europe have their own speedway leagues?
  2. he was originally, then i moved him to D because I remembered that he wasn't top 3 in 2013 but I had forgotten his bronze from a few years earlier, so I moved him back to C then. I found it quite difficult to find riders for both b and c list. Most riders who have won medals also have won the title.
  3. list A Holder Gollob Hamill Woffinden list B Adams A. Jonsson Hampel Kasprzak list C Iversen Sajfutdinov ???? list D Ward A: LIndbäck Vaculik Zmarzlik Top scorers; Hamil, Adams, Sajfutdinov, Zmrzlik, Team A to win.,
  4. Actually it has because there is a common factor (or red thread as we say in Sweden) in all of his cases. That factor is alcohol and/or other drugs.
  5. 500cc, I don't think FIM have the authority to decide what Darcy does or eat/drink outside of competition (except for banned substances obviously) especially since alcohol is only banned "in competition", Neither do I think that it's for FIM's to set Darcy straight, that is Darcy's own responsibility.
  6. It depends on who you ask. Imo ice racing is the correct name since Ice speedway is regular speedway bikes on an ice track. Ice racing is not speedway on ice, its an own sport just like MX and Enduro are different sports despite being very similar. Also in Sweden it is known as ice racing (isracing) . http://www.svemo.se/sv/Grenar/Isracing/ Also ice hockey is played indoors on hockey rinks which occasionally is used for ice speedway while ice racing is held on speedway tracks or Bandy fields.
  7. Imo they are doing the right thing to support him and they should definitely not just "abandon" him. However they are doing it in the wrong way and for the wrong reasons. They should support him so that he can solve his problem/issues, they should not support him by a constant stream of excuses. I guess that they think that if they wouldn't, Darcy would walk away and then they would be without their "golden boy", they are thinking of their team's best rather then Darcy's best. It was similar in his Swedish team after the Latvian GP. His Swedish team manager (Stefan Andersson) said before the season that he wouldn't tolerate any misbehaviour from Darcy this season but when being faced with the "ultimatum" of leaving Darcy outside the line-up or include him, he chose to include him. Obviously he did it to make his team stronger and his pre-season statement was just empty words. Stefan have kept a much lower profile though but with some "whining" in the media that it takes too long and etc. The thing is thought that he brought it upon himself by renewing Darcy's contract (we don't have the assets system that you have) despite that he knew that Darcy could be unavailable for the upcoming season.
  8. You can still view his tweets if you use another browser,
  9. If you think about it again, you will come to the same conlusion as Racers & Royals which is that next week is within 45 days from today,
  10. Hearing seems to be complete but no decisions until next week,
  11. I read somewhere that it was supposed to be this morning.
  12. It kind speaks for itself that it isn't good. Anton Rosén is one rider that have had problems with multiple concussions the past couple of seasons. http://avestatidning.com/sport/1.2635512-kandes-som-att-jag-fick-motorn-i-huvudet http://norrteljetidning.se/sport/1.2718174-anton-rosen-tillbaka-i-rospiggarna It is also not uncommon in other sports like icehockey. http://www.totalprosports.com/2011/09/01/13-nhl-careers-cut-short-by-concussions/ Eric Lindros is the most well known case of a plater who had to retire from the sport prematurely due to head problems caused by concussions. http://sports.espn.go.com/nhl/news/story?id=3097077 http://www.macleans.ca/society/concussions-the-untold-story/ http://thehockeywriters.com/interview-with-eric-lindros-on-his-career-concussions-winter-classic-reunion-rumors-more/ Of the current players, Sidney Crosby has also had problems with concussions; "A timeline of Sidney Crosby's concussion and recovery" http://www.nhl.com/ice/news.htm?id=587898 http://news.nationalpost.com/tag/sidney-crosby-concussion/ http://espn.go.com/nhl/story/_/id/7459581/sidney-crosby-concussion http://www.theglobeandmail.com/sports/hockey/crosby-discusses-lengthy-recovery-road-from-concussions-safety-of-the-game/article14118504/ Although riders recover from concussions, one more hit could give them life long problems with headaches and such,
  13. Ok, which country's limit then? UK? Latvia? Sweden? Poland? You do realize that the legal limit, for driving with alcohol in your system, varies from one country to another and that the UK is one of the most generous countries in Europe when it comes to drunk driving limits? The limit the Latvia is: 0.02% for drivers with less than 2 years of experience and 0.05% for those with more than 2 years of experience. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drunk_driving_law_by_country#Europe
  14. Ward was representing Australia in the SGP, although an individual event, it counts as a national team event. However whether or not he is representing Australia or just himself is probably not relevant. His violation of the rules happened at a FIM meeting so I assume that means that FIM is responsible for investigation and suspension, while Dudek's case was handled by the Polish Federation since his violation happened at a Polish league meeting.
  15. Of course and I am sure that it also applies to at least all FIM sports as well. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Court_of_Arbitration_for_Sport
  16. There were no WADA back then so even if FIM gives him 6 months, they are obligated to inform WADA of their decision and if WADA feels that the ban is too short, they have the right to appeal to CAS. The same applies to Darcy, if he is found guilty he also have the right to appeal to CAS if he considers the penalty to be too severe.
  17. I disagree, it's about penalising a rider who have broken the rules. You say that he will learn a lesson, I don't think he will unless he is given a long suspension. Saying that he broke the rules without penalising him will send a signal that he can screw up without any consequences. His previous scandals have proved that he unable to learn a lesson. Each time he have said that he have learnt his lesson but each he have been involved in a new scandal. Each time his apologists (including Matt Ford & Neil M.) have defended him, trying to sweep it under the carpet. Why would it be different this time? Darcy is standing at a crossroad now, he could continue down the same party road he currently is on which likely would lead to more scandals and a premature end to his career. Or he could choose the other serious road which could lead to a world champion title. I hope that he gets a long suspension and that he choose the second, serious road.
  18. Arson fire, in the Swedish Elitserien there is Swedish rider quotas (3 Swedish riders/line up required). This have been respected since the rule/agreement was implemented a couple of years ago. However for next season two teams have decided to sign one foreign rider each on a Swedish license so that they can use that foreign rider as one of the mandatory Swedish rider. I have nothing the against those riders but the agreement is there to provide Swedish riders with a place in the lineup, it's not there for teams to exploit by using foreign riders on a Swedish license. However the 80cc youth series and the lowest 500cc series, the Division 1 is exclusively for Swedish rider although a Finnish team have been invited (for the second season) since there is only 9 Swedish Div1 teams and both the federation and the other teams want to have an even amount of teams.
  19. Daniel Henderson said to Smederna.nu that he was disappointed to not getting a pick since a few of those who got picked finished after him at Strömsund. http://www1.idrottonline.se/SmedernaSpeedwayforening-MotorcykelochSnoskoter/Nyheter/Nyhetsarkiv/BesvikenHendersonreservtillVM/ I can understand his point but I have no opinion on the actual matter.
  20. Weight depends how large sections you make. A 10x20m section will be 200m2, the weight of it would be around 120-140KG. 3-4 persons would be able to handle that. Obsviosuly there are also lighter fabrics but the lighter it is the less durable it is, Also a coated fabric, something like this: http://www.jpoks.se/images/produkter/lbc_karlskoga_presenning_w.png, is water resistant. Najjer, a ight weight tarpaulin like this: http://images.biltema.com/PAXToImageService.svc/product/large/2000023235 is indeed light weight but also of poor quality which means that it wouldn't last that long and that it would easily get ripped into pieces. The only team I know of that uses track covers is Elit Vetlanda and here are a picture of their track while covered by Tarpaulins: https://www.facebook.com/elitvetlanda/photos/a.386239436218.165368.355009296218/10152417908896219/ http://www.elitvetlanda.se/nyheter/bildligt-countdown-infor-sapa-gp-challenge/ As I said, a tarpaulin made out 600g/m2 uncoated fabric will last about 5-6 years if deployed extensively during season since the sun light will affect it pretty hard. A coated fabric will last an additional couple of years.
  21. Fixtures for Elit-B, Div1, Div1U (80cc/youth) & Div2U (80cc/youth) have been released; http://www.svemo.se/sv/Grenar/Speedway/Nyheter/Elit-BDiv1Div1UochDiv2U/
  22. A tarpaulin will definitely last more then 4 times. A standard 600-700g/m2 fabric* will last 5 years** at least and no they are not that heavy because you make them in smaller sections to make to easier to handle. Obviously they need to be made so that they overlap each other in order to prevent water from pouring down where the sections meet. * The kind of cheap "Japanese tarpaulin" pictured on the ebay link is not of sufficient quality to be used as track cover though. It need to be a more durable tarpaulin fabric. That also means that the covers will be much more expensive then the claimed ~£2000. **depends mainly on how much time they are lying around unfolded in direct sunlight. A coated tarpaulin fabric will last longer then a non coated tarpaulin fabric. I think the track covers debate is similar to the one regarding air fences. They are very expensive (they are) and they take allot of storage space (they do) but in the end they became a necessity. I think the same applies to track covers. The weather in GB, DK, SE, FI and PL is very unstable and unpredictable and if you look at the previous season, there was allot of postponed meetings. How many of these could have been saved by having the track covered?
  23. The initial cost is of course the main concern but for the maintenance costs, surely this would be covered by the costs saved by not having to postpone a meeting in those cases when it rains prior to the meeting but where it have stopped in time for the meeting but still causes the meeting to be off due to a waterlogged track. I also think the use of track covers would increase attends due to two factors: 1. In the cases where the rain stops prior to the start of the meeting, fans would know that the track have been covered and that the meeting will go ahead despite that it have rained during the day. This would means that fans can travel to a meeting without risking it to be off when they arrive. 2. You would minimize the time needed for pre-meeting track grading. This means that fans doesn't have to wait for an hour for the meeting to begin. So in the end, I think even if the initial acquiring cost would be high, the track covers would create a positive return on investment in a long time term. The only track that I know of who both have and use track covers are Elit Vetlanda in the Swedish Elitserien. Of course, sometimes meetings would still be postponed due to rain since track covers won't make it stop raining.
  24. Sorry for this 8 year bump but better to use an existing thread rather then start a new about the same thing. Anyway Dream Team USA have decided to do a larger European tour this spring as a 10 year anniversary celebration. So far the following fixtures have been confirmed: April 11th - Rye House Raiders April 13th - Kent Kings April 17th - International Tournament, Vetlanda, Sweden April 18th - International Tournament, Vetlanda, Sweden http://www.speedwaybikes.com/news/dreamteamnews2015.htm
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