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Everything posted by Ghostwalker

  1. That would be his loss not ours, there are plenty of other riders to watch. Like Tai, Emil, Vaculik, Prezedpelski, Janowski, MJJ, Pawlicki brothers, Jason Doyle, Chris Holder, Kim Nilsson,Oliver Berntzon... So if Darcy gets a 2 year ban and decides to quit, speedway will manage just fine anyway.
  2. I am not sure, but I think that FIM will obviously inform Darcy directly and also issue a press release.
  3. Who says they do? They just says that they have the right use the time frame specified in the rules. You like Darcy's fans seems to forget that the rules are written from a general perspective, there might be cases where this time span is needed to make sure the proper ruling is given and/or that unforeseen events such as temporarily illness or similar does not prevent the involved decision makers from issuing a ruling, Simply put if the rules have a too short time frame (lets say two weeks) someone getting the flu might cause the ruling to get postponed. Then the likes of you and Darcy's fans would complain anyway. You just have to realize that the writings such as the "within 45 days" are there for a reason (and it have nothing to do with laziness or etc). As for rulings in courts, it is not uncommon for Swedish courts (at least for Hovrätterna and Högsta domstolen) to give the judge's/s' verdict at a later date and not at the end of the trial.
  4. The tv-expert and former team manager Morgan Andersson have been appointed as the new National team manager. He will handle the picks and coaching in SWC and SBP, nominating riders for SGP and SEC qualification/wild cards and etc. He have formerly been team manage for Västervik, Smederna and Dackarna and have also for many years worked as one of the two experts in Canal+'s and Cmore's Elitserien broadcasts. http://www.svemo.se/sv/Grenar/Speedway/Nyheter/NyForbundskaptenispeedway/ http://www1.idrottonline.se/SmedernaSpeedwayforening-MotorcykelochSnoskoter/Nyheter/Nyhetsarkiv/MorganAnderssonnyforbundskapten/
  5. I should say though that I haven't seen that many comments form different people , it have mostly been the same people using the same excuses as this forum's Darcy fans.
  6. Stefan said something like that he wouldn't tolerate any wrong doing by Darcy but as you know, Darcy was allowed to race in the meeting at home against Dackarna just two days after his failed the breath test in Daugavpils. Then as you say the have also contracted him for the upcoming season. So in the end Stefan's statement was just empty words.
  7. Some people definitely have the same opinions as the Poole fans. Not all of them are Piraterna fans though. Darcy's Swedish team manager (Stefan Andersson Skill, (the former speedway rider)) have also expressed some concern/complaint about FIM however those comments have been more toned down and definitely not as strong worded as NM/MF's comments.
  8. I can give you a few parallels: Even if you are a mega star, the FIM WILL give you a ban. Stewart is a multiple world champion but FIM still handed him a 16 month ban. Hearing took place more then 3 months after the offence took place. Both are first time offenders (when it comes to competition offences). Neither alcohol or amphetamine are performance enhancing substances according to the prohibited substances list and I guess you could designate both as recreational substances although amphetamine also could be used for medical reasons. So it is very obvious that Darcy should be given the same treatment.
  9. Actually I don't see what the problems is with testing all riders? BTCC have decided to introduce mandatory pre-race alcohol breath-tests for all drivers and officials so why can't speedway follow suite? http://uk.reuters.com/article/2014/05/28/uk-motor-racing-alcohol-idUKKBN0E80X320140528
  10. Legally the Polish restriction wouldn't hold up in court if challenged. No EU-country can put that kind of restrictions in place. Svemo tried to create this type of rule for a few years ago but they had to remove it because it was against EU-rule. It was replaced by a "gentlemen agreement" which have worked fine for a few seasons but now two teams have brought it foreign riders on Swedish licenses.
  11. That is a good questions, I don't know and I haven't seen anything more specific about it.
  12. According to the article linked below, FIM considers to create a new rule which would limit the amount of leagues a rider can ride in. The article claims that FIM wants to have a limit on two leagues for each rider in order to "protect" the newly created Speedway champions league. FIM also claims that this would be good because it would give opportunities to younger rider who are now being "blocked" by more experienced riders, they also claim that it is a safety matter since many riders are getting exhausted by all the travelling, Personally I think this is a very poor idea. With less meetings riders would likely ask/demand for higher pay rates since they have to fund their riding from fewer teams. It would also means that many riders would be unavailable for many of the leagues. There are also not enough riders to fill the available spaces. https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=sv&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.espeedway.pl%2Fnews%2Cjeden_zawodnik_dwie_ligi_od_sezonu_2016%2C74856%2C12.html&edit-text= http://www.espeedway.pl/news,jeden_zawodnik_dwie_ligi_od_sezonu_2016,74856,12.html
  13. I am not sure but maybe you are confusing it with Gubbängen where they hosted an open meeting before the 2013 GP? The tracks are located at the opposite end of the city: https://www.google.se/maps/dir/59.4063444,17.8496126/Gubb%C3%A4ngens+IP,+122+45+Enskede/@59.3357801,17.9493992,18915m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m9!4m8!1m0!1m5!1m1!1s0x465f79db6a7294e3:0x649d67777160ba58!2m2!1d18.068934!2d59.261868!3e0
  14. I don't know but I don't think so. The track is managed by Västra MK which have been around for 60 years. They are focusing on youth speedway and speedway sliding activities. Here is a pic of the track: http://speedway.ifokus.se/discussions/4f449e40d4ebea376a0020ba-veddestavallen
  15. He didn't make a mistake, he deliberately got himself drunk (which made him still being under the influence of alcohol the next day) . An action he very well would known the consequences of since it wasn't the first time he was in this situation. If you drink allot of alcohol you know that it will stay in your system for more the a couple of hours.
  16. Of course it can since the rules says that breath test is an approved method for measuring of a riders alcohol level, two tests are being made to establish that the rider is below or above the allowed limit. You do understand that a breath test is not possible to save for later use?
  17. Some news regarding Swedish speedway. Swedish individual championship: Main final will likely be moved from Friday to Saturday. Qualification events have also been decided about: Main final qualifier: Mariestad July 1st, July 3rd is back-up day, U21 qualifier; Norrköping July 4th, back-up day is July 5th Youth (85cc) qualifier is held in Avesta and Vetlanda on July 11th . Back-up day is July 12th. Two other competitions: Gunnar Lundberg cup in Nyköping on August 15th at Veddestavallen-Stockholm. Then onto the good news. Svemo and the clubs have reached an agreement regarding the sharing of tv-rights money. The clubs rights to sell news rights for Elitserien The clubs have the right to sell the name for Elitserien Other local market rights. Svemo also have decided to give the track racing section more independence and a new organisation of the track racing section will be presented sometime during the spring this year. The result of this is that the clubs have cancelled their plans to start a whole new federation. You can read more about at this link: http://www.svemo.se/sv/Grenar/Speedway/Nyheter/FrediSpeedway-Sverige/
  18. You just did and FIM are free to take the time they feel necessary to get an accurate as possible handling of the matter. Better for it to take long time and get a good result then to rush it and get it wrong. Also we don't know the reason to why it took five months, perhaps there are some very good reason(s) to that.
  19. No like SCB writes, both tweets are written by NM. The first one is NM writing a tweet to philipsr8, the second tweet is written by NM to @phillipsr8 @shawncbrown @SpeedwayGB @Sudden_sam33.
  20. Yeah that is correct Henry, public urination on a statue of Torun's great son Kopernicus. He and Chris Holder also created a stir up at a private party in a restaurant in Torun.
  21. Daniel Henderson, Nicklas Kallin Svensson and Ove Ledström are Team Sweden's riders in the team world cup in Berlin. http://www1.idrottonline.se/SmedernaSpeedwayforening-MotorcykelochSnoskoter/Nyheter/Nyhetsarkiv/Hendersonuttagentilllag-VM/
  22. I think this is very important. If you intends to keep your physique at a top notch condition, there is no time for late night pub rounds with plenty of alcohol. A good physique is needed to keep you focused an entire night. Alcohol will affect your senses, reaction times will be slower, your sense of judgemement will be negatively effected.Your confidence will improve but in a negative way. Darcy's answer indicates that he 1. still haven't learned anything & 2. Doesn't take his career seriously. He doesn't want to sacrifice his partying life styles to win the title. Oh here we go again "boo hoo" :cry: poor little Darcy again. Matt ford wants to Darcy to get off the hook. http://www.bournemouthecho.co.uk/sport/speedway/piratesnews/11767902.Speedway__Darcy_Ward_decision_due_this_week_____Ford_calls_for_no_ban/ https://twitter.com/nedpayne_echo/status/562610467567583232
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