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Everything posted by Ghostwalker

  1. I don't read the speedway star but all fixtures are listed here: http://www.svemo.se/sv/Grenar/Speedway/Tavling/Tavlingskalender/ As RR says, the Elitserien semi finals are on Tuesdays and the final is Tuesday/Wednesday. Allsvenskan is Thursdays with the final on Thursday/Friday.
  2. A new old (nygammal) Swedish speedway club might (and that's a big might) make a return to the speedway scene. It is the clubs known as Saxarna which ceased their activities in 1949 since they no longer were allowed to use the football arena to host their tracks. Anyway the past couple a weeks their have been some very informal proposals to bring this old club back to life. There will be a meeting at the end of April where anyone who interested can show up and discuss the future. They have no track but apparently when the closed in 1949 the city signed a contract in which they obliged to fund a new track if Saxarna ever would re-start their club. https://www.facebook.com/pages/Saxarna-Speedway-Bor%C3%A5s/1635878236635114 http://www.bt.se/insandare/lat-oss-starta-upp-speedwayen-i-boras/ http://www.aktuellspeedway.se/nyheter/5550/
  3. Bot all injuries are due to "safety issues". Freddie Lindgren had a rib injury during the pre-season since he had crashed with his MX-bike during a practice session in Andorra with Joonas Kylmäkorpi. Probably not that unusual that riders injure themselves outside the speedway track while doing mountain biking or jogging in the forest. Since the Uk-season starts so early it hard for some riders to get some practice before the start of the season, the "stars" obviously have the resources to go to a track in southern Europe to practice while the most of the riders does not have that possibility.
  4. This might sound crazy but you know the commentators team could have checked the rules themselves...
  5. It works like I wrote above. The team bonus point for third place is the decisive factor for semi and final. "If, in the semi-finals and the grand final race finished with a score 3: 3, this couple wins who won a "bonus"." http://www.speedwaypairs.com/en/formula.html
  6. I think it would have been the bonus point that would have decided it; 3,2,1+1,0 -> 3+0 vs. 2+1+1.
  7. Perhaps they wanted to minimize scheduling conflicts by putting the events during the time of the season when there aren't that many other events going on?
  8. I think it has been pretty good so far, at least for a meeting this early in the season.
  9. Masarna have been confirmed as Smederna's opponent for the April 20th pre-season fixture at Smederna's track. http://www1.idrottonline.se/SmedernaSpeedwayforening-MotorcykelochSnoskoter/Nyheter/Nyhetsarkiv/Traningsmatchen20april/
  10. Not on June 4th, the nearest on that day is Vargarna – Örnarna in Norrköping but that is over 100km away. The only fixture that week in Eskilstuna is on June 7th when there is a Elit-B meeting at Eskilstuna speedway track. The track is located some 12km outside the city though so you'll need a car to get there.
  11. Due to Cameron Woodwards injury and subsequent surgeries, Cameron will miss a large part of the season and he has been replaces with Scott Nicholls. http://na.se/sporten/speedway/1.2897492-sen-andring-i-indian-truppen
  12. As Bavarian say, a EU-country passport would mean easier travelling, such as no need for Visa applications for journeys to other EU-countries and etc. Especially for Laguta who already seems to have problems getting a visa to the UK. Anyway Sweden have named Peter Ljung as the new reserve.
  13. That's great news. A really good track, definitely top 10 in the world, possibly even top 5.
  14. At the press conference yday it was said that Antonio is seeing a psychologist at a centre for people with this kind of addictions (beroendecentrum), at the university hospital in Örebro. This is a part of his contract with Indianerna. It was also said that Indianerna won't take any further actions against him and that he likely will be riding as usual. However he is very likely to get a trial for this and a prison sentence is a probability. For severe drunk driving (grovt rattfylleri, above 1.0 promille) the he maximum sentence is two years. http://www.sydnarkenytt.se/sydnarke/artikel/speedway-antonio-far-stoed#.VQqA-cq3MpF
  15. Yeah I posted info in a thread in the Speedway news & discussion section. http://www.speedway-forum.co.uk/forums/index.php?showtopic=73945
  16. Lindbäck won't be riding, I don't know who the replacement will be.
  17. Perhaps it could have been the other way? Date was changed to 25th when Poole no longer was interested?
  18. Antonio Lindbäck have once again been caught drunk driving. He was far over the legal limit. Just like with Darcy there is no excuse for his action. Like Darcy he have once again let his teams and fans down. I don't know what will happen now and how his teams will react but perhaps it would be for the best if would take a time out from racing to sort his problems out, you know getting professional help and all that. Just like Darcy he is a huge talent wasting his career because of alcohol. He says on his Facebook that he made a mistake but d&d for a third time is not a mistake, it is a symptom of much deeper problems. http://www.speedwaynyheter.se/masarna/lindback-fast-for-rattfylleri-igen/ https://m.facebook.com/LindbackRacing?refsrc=https%3A%2F%2Fm.facebook.com%2Ffbrdr%2F274%2F135941126482208%2F&_rdr
  19. Gorzow is interested in signing Darcy Ward. https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=sv&ie=UTF8&prev=_t&rurl=translate.google.se&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http://www.sportowefakty.pl/zuzel/508180/stal-gorzow-chce-darcyego-warda&usg=ALkJrhgA3XBGMDfEsDHZA4oiBjqgjAEWuA
  20. A whole bunch of Swedish riders were on a training camp in Gorican the past weekend. They were invited by the Svemo and the new team manager for the national team, who also was present. Some photos can be found on the Croatian speedway federations facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Speedway.Club.UNIA I have also added some pre-season fixtures to reply 5. http://www.speedway-forum.co.uk/forums/index.php?showtopic=67537&page=1&do=findComment&comment=2028602
  21. Isn't caffeine a doping substance (in large quantities) or have it been removed?
  22. I have claimed before that Darcy's league scores during the period between the Latvian GP and the day he was provisionally suspended, should be removed. In an article, Tony Olsson who is the director of the track racing section of Svemo (Swedish motorcycle sports federation), says that if FIM's ruling will stand, Svemo have no other option then to remove Darcy's score for that period. However, Svemo obviously can't do anything until the ruling is definitive. http://www.mvt.se/sport/speedway/wards-dom-kan-stoppa-piraternas-superlag-10804811.aspx?fb_action_ids=937257289631780&fb_action_types=og.shares
  23. Grigorij suffered an injury a while before the start of last season so he missed the first rounds of best pairs. I don't know about Emil though.
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