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Everything posted by Ghostwalker

  1. They're too busy "elevting the sport" to think about such trivial matters as a decent track or functioning starting gates.
  2. The riders doesn't seems to be too happy which is very understandable.
  3. A week ago we were almost half way into the meeting by now....
  4. Results from Vetlanda team cup: http://www.speedwaynyheter.se/vetlanda-lagcup-hemmaseger-i-finalen/ http://www.speedwaynyheter.se/vetlanda-lagcup-vargarna-vann-b-finalen/
  5. You can find them in this sticky thread: http://www.speedway-forum.co.uk/forums/index.php?showtopic=72860&page=10
  6. Full results from the Danish qualifications round. "Danmarks Motor Union @dmusport SGP & SEC kvalifikation i Holsted - heatskema med resultater #dmusport #dmufairplay #dkmotorsport #speedway #sgp #sec " https://mobile.twitter.com/dmusport/status/589144683437240320/photo/1 Top 5: 1. Leon Madsen 2. Kenneth Bjerre 3. Rasmus Jensen 4. Bjarne Pedersen 5. Jesper B. Monberg
  7. Results from the first qualifying heat in Vetlanda lagcup. http://www1.idrottonline.se/SmedernaSpeedwayforening-MotorcykelochSnoskoter/Nyheter/Nyhetsarkiv/IkarosSmedernatillA-finaliVetlandaLagcup/ Results from second qualification heat: http://mobil.nt.se/nyheter/vargarna-missade-a-finalen-i-vetlanda-10942116.aspx
  8. mdmc82, Kenni Larsen was supposed to ride but he have been struck by food poisoning. http://mobil.fyens.dk/modules/mobile/article/?articleid=2696078
  9. Oliver Berntzon is not happy about and says to Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet that he thinks that Antonio shouldnt have been given a chance to qualify after his latest drunk driving offence. http://www.aftonbladet.se/sportbladet/motor/speedway/article20644011.ab
  10. According to DutchGrasstrack on twitter, practice is not going well because of a bad track.
  11. Pawlicki is now first reserve since Kildemand have injured his knee.
  12. Swedish nominations for the qualifications: Debrecen 1 May: Oliver Berntzon Daugavpils 16 May: Peter Ljung Lamothe Landerron 16 May: Fredrik Lindgren + Linus Sundström First reserve is Pontus Aspgren http://www.svemo.se/sv/Grenar/Speedway/Nyheter/NomineringartillVM-ochEM-kvaliSpeedway2015/
  13. Svemo have published the Swedish nominations: http://www.svemo.se/sv/Grenar/Speedway/Nyheter/NomineringartillVM-ochEM-kvaliSpeedway2015/ Gorican, 2 May: Peter Ljung + Linus Sundström Lonigo, 3 May:: Fredrik Lindgren + Antonio Lindbäck Abensberg, 25 May: Thomas H Jonasson + Kim Nilsson Oliver Berntzon is first reserve.
  14. As I have mentioned before, the speedway in Borås have awoken from over a half a century long sleep. The idea of re-starting the team called Saxarna have been met with great interest from people in the Borås area to that extent that it has been decided that a start-it-up meeting will be held at April 28th where the idea is that the team officially will be started up again. https://www.facebook.com/pages/Saxarna-Speedway-Bor%C3%A5s/1635878236635114?fref=nf
  15. About the same size as Cardiff, Stockholm, Horsen and previously Copenhagen. I don't know exactly but around 275m maybe.
  16. Official rule book for 2015 have been published: http://multi.mediapaper.nu/?PubId=DD68E34B36A2C71B3560BAEA4565AD03 http://multi.mediapaper.nu/Pdf/?PubId=DD68E34B36A2C71B3560BAEA4565AD03 (PDF).
  17. Actually (according to Swedish ESP) Güstrow is one of few tracks that still uses cinder as a shale material.
  18. Not sure if he is completely inside since the backwheel seems to be on the line but it's difficult to make a judging based on those pictures alone even if I agree that it looked like he was over when I saw the heat on tv. Greg also had a close call in the heat between USA and SWE.
  19. You can find heat schedules/score charts here: http://www.speedwaynyheter.se/best-pairs-ladda-ned-heatschema/
  20. Actually there is and I did link the English version, so that is strange and also why I didnt get why you mentioned that that there weren't an english version. http://www.ticnet.se/event/speedway-european-championship-tickets/372899?language=en-us&languageSwitch=on . try this link and if it still doesnt work, just click språk and you should be able to switch to English.
  21. IIRC, the there are 2 or 3 official reserves and if BSI needs more reserves they can pick anyone they choose.
  22. The tickets for Kumla have also been released, they are available for purchase via ticnet; http://www.ticnet.se/event/speedway-european-championship-tickets/372899 Have in mind that it is a long track but the capacity is still quite small (maybe 5500-6000) so if you plan on going, don't wait to long to get your tickets. Ståplats (standing) barn 0-12 is for children, ståplats ungdom is for teens aged 13-17, stålats vuxen is for adults and sittplats is if you want to have a numbered/reserved seat.
  23. The Danes will have their national qualifications for SGP/SEC qualifications on April 17th. https://mobile.twitter.com/speedwaysport/status/584667158757711872
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