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Everything posted by Ghostwalker

  1. Info/comments on german speedway forum as well: http://www.speedway-forum.de/index.php/Thread/12264-LIVE-UPDATE-von-GP-Quali-in-Abensberg-am-25-05-2015/?postID=204653#post204653
  2. Well I got 3 out 4 correct (reply #3), hadn't expected Janowski but after his performance in Prague it is an obvious pick.
  3. ...and yet your team (which is stronger) is only 2 p ahead with 1 heat to go, so perhaps they aren't that paper champions after all? Sure a light touch by Pepe but Sundström fell a bit easy.
  4. Not sure but it could have something to do with that they only are allowed to use reserves for him if he is there. Likely they can't use R/R for him so if he wouldn't be there, they would be a rider short. So they bring him there, sign him in and use reserves or tactical substitutes to cover for him in his heats.
  5. I agree, he single-handedly decided the Swedish championship final a few years ago when he made a dirty move on Ryan Sullivan who crashed and broke his collarbone. THJ moving around on crutches, he announced today that he will be sidelined fore a few weeks due to his knee injury.
  6. I disagree Pawlicki can only blame himself. Laguta was ahead and Pawlicki rode into him. Pawlicki should have backed off there, Laguta didn't have any other choice then to turn when it came to the bend otherwise he would have fenced himself.
  7. Not as bad as Warsaw and Tampere but not as super fantastic as the Swedish commentators claimed it to be. Way to much from the gate and in almost every heat, whoever was in front was also the first across the finish line. There was NKI's pass on Greg in round but how many more were there. Better than previous years but still not good.
  8. A pic of the track posted by Gregs team: https://twitter.com/TeamHancock/status/601659739722928128
  9. Yeah Good work Niclas and you have a quite clear accent for a Skåning. Anyway Anders Mellgren update is that he suffered a punctured lung and fractured ribs.
  10. tr3mm0r, looking at the current lineups, I think FZG will steam roll Gorzow but you never know.
  11. I agree with you marky on that final line. As for commitment I doubt Nicki is less committed then Rossi. The same goes for Greg. Both seems to have a very committed and professional attitude towards their racing. Nicki for one rarely does a bad meeting in the leagues that he rides in. Of course it happens but almost always he will be on 10+ points for a league meeting. Look at the top scorers in the leagues the past 5-10 years and I think you'll fins Nicki there for almost every year. You don't achieve that by not being committed. Then speedway is a different sport, the riders have to build up/manage their own team with mechanics, buses/transport vehicles, sponsors and etc. For MotoGP the riders are the employee rather then the employer. It is the team that takes care of "everything" . In speedway the rider has to allot of things by himself, sure Nicki has some staff in his team but I think only a few riders have that kind of economic possibility. Many riders (including the gp riders) have to most things by themselves, then they are expect to ride on rubbish tracks knowing that a small mistake can cost them to be sidelines for a week, a month or even worse. Then the problem is that they won't get paid anything for that so that will be a big loss of income. As for Nicki and Greg leading the uprise against the track, they have been heavily criticized for it because it is considered that they were the reason why the Waw gp was called off and that they were only doing it because the felt unfavoured by starting by light rather then by tape. Think again, I think it could be the direct opposite. Nicki and Greg perhaps felt/noticed that the other riders weren't happy with the track and the sort of took point since they perhaps felt that the young riders didn't have enough authority to question the state of the track.
  12. That was a really nice pass by Lahti. Berntzon is having a really bad night. 2 FX, 2xR and one 2p.
  13. Injury report: Mellgren was contious and was talking. Ambulance staff took precautionary actions in case of back injuries. Västervik-Vargarna ended 45-45. Griparna is in the lead with 42-36 with two heats remaining.
  14. I remember a tweet from Danny King in which he posted a picture collage. First there was a speedway rider lying on the track but holding his hand up. I think there was a text as well saying something like "I'm ok". Then there was a pic of a football player lying on the pitch holding his foot and looked (=pretending) that he was in pain.
  15. They say that they are waiting for an ambulance.
  16. Streaming was aborted. *edit Stream is/was back.
  17. They did? I wasn't paying attention as I had my focus on other stuff. Yeah me too, then you could be at a meeting and then watch one of the others on your phone although you'd quickly run out of available broadband. The quality wasn't that good and their streaming platform was quite unreliable, but it was free so you couldn't complain. Then they became greedy and started charging silly money for the same non-working product and surprise surprise all viewers went away and those behind the site (owned by the team together) said that the site wasn't profitable enough or something like that.
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