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Everything posted by Ghostwalker

  1. Emil had two nasty crashes last week and decided to pull out of SWC to get himself sorted.
  2. The reply can be seen here: http://esbjergmotorsport.com/nyheder/news/gense-hele-matchen-mod-fjelsted/ The article RR mentions can be found here https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=423882884451139 http://esbjergmotorsport.com/nyheder/news/vilde-seertal-pa-livestream/
  3. It seems that Grigorij changed his mind and will ride in tomorrow's race off. http://www.speedwaynyheter.se/2015/06/09/swc-laguta-forstarker-ryssland/
  4. Doesn't seem like Grigorij will ride. According to Artem, Grigorij does not want to. https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=sv&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.sportowefakty.pl%2Fzuzel%2F526725%2Fgrigorij-laguta-pojedzie-w-barazu-dps-w-poniedzialek-bede-do-niego-dzwonil&edit-text=
  5. Does not the rule book say t´hat every rider should do his or hers best to win? I find that a bit contradictory to your claim that he should use the rulebook to win.
  6. So you're saying that he should have told his rider to loose on purpose? He played the game fair and lost. That is how you do in sports.
  7. The same Poland that were just a few points from going straight to the final despite only having three riders? Janowski, Zmarzlik and Pawlicki usually ride well regardless of which track it is. Buczkowski isn't some push over either. Sure they aren't perhaps as good as they are in Poland but the same goes for GB. I think Vojens will suite the Polish riders better then the British riders.
  8. You fought them hard, you fought them well, out on the plain you gave them '''' but it wasn't enough.
  9. On the contrary I'd say that Denmark and Poland are the only one that does.
  10. We had the final in Sweden a couple of years ago which was a disaster since it had been raining for a week straight. We've also had the final in Cze Rp, a couple of years ago. Possible there will be a final in the UK within a couple of years but the main problem is that there aren't that many countries that are able to stage it.
  11. I read some on Sportowefakty earlier that he suffered a spiral fracture on his right thigh-bone so hopefully he will be fully recovered for next season.
  12. They don't need to be persuaded. It is already included in the "FIM STANDARDS FOR TRACK RACING CIRCUITS (STRC) 2015" . http://www.fim-live.com/en/library/download/53646/no_cache/1/ So the question is why this isn't more strictly enforced? Both in regards to those who use the airfences and in regards to those who manufacture airfences. Those who I have handled did not have any kind of "connector"/"fastening device" on the underside, only on the backside.
  13. Buczkowski will likely replace Hampel in the race off. http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=pl&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.sportowefakty.pl%2Fzuzel%2F526638%2Fdramat-jaroslawa-hampela-kapitan-reprezentacji-polski-zlamal-noge&sandbox=1
  14. They have plenty of Riders to choose from, Przedpelski, Jedrzejak, Protasiewicz, Buczkowski...
  15. Sportowefakty writes "The first diagnosis of talk about a thigh injury. Pole goes to the hospital!"
  16. BSI/FIM have scrapped the reserves, they cost too much money because the price money is too small to be enough for 5 riders,
  17. This also shows why there need to be a reserve in the team that can be put in i.e. case of riders being injured.
  18. Can't say I'm surprised that Ljung somehow manages to loose second place.
  19. It's difficult, many of the riders seems to be in good form. In addition to your picks, I'd say that Monberg, Sundström, Andersen and Jędrzejak also will be strong challengers.
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