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Everything posted by Ghostwalker

  1. I don't know if there will be any broadcast for next weeks round. Originally there were not supposed to be any meetings next week but due to the very rainy season there will be two meetings next week. Lejonen-Piraterna and Rospiggarna-Smederna. However these are not listed on Cmore's tv-schedule so likely they will only be showed online.
  2. Dawkins20, Laguta's Swedish average is 1.643 at the moment, it was 1.870 at the start of this season. That makes him 21st in Sweden at the moment. http://ta.svemo.se/Public/Pages/TeamSections.aspx?TeamId=38 http://www.svemo.se/sv/Grenar/Speedway/Elitserien2015/Rankinglista/
  3. Grigorij was injured twice last season. He sustained a foot injury prior to the season and then about halfway through the season he broke the same foot again. It wasn't a crash though but rather he got his foot somehow stuck between the ground and the footrest. As far as his love life is going, he is married and have two kids. Also I disagree about him being a gating tart, he is usually a very poor gater but is very good at finding lines to pass other riders however that requires a track with more then one line which is why his results is usually very poor at tracks where gating is everything.
  4. The good news is that John Lindman is not injured. He was checked up at the hospital and it was established that he had escaped unharmed.
  5. Watch PK and Zorro be out gated again Time for retirement. That is right, it is very early on the straight.
  6. Me neither, dunno if he is injured or something but everyone except Michelsen are really awful tonight. What a race!
  7. Smederna lucky again when Vaculik gets an ef in the final bend.
  8. Smederna was really lucky to get both riders in the restart.
  9. He was a good rider but is an awful commentator. delay is because a section of the airfence needed to be changed.
  10. Long delay while we wait for a new ambulance. Lindman looked ok but is transported to the hospital.
  11. Not much they can do. Poor gating is down to the riders
  12. Yes. Lindman upp and ok. Laguta excluded. Meeting over. Rospiggarna will win.
  13. 4-14 after 3 heats. Really poor gating from Smederna.
  14. Normally the away team benefits most from wet tracks since track then is a bit different then normal You are right through that Smederna did good against Piraterna on a similar track.
  15. Track work in progress: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0iRCjlrrTG1WUwtXzA1ZVoyaTA/edit?usp=docslist_api https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0iRCjlrrTG1bDJ3V3lqdEM3djA/edit?usp=docslist_api
  16. Still raining a little but not as much as before. Meeting should be able to go ahead but obviously many will stay at home because of the rain.
  17. Still raining, the rain haven't moved an inch in over an hour. If this continues it won't look good.
  18. It's raining here in Eskilstuna currently despite forecasts say no rain.
  19. http://www.smhi.se/vadret#ort=2715953,Eskilstuna,Eskilstuna,Sverige,59.366665/16.5 http://www.smhi.se/vadret/nederbord-molnighet/radar-blixt-sverige http://www.smhi.se/vadret/ortsprognoser#ort=2693049,M%C3%A5lilla,Hultsfred,Sverige,57.383335/15.8;flik=0 Some minor showers on both tracks but nothing that should cause the meetings to be called off.
  20. It has been moved to the 28th. This was done before/at the same time as the season fixture schedule was released. I don't know why but I would guess that it could be Cmore wanting a meeting to show that week. Originally that Tuesday wouldn't have had a meeting but now there is this meeting as well as a meeting that was postponed earlier.
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