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Everything posted by Ghostwalker

  1. You were talking about Manchester which you said was very exposed to rain and therefore unsuitable. Then I pointed out that Målilla isn't much better. This is I think, the fourth time it rains at a GP in Målilla. Then there was the SWC a few years ago.
  2. Full score chart (posted by Swedish U21 team manager): https://twitter.com/frojd67/status/624637104841228288/photo/1
  3. ...and Målilla is well know for it's permanent blue skies and sunny weather?
  4. Over 22mm of rain is expected but according to forecasts it supposed to have stopped by the start time of the GP and the track will be covered. So as long as it stops before 20, 20.30 or something like that it shouldn't be a problem. http://www.smhi.se/vadret#ort=2693049,M%C3%A5lilla,Hultsfred,Sverige,57.383335/15.8
  5. During the meeting between Lejonen and Piraterna earlier this week, Darcy slammed into Kildemand causing Kildemand to crash. Then Pontus Aspgren, while trying to avoid hitting Kildemand, crashed into the airfence with a concussion as a result. "Surprisingly" not a word from the MonsterMaffia about this. Had it been Nicki, social media would have been filled with hate speeches from the MonsterMaffia against Nicki and how dirty he his. So obviously this is about something else then dirty riding. It's hardly a coincident that the riders who like to complain also are sponsored by the SGP/SWC's main sponsor.
  6. The replay of the meeting can be seen here: http://www.dt.se/sport/motor/unik-livesandning-dt-och-dd-sande-masarna-vastervik-live
  7. Swedish speedway fan Anders Henrysson will attempt to broadcast the practice on Periscope TV; https://www.periscope.tv/w/aIH61jg4MjUwMDN8NDU5Mzk2NjbHoW1vDJE8_BK6wJ6OFhPzXchyrET0ixz4ztaAP4eezA==
  8. I dont know either but the Västervik meetings will streamed at https://vasterviksik.solidtango.com However the price is really silly. 99 SEK for a friendly junior's meeting? That is more than then I pay for the Elitserien meetings on Cmore.
  9. Heat 14:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GgWmX8Om_Vs&feature=youtu.be Meeting was a bit one sided but otherwise pretty decent.
  10. Imo it's a bit too early to speculate about wild cards. Too much of the GP-series still remain and then there's the GP-challenge in Rybnik. I think Lindbäck have a very good chance at being top 3 in Rybnik. I wouldn't be surprised to see Lindbäck + Pawlickis go through.
  11. Great, the other stream service seems to have been discontinued. Anyway the attendance for Masarna's meeting is ~1700
  12. I disagree. They should not. If the weather is not good enough No racing should be commenced as long as it rains.
  13. Links to live streams: Masarna-Västervik, broadcast starts at 18.50 (6.50pm UK time) http://www.dt.se/sport/motor/unik-livesandning-dt-och-dd-sander-masarna-vastervik-live Preiliminary lineups: http://ta.svemo.se/Public/Pages/Competition/CompetitionTeamMembers.aspx?CompetitionId=4679 Gnistona - Örnarna , broadcast usually starts a few minutes before 19.00 http://www.malmotv.se/live-sections/live/index.1.html Preiliminary lineups http://ta.svemo.se/Public/Pages/Competition/CompetitionTeamMembers.aspx?CompetitionId=4681 Race card: http://www.mediafire.com/view/hq5xgd1bg2gz5z4/Blank_Heat_schedule_ES.AS.pdf Live results: http://www.svemo.se/Speedway
  14. Weather forecast doesn't look good : http://www.smhi.se/vadret#ort=2693049,M%C3%A5lilla,Hultsfred,Sverige,57.383335/15.8
  15. It was said today that it will be a free stream. So we now have two streams to watch at the same time. #multitasking.
  16. No video stream for tonight's meeting but at least live scores: http://ta.svemo.se/Public/Pages/Competition/DrivingSchedule/CompetitionLiveResult.aspx?Branch=Speedway&Columns=CompetitionInfo,Branch,Name,Arena,Organizer,FromDateShort&Datefilter=Today&pagesize=10&CompetitionId=4673&ShowAll=true Also live radio: http://radioavesta.se/webbradio.html
  17. There will also been a stream from Masarna vs. Västervik tomorrow at: http://www.dt.se/sport/motor/unik-livesandning-dt-och-dd-sander-masarna-vastervik-live I don't know yet if it will be free or PPV but broadcast starts at 18.50 local time.
  18. Your link doesn't work "access denied", I presume you have to be registered at the forum to be able to view the image.
  19. Pontus Aspgren suffered a concussion when he crashed into the airfence while avoiding Kildemand who had been hit by Ward. http://www.speedwaynyheter.se/2015/07/21/hjarnskakning-for-aspgren/
  20. I think the only changes that are required are PK and Zorro out to get some youngblood in.
  21. Gnistorna live this Thursday. http://www.gnistorna.se/
  22. It seems that Vargarna are a bit angry. In 2009 the speedway section of Östgöta MK split with Östgöta MK since speedway is on a more professional level while the car/motorcycle section is more of a hobby level. They are all based at Kråkvilan in Norrköping. At the same time a new lease contract was signed between Vargarna and Norrköping's kommun (kommun basically a poltical and administrative region, usually a city and it's surrounding area). Vargarna also took care of Östgöta MK's debts as a part of the split agreement. Now this lease will expire at new year so negotiations are ongoing but Östgöta MK want's more influence despite that Vargarna are the ones paying for the lease of the lot where the arena is built. Vargarna refuses to allow Östgöta MK to get more influence. It has gone so far that Vargarna are threatening to dismantle the entire arena if a new deal is not signed this autumns. http://www.folkbladet.se/nyheter/vargarna-hotar-vi-river-arenan-8312248.aspx 70km south the situation isn't that good either. Filbyterna have had there 500cc team in hibernation for many years since the updated arena requirements includes an airfence. However reports says that they now have enough money to buy an airfence but they are not allowed to put it up by Linköpings MS since LMS have decided that those money Filbyterna have accumulated to be used for the airfence, shall be used for other things instead. There are also disagreements regarding how much the airfence actually costs. Anyway a total mess. http://speedwaymedia.speedwaymedia.se/#post980
  23. Rospiggarna- Smederna still waiting for a decision on whether to continue or not. It's off now. Only 1p for Smederna is not enough, no play off this year.
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