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Everything posted by Ghostwalker

  1. No it was the same for everyone but it's online now. They say that they had internet problems.
  2. Live scores will available on this link; http://ta.svemo.se/Public/Pages/Competition/DrivingSchedule/CompetitionLiveResult.aspx?Branch=Speedway&Columns=CompetitionInfo,Branch,Name,Arena,Organizer,FromDateShort&Datefilter=Today&pagesize=10&CompetitionId=4682 Preliminary lineups: http://ta.svemo.se/Public/Pages/Competition/CompetitionTeamMembers.aspx?CompetitionId=4682 There will be R/R for Kim Nilsson.
  3. Also see this page: http://www.visit-middelfart.com/ln-int/funen/middelfart
  4. Sounds great so lucky you I guess. I think Odense is probably well worth a visit and of course also Legoland. The latter is only 75km from Fjelsted.
  5. I hope Nicki wins it because he is the only one who can challenge the monster kids.
  6. Yes they are: http://www.malmotv.se/live-sections/live/index.1.html https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lKt6QowXvjU
  7. Loktaev will most likely be suspended for atleast two years according to sportowefakty. It also says that Loktaev of course have the right to the B-sample analysed but he can also wave that right and then the matter will be dealt with more quickly then if they are to wait for the results of the b-sample analyse. PZM could also consider Lokataev to have used the drugs in attempt to improve his riding ability the suspension might be more then 2 years. https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=sv&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.sportowefakty.pl%2Fzuzel%2F536833%2Flos-aleksandra-loktajewa-w-rekach-komisji-dyscyplinarnej-pzm&edit-text= I also disagree with Michał Rynkowski's opinion that doping is worse then drunk riding. It is the opposite, DUI obviously way worse and way more dangerous then "Just" being doped.
  8. He rode for my team Smederna during 2003 and 2004 seasons. Mostly at reserve with Jesper B Jensen. http://speedwayhistorik.svemo.se/2003/snitt.asp?Smederna http://speedwayhistorik.svemo.se/2004/snitt.asp?Smederna
  9. Örnarna - Masarna were supposed to be re-run tonight after being postponed twice. Unfortunately it has been postponed for the third time.
  10. It seems that Horsens have been exposed to allot of rain during July, some 146mm (~15cm) rain have fallen in July only. Danmarks "wettest city" seems like a good place to hold a GP at an unroofed temporary track. https://translate.google.com/translate?depth=1&nv=1&rurl=translate.google.dk&sl=da&tl=en&u=http://vejret.tv2.dk/2015-07-29-to-skybrud-paa-fire-dage-her-er-danmarks-vaadeste-by
  11. Yeah Piraterna were lucky to get away with it. Could and should have been three EX for Piraterna but referee chickened out.
  12. Undeserved victory IMO. Indianerna were the better team but Piratern's riders constantly dropping it in first bend when missing gate.
  13. The individual Swedish championship is this week. U21 final on Friday and big final on Saturday. Saturday's final will be televised on cmore.
  14. NKI exd. I'd had excluded Engman. Engman twists his bike too much, not Iversen's fault.
  15. Dackarna - Elit Vetlanda have been called off. This is the second attempt to hold this meeting.
  16. The classic start clock malfunction. Apparently greg uses a special kind of tires. It does not have the regular inflatable hose but rather just some sort of air cushion tire.
  17. it will also be covered by sports radio; http://sverigesradio.se/sida/artikel.aspx?programid=179&artikel=628495
  18. The new engine generation when used with the new silencers is probably not a good combination. Riders nowadays are also quite different then they were 30 years ago. Each rider is a smaller company with several employees in each rider's team .
  19. Well Målilla minicapility have 1500 inhabitants so they are not an own commume but a part of Hultsfred kommun which have about 13000 inhabitants. It varies, some teams pays more, some pay less and some teams/clubs like Målilla MK (which is the official host of Målilla GP) owns their own track.
  20. Nice race between Nicki and Zagar. Close, tought but fair. Both congratulate each other after the heat.
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