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Everything posted by Ghostwalker

  1. For the actual ruling, the committee took into account that Greg was provoked by Nicki's manoeuvre and that Nicki was excluded and warned for the incident. They also took into account that a longer suspension would hurt a professional rider like him economically. Imo ruling is ok but. A rider should not have to file a complaint for Svemo to deal with this case which is the case here. The case was not dealt with until Nicki filed a formal charge against Greg which I think happened two or three weeks ago.
  2. 1. I don't think that they can issue a ban that goes for a certain amount of meetings only for a certain amount of time. 2. Stefan Andersson, team manager for Piraterna, can choose any rider he wants from his squad. It will likely be Adrian Miedzinski. So I wonder if Greg realizes the irony that in "his attempt to get rid of dangerous riding" his actions will likely result in that one of the worst, if not the worst (the latter according to Peter Ljung in a Swedish speedway poddcast) will take Greg's place in the lineup. The official ruling(press release can be read at the link below and IMO it's always better to use the original source/ruling then to use one of the involved parties' own biased version. http://www.mynewsdesk.com/se/svemo/pressreleases/avstaengning-foer-hancock-1201897?utm_medium=email&utm_source=sendgrid http://www.svemo.se/ImageVaultFiles/id_9959/cf_44/Diarienr_2015_03_Beslut.PDF Svemo base the ruling on the rules set by the National Swedish sports Confederation (Riksidrottsförbundet) which is the highest governing sports Confederation in Sweden. Their rules overrides any rules found in the special sports associations. Dunno what's happened with Greg, he seems to be obsessed by Nicki? Like it is something different behind it then Nicki's riding style.
  3. Yes I posted it here just a few minutes after it was announced. http://www.speedway-forum.co.uk/forums/index.php?showtopic=67537&p=2662674
  4. Spiegal, then Jim have done wrong. As a referee, you cannot choose when you want to follow the rules. A referee cannot refrain from excluding a rider who is at fault just because he/she thinks that the meeting would benefit from not excluding a certain rider. A referee cannot and shall not exclude a less exciting rider and refrain from excluding a more exciting rider for the same kind of incident. Any referee that does that should immediately hand in his or hers referee licence.
  5. Greg Hancock have been handed a 10 day suspension for his assault on Nicki. http://www.mynewsdesk.com/se/svemo/pressreleases/avstaengning-foer-hancock-1201897?utm_medium=email&utm_source=sendgrid http://www.svemo.se/ImageVaultFiles/id_9959/cf_44/Diarienr_2015_03_Beslut.PDF
  6. Darcy Ward have signed for Esbjerg https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=446311738874920
  7. Bysarna's track is almost ready. It's only approved for practice yet since some things like star lights and etc still have to be installed. http://sverigesradio.se/sida/artikel.aspx?programid=94&artikel=6223980
  8. To be honest, IMO if Lindbäck is the sole Swedish rider qualifying, there is no need to give a wild card to another Swedish rider but I do think it will happen despite that there isn't anyone who deserves it. If Lindbäck does not qualify he will get one wild card and then it's less likely that they give a second Swede a wild card.
  9. Doyle only got excluded for taking Peter K out, the other exclusion was for riding inside the white line. I can agree with that Nicki need to be better at accepting others being hard on him and etc but this doesn't change the impression that he is judged differently. It also does not change the fact that someone like Greg who are very eager to find an excuse to criticize Nicki, never seem to be bothered when other riders then Nicki is riding too hard.
  10. National Stadium or not I just think it's great that a new speedway stadium is being built.
  11. King Kenni reigns supreme! Winner of the Danish championship.
  12. RR, strange. The schedule says live at 6pm. Alan, Smederna have one more meeting after this.
  13. So how does it work in the UK? Do the teams hire commercial companies or is it handled by volunteers?
  14. Personally I want to see a top three looking like this; 1. Lindbäck, 2, Lindgren and 3. Sundström.
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