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Everything posted by stevec

  1. I get why you would either agree or disagree 'if' thats what they are doing with Tom but to call it 'shameful' is ludicrous! This promotion does have fire in the belly and that would be the very reason behind keeping him on a 3 point average for next season while also, trying to win this season. Personally, I would like to see Tom in the team asap but I would never accuse Martin and Connor of having 'no fire in the belly'
  2. Just asking but can you expect much more than that from a bottom four when you have 3 top heat leaders like that? Pretty much the hardest Eastbourne have been pushed all season.
  3. I think you have to take this with a pinch of salt. I hate it as well and when he came past us we clapped and cheered him, he is entertaining an its riders like him that make speedway. I am sure those that cheered him coming off would not wish him hurt!!. They would soon be cheering him if he rode for us.
  4. Thats great news, Thanks for posting.
  5. I am glad you started this thread. It surprising there wasnt one up and I am keen to here news on Jade. We often see what us speedway fans call 'classic collar bone' accidents and that was similar except he hit the ground so hard! It really was nasty and so was the initial aftermath, he was clearly not in a good state. For me, the meeting and result are irrelevant until we hear if he is okay. As for the rest? Well, I am a great fan of Danny Aires, he gets better and better snd rides with his heart. Mark Baseby was a cracking guest. Jake Knight is mr Entertainment
  6. I am one of those Eagles fans that said I would not go if they went National League. I ended up going to all home matches and more away matches than ever before last season I was wrong about National League
  7. No, instead they will get slated for getting everyone to the track and making a late call off. Len Silver will most probably say the should have made a much earlier call rather than waste everyones time and money!!
  8. Well, lets hope the talking can be done on the track. Kent fans were great last visit, as were the Kent team. I just hope that the meeting is decided by the riders and not the ref, EF or the weather.
  9. Surely if the rules allow, they should be allowed. I guess the debate is more about what the National League should be, a development league or the third tier of speedway. Personally, I want to see my team win and win against similarly made up team. Yes, I want to see British riders brought through so I think its right to say something like 4 of the riders should have an NL average of less then 5 or 6 say. But ather than that, if a rider fits, he should be used. Every race start a rider makes, he can learn things. EL, they have to learn about passing and tryong to gate. NL can be maybe about team riding and trying to stop being passed for example and just simply getting laps in. NL would not be of interest to me if teams like Birmingham, Cradely and Eastbourne do not build teams to complete and win. Despite my feeling over Len Silvers stupid comments, I hope Kent do well this year as they have a great competitive team. If that team has a few injuries and they sign an EL league rider to come in and help win the league (within the rules) then good luck to them.
  10. I try not to slag people off on forums. Riders, managers, promotors and fans, I always give the benefit of the doubt but Len Silver has shown himself to be a complete idiot over the last year or so! Even if you think that and I must admit, I was grateful fot the rain off. Kent smashed us last time and I am happy to have some time to regroup before facing them again but to make comments like that are just a joke! Look at the pictures of the track!
  11. What the best most convenient and cheapest way to get to the stadium as a travelling fan? Car all the way or Park at Portsmouth and ferry across as a foot passenger? Or another way? Oh yeh, and if you travel as a foot passenger, how do you get from port to stadium and back....and all that?
  12. Good stuff. He flew last year. Even BWD could barely touch him. Did not see that coming.
  13. People said that about Stefan Anderson and Martin Dugard and the ended up in the same team. If it works for the team and Rob wanted to come yes, I think it could happen. Plenty of other reason it probaly wont happen anyway. Pleased Ben has got a ride. Nice guy and can be brilliant on his day
  14. Rob Bramford to Eastbourne? Wonder how long he is in Aussie for. Ah, forget that, just seen his average!
  15. Well was British under 19 champ so maybe duel nationality
  16. I wonder how long we will keeping bringing that one up! I think Just as I get used to the idea that he wont be making a come back, someone has to do it! I hope not. If he just goes and wins every race I will just be thinking he shouldn't be there. If he gets beaten, I will hate it more than the odd occasion he got beaten round Arlo in the Elite League!! Its a lose, lose situation! MM,, I was hoping that mayeb they were negotiating with the powers that be, on a return of BWD but his average is too high I think!
  17. As an Eastbourne fan I was gutted by the results but I have to say I was delighted for and impressed with Kent! Like Eastbourne when in the Elite League Kent are often written off as also rans and have had their share of a lack of results. It must have been great for the fans to come and see their boys do so well at Arlington. I like a lot of the Kent riders. Danny Aires id great, gives everything and clearly cares, he rides with his heart James Shanes, doesnt always get the result but looks fricking amazing to watch Danno Verge, met him and had a chat with him at lydd last year. He was the first on the track when my lad came off his bike to pick him up and give him some advice. So yeh, it hurt on 'Bad' Friday but not as much as it would have losing to another team. Oh yeh,and Coventry away helped!
  18. Seems he rode in the spring classic at Plymouth in March and did okay. http://www.plymouthdevils.co/match-reports.html Line Up 1. Steve Boxall (Unattached) - 3, 3, 0, 2 = 8 2. Todd Kurtz (Plymouth) - 2, 2, 2, 3 = 9 3. Ulrich Ostergaard (Peterborough) - 1, 3, 2, 3 = 9 4. Matt Bates (Unattached) - 0, 0, 0, 0 = 0 5. Mikkel Bech (Wolves) - 3, 2, 3, FX = 8 6. Ashley Morris (Cradley Heath) - 2, 3, 1, 2 = 8 7. Jack Holder (Plymouth) - 1, 0, 3, 3 = 7 8. Ellis Perks (Plymouth/Isle Of Wight) - F, 1, 1, 0 = 2 9. Ben Barker (Glasgow) - 2, 1, 3, 2 = 8 10. Danny Ayres (Glasgow) - X, 0, FX, 1 = 1 11. Sam Simota (Plymouth) - 3, 2, 2, 1 = 8 12. Charlie Gjedde (Plymouth) - 1, 1, 1, 1 = 4 R1. Tyler Govier (Isle Of Wight) - DNR
  19. Where is this coming from. Not sure I will believe until I see it officially. No disrespect to anyone but I have learned to treat forums that way. Hard on Ben I must admit. He seemed to be doing okay!
  20. Oh and btw I actually agree this team does not look as strong as what last years team was. I dont see two riders that can do what Georgie and Bradley did this year and increase their average by so much. But this year we only need to get in the top 4 and I do believe we will do that. From there and with the team we have at the end of the year, that will be stronger I think we can win the league.
  21. Dam it, you have asked so I need to respond! Okay, before I do this I have to say I have no issue with what you say and when I say the things that guys like you say make me laugh, I dont mean I think you are wrong, I mean you seem to write them as a statement of fact rather than an opinion. If all the statements below (made by you) had the words 'I think' or 'in my opinion' ahead of them I would be fine with it. these forums always make me laugh because people write things like they are fact rather than opinion. I am pretty sure if I could be bothered to go through the 2015 Eastbourne thread where people are saying 'Eastbourne will go nowhere this year' So looking at the 'statements' below 1, There are far better sides than Eastbourne this year How do you know this? You dont actually know what any of the riders are going to go like? 2, Wood can't make a bike work for 2 meetings in a row Simply not true, yes he has his fair share of problem but managed to have a pretty gp season despite them. 3. Knight not all he's being made out to be. Again, how do you know, its not like he has been around for years? You could well be right but you cant make it a statement, its an opinion. 4. Hopwood will never be any better than the solid heat leader he is. Not enough in the tank this year at Eastbourne. They will not be winning a treble this year. Maybe true and could be all we need anyway but who knows, knock a couple of stone off the saddle of that bike and the talent could shine through, I know I am being pedantic and of course you know they are opinions, its just you (and lots of other people) write stuff like they are fact. And yes, I am sure you do it to get a bit of a reaction and debate, go on, admit it. What I like however is the fact that you wish the team well. And I respect anyone that has helped any team and/or rider in anyway. I have done a bit myself, albeit very small, with both the Elite and National League clubs, ps, I have edited the post you referred to as the English was terrible and didn't make sense!
  22. Fact is, no-one really knows, and that speedway for you. Guys like Pitstop that makes statements that this team wont and that team will, do make me laugh, although I do realize that a lot of what he says is tongue in cheek and to get reaction. Sure we don't have BWD or one of the top number ones but even if we did, it would only mean having someone worse in the lower order and anyway, who knows how Kyle will go, especially with the Dugards behind him. The 3 pointers may well do what our starting reserves did last year. Charlie has already shown he can score go points in a match. But we have two things that could do it for us, 1. The Dugards, they have shown they will make changes and bring in riders when required and the likes of Hopwood, the Spillers and Mattie Bates show that. I am sure they will do the same if and when required this season. 2. Home track advantage. Okay, some other teams fans dont like our track but its what we have and if we are top 4 at the end of the year, we are in there with a massive chance. Bring ion the season
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