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Everything posted by stevec

  1. Interesting! Cant be anything too massive as agm still to happen Kyle Hughes? Both Spillers? Martin Dugard on an assessed 3 point average Connor to don a race suit? Or maybe not even rider related
  2. I would like to see a change in the rules that if a NL rider signs mid-season for a club in a higher league, the NL team gets priory over the rider in fixture clashes. Do away with playoffs. And a 30 second back to tapes warning put on in the event of a unsatisfactory start, unless someone has gone down and needs to sort bike out.
  3. This is the one time I would hate to be management. Surprised no-one has mentioned Jake Knight, surely he figures as a starter. Glad Baseby has been mentioned. Its too easy to forget injured riders and he was flying before he got hurt. Georgie is another no brainer and already I can see I am running out of points! So I am thinking something like 1, Jake or Mark 2. Kelsey (One last chance and can be dropped to strengthen up mid season) Sorry Kelsey. 3. Tom 4. Not sure but I agree Charlies average does not help him so probably a promising 4/5 pointer 5. Georgie or Mark 6. Edwards 7. Ethan Spiller or Charlie Saunders but I guess thatch a non-starter. I have not even looked at what this adds up to and its pretty pointless until we know the points limit anyway.
  4. I dislike the 8-9 rule for a couple of reasons. Firstly, I watch speedway to see my team win, no, not at ANY cost but I expect the promotion to do what they can to ensure we can win. Development League or not, sport is about winning. (IMHO) So, I dont want to see a number 8 replace a reserve that we have brought in and is going well, I want to replace him with a rider that is as capable Secondly, The poor lad could turn up to every meeting and never get a ride and if he does not go to every meeting he has even lass of a chance of getting a ride! There are always big problems that are pretty unique to speedway. Just looking around you can see loads of riders that will not get team places because of their averages. Riders that started at reserve and are now second strings with a 4 or 5 average that looks too high, riders that have progressed to heat leaders where you have 3 or four of them in a team. It must be a nightmare every year. I should think once the season is ob=ver, its almost nice to be a mid table team that can keep the core of his riders and just pick two or three prospects that can increase averages. The likes of Bell Vue and Eastbourne and Kent have a much harder problem to solve.. .
  5. Jeez Can we not move on? Twice I have asked how Jon is but that gets ignored and the bitterness carries on. Any fan in that stadium would have been concerned for him, especially those close enough to hear him yell. There will always be two side to any story and I am sure both sides see what happened differently. Ultimately we all have something in common and that's the love of speedway and our teams. I just hope Mildenhall can put together a team to at least give us a fight for the win on the night....or even the cup. After all, who expected them to boot belle vue out. Come on....move on!
  6. Phew! I dont fancy a late one Sunday I guess that means paying more for the one match though?
  7. Didnt realise that, are we first or second?
  8. Anyway, Any predictions for the score on Sunday, I shall we start a new thread? For what its worth, I am gutted Jon is out, I like the guy. I hope Mildenhall can put a good team out. I would much rather Eagles win by two points overall with a heat 15 decider, than have a walkover!
  9. On the subject. How is he? Whats he done? You probably didn't notice but he was applauded as he was carted off the track on the buggy, by several concerned Eagles fans. He certainly looked in pain and its not often you see a rider in so much discomfort that they are lifted off the bike. Mind you, I guess thats because they are normally sprawled on the track! For what its worth. That is the way the team celebrate each week and most the fans love it. I dont believe for one minute they would have realised Jon was in such discomfort. Had he taken a nasty tumble it almost certainly been different.
  10. As much as it needs a massive change, I will always love F! Having said that, I used to go to Silverstone every year but have not been for the last 5 or 6. Yeh, I watch moto gp, Superbikes, touring cars. If its on tarmac....I watch it err..and shale!
  11. I know you weren't, hence my comment that you do not read other posts. I was one of the people that heard Jon's yells of pain, explained that it was Connor that called for the buggy and that there was good reason for the Eastie riders not to have realised Jon was hurt but you seem to have blissfully missed that post and only discuss the negatives! I agree that we are all entitled to our opinions however. I just wish people all posted based on ALL the facts.
  12. Yeh, agree turn out was not good but hell, even I nearly did not go. It clashed with Formula One, Sunday evenings are about relaxing and sleeping off the Mrs's epic roast dinner and it was COLD!! That, coupled with the weak opposition and that fact that its just the first leg, certainly made it a meeting for the hardiest of fans.
  13. You are clearly someone that does not read all posts or only wants to hear one side of the story!
  14. The Eastbourne riders come round in the same type of celebration each time they win a match and they are usually ready as soon as heat 15 ends. They would not have known Jon was hurt and just like Jon, many of them are the first on the track, even when a rider from an opposing team goes down, 90% of these young NL riders are the same. The wheel barrow was a stupid idea that 'one' of the track staff thought was a good one and it was Connor Dugard (Eastbourne Promption) that yelled across to them that he had arranged for the buggy. Dont forget that there is also an ambulance that the medical staff could have called for had then deemed it necessary. Not sure where you were but I was about as close as you can get, close enough to hear Jon yelling in pain. Get ALL your facts right before you post slagging of another team or promotion adz. No Idea what happened with Tom's Mum but 'classy bird' is an insulting comment about someone for once again, something you maybe only know half the story....if that! As for the match. How disappointing! Seriously, I feel for any MH fans (including Adz) that had to come down for that. Its bad enough when you have to suffer seeing a team of guests but when the couple of riders of your own team under perform, its just horrid. We have all been there! I would hope however that they went away feeling pretty good about Drew Kemp. This guy is going to be a star!
  15. Was a completely frustrating end to a pretty good meeting. Why is it that I was talking to those with me, about the possibility of being 'fogged off' and yet there seemed no urgency from anyone that mattered to get on with it. I thought it quite refreshing when it was announced we were going to have a 'short' break but then we had to sit through the usual endless break and I even heard a couple of ironic cheers when the tractors finally pulled off the track. Maybe. like me, they thought that I 'fog off' is unlikely and it never crossed thier minds that the ref would call it off. And why did he just call it off. I drive five minutes down the road and the fog was clear. Surely we should have had the 10 minute wait just to see if it lifted enough to get 2 minutes of racing in. 2 minutes. And! Why WAS it called off? The ref could not see the whole track. TOUGH! The refs job is to make a judgement if there is a crash. Sometimes he is not best placed to make that judgement and often gets it wrong. So why not run these two extremely important races and just accept that he may have to make a difficult call. There was no health and safety reason to stop that meeting with two races to go. And, the way it was announce annoyed me, so matter of fact. How about getting the ref and/or promotion on to explain. I just hope that whatever the result is it is a bog win either way. I would hate for either team (but especially the Eagles) to loose by just a couple of points. All in all this is ending up an extremely frustrating end to the season for me. Jake's ban, league cut off date, the elusive Charlie Saunders, and now this. Will I come again next year after all this? Well I have been since 1970, So yeh, most likely I will. Rant over.
  16. I thought there would be much more talk about this I must admit. I hope we dont get the same amount of interest at the stadiums. Would be nice for both promotions to get rewarded for putting good teams together by a bumper crowd. For me, I think if Eastie can get a 20 point lead at Arlington, that would make BV very nervous. I, and I am sure many others Eagles fans have a hard choice to make Saturday night/Sunday morning and that's is there enough of a lead to make it worth the HORRIBLE journey to Manchester? 20 points or more, I am Manchester bound. Between 12 and 18, I really dont know. Its a heck of a long way to go to have any lead wiped out by about heat 7 or 8! My prediction? I reckon Eagles will will by between 12 and 16 at home......leaving me with that hard choice to make! Not sure what the crack is with Charlie? Certainly dont think it helps us with only Tom and the reserves able to take his rides, so not much there for the conspiracy theorists.
  17. Well he said main team which I always take as 1 -5 but yeh, I think you are probably right. Either way, I hardly think you could say we are where we are due to guest selections, even if the Charlie Saunders thing does confused us all! Especially as he did ad good a job as any have when he did ride for us
  18. Always good to get the excuses out early I spose We don't have any guests in the main team do we?
  19. I would normally feel pretty calm about this but after Kent turned us over last time, I am a bit twitchy. However, lightning rarely strikes twice and I think we will win by around 8 or so. Partly depends on if the track can be prepared the way we like it or if the rain prepares it for us.
  20. Wolves has been my only bad experience tbh. Enough that I felt I needed to move. Maybe I just dont notice it. I certainly have never seen it at Kent. Though I wasnt there last night.
  21. Don't start mud slinging. There are fans like this at all clubs and I would bet the majority of Kent fans were fine. Obviously that's what the pits were like. Just the same as our pits will be like if Kent pull a shocker on us Saturday.....like they already have a couple of weeks back. I certainly wont be celebrating until we are mathematically through to the final.
  22. Yep, that was what was announced. All a bit of a strange end to the meeting really.
  23. If it had been an Eastbourne home match that had not been run, I would have no complaint but they cant help away fixtures I do agree that more effort should be made to get league fixtures run and I feel for Cradley not having a home track. And of course, I just hate playoffs. Eastbourne were the first team to top the league and lose the play offs and I have a horrible feeling of daja vu coming on! Hopefully (funny thing to say) we will lose at Cradley and I will stop moaning but more likely, the match wont be run.
  24. Maybe they dont want the farce of Eastbourne winning and going top but not having choice if the play offs?
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