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Everything posted by stevec

  1. Cam isnt stupid, he knows the cars race on the stock car track but the speedway track gets used as the run off area and you will often see the cars wheel spinning on the speedway track. I think thats the damage he would have been talking about,
  2. I think it was a year or two earlier when Jon called us 'The scurge that is the internet' Re the Saturday thing, we have no choice, midweek was tried a few years back and crowds were even worse. Bob has said we will not go Premier League, I guess he has his reasons for that. With this one, I dont see that it makes much difference as BV will have a facility and very often that can make teams stronger at Arlo if the get the right guest. Oh, and the only cheer/round of applause I heared before heat 15 was after the 2 minutes silence for Simmo
  3. Seeing as this meeting is showing as on bet365 tonight think I will give it a watch but I expect the usually eagles away loss.
  4. What is it with Speedway that fans feel the need to slag off tracks, riders and everything else. Theres a few comments on here that have annoyed me (Eastbourne fan btw) Firstly, why the hell shouldn't Hansen take a lap of honour after he rode pretty much on the pace all evening? I was quite happy to high five him when he came round the stock car track after heat 15 as well after he won it. Good on him. Blaming the track for the offs is plain stupid. It was not rutting, cutting up or patchy. Bit slick yes but not the cause of the accidents. I get so bored listening to all the gripes of doctoring the track. Bob grades a lot, Get used to it. I know some away supporters are not used to seeing the tractor so much and I admit even I raise an eyebrow when Bob comes out after a couple of laps have been run but its the same track for everyone. And yes, he tries to prepare the track for the home team, as all tracks can do!! Then there is the gate doctoring. These allegations have gone on for years. So if I was a team manager, I would go up to the ref before a match and say to him. "Can you please keep an eye on the graders and make sure there don't cheat with the gate grading" Eventually, something would have to be done if all away teams protested. Most away managers and riders compliment how the Arlington track is prepared with the 'odd' remark every now and then. Why should Eastbourne graciously cancel tonight's meeting? More than most teams they 'need' to win a championship. Gates are down and they seem to go up when we are having a good year. We could cancel this meeting and then when the meeting is rescheduled may be have a bit of bad luck, an injury, bad ref decision, ef and....lose the match. As a fan I would be a bit miffed if that happened' especially if we missed the play offs by a point or two. No, all that is wrong in my mind is the rules that gave us the team we had to ride against tonight. Just plain crazy
  5. I am sure Poole got find last year for fielding an under strength side. I side that I think did pretty will if a remember right. Are Coventry getting a fine for this. I* hope not but surely this is more under strength than Poole's team was.
  6. As an Eastbourne fan I am annoyed that it looks like we are going to have to put up with a meeting that is a walkover. Having said that, I would be just as annoyed if it was cancelled. We need a successful year to build the future and although the meeting may not be much we need the points (especially with our away form). It would be crazy to cancel this meeting and then have the misfortune of a couple of injuries when Coventry come back and end up losing the points! No, as far as I am concerned the blame lies fairly and squarely on the rules. They should be able to have a guest or Hans should not be allowed to ride elsewhere. Which one, I dont know but we should not be having a poor replacement for a number 1! Anyway, after what happened with Poole last year, I wont count my chickens until we have the meeting wrapped up!
  7. Being an Eastbourne fan I really do get a bit fed up with how often the trcak gets slagged of but even I have to admit that last night was terrible for racing. Only tomo managed a pass during a race, it was terrible boring racing/ On the Wolves side, I have to say I was impressed with Jacob. He seemed on the pace and giving it his all in most races.
  8. It is such a shame about the lack of racing.(and people slag off Arlington!) I think the viewing is the best I have ever seen, very very impressed with stadium and presentation. It really did looking impossible to pass unless a mistake was made! Eastbourne again really look like they cannot pick up an away win. Two reserves going really well, yet the top five have failed to gel at all. Very disappointing. Another year of watching us win at home but do next to nothing away, 7 hours driving to come away with nothing!
  9. Planned on going to this, weather permitting. Would be grateful if any locals could post weather updates. Its pouring in Hastings at the moment
  10. Yeh but then life is full od if's If Lewis Blackbird had ridden, Eastbourne would have got all the points at Arlington
  11. Well all I can say is well done Eastbourne. They can only ride against the team in front of them. Yes, it was ver annoying to turn up to the first match of the season and see that the opposition leaves a bit to be desired but I still didn't consider the match a walkover before it started. Skornicki was very quick the week before, Danny King is no slouch and I expected more from Ben Barker. Those three performing with a few points thrown in by Rowan could have seen a closer match.! For me the standout performance and one that gives me real hope for the season was Mikael. He looked super fast. Lewis Blackbird was not a Million miles behind either
  12. Its a real shame. I had Kim down as one of our trump cards this season looking at how he did towards the end of last year. I am sure Timo will come in instead and jsud maybe, with a point to prove, he can find some of his 2012 form.
  13. Terrible news I hope Kim recovers quickly
  14. All it says at the moment is we have official practice day in the morning and then track is being prepared for his testimonial in the evening. Planning my day already. I shall watch the P&P, mingle a bit in the pits and take in the sights and smells of those beautiful bikes. Then I shall pop off for a Toby Carvery before arriving back at the track for the meeting. Cant wait!!
  15. Good to see Joonas is having his testimonial at Arlo on the 22nd of March.
  16. Yes, the play off came in the very next tear I think Eastbourne topped the league again but lost to Wolves in the play off final Anyway on topic Top four (in no particular order) will be Poole Eastbourne Coventry Kings Lynn
  17. Come on people, don't go falling out! I also think its a valid point that it should go on the forum as well as facebook. I don't have facebook and not sure that I would bother getting it just to give some feedback to the club. I would like to do this on the forum I possible/ BTW, I have been a fan for 44 years and also have done my bit putting up the air fence and also helped out one of the riders this season/ To a certain extent, I can see why the club are a bit anti forum. They do get people on the forums that just want to moan and groan and go beyond constructive criticism, In fact, some make personal comments an=bout the management. that said, I would like the management to get a bit more active on the forums and actually enter into some sort of dialogue with us, I think they would find we want what they want, Success
  18. Not sure why Woffy riding for Wolves is so important for our sport, unless you mean losing him in the UK would be a disaster, in which case I agrees). So pleased about Peterborough however. Great news.
  19. If it was up to me I would def go for Kim, no doubt in my mind, I really think he is the obvious choice
  20. I see what you are saying about Simon but I just wonder if a deal has been done with Lakeside swapping Kim with Lewis.
  21. I hope its Kim. He looked the best of the three last year and I believe the one that can really improve the most.. With BP, Joonas and Cam spearheading the team, Mikkeal and Kim backing them up and twoe reserves that look as good as any others. I would be happy with that team
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