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Everything posted by stevec

  1. Just thought I would pick on this one to respond to and to try and lay some facts down around this as it seems to have got lost among all the comments. The three metre rule is clear at Arlington and observed. Every meeting the track staff go round laying down markers to show where this is and the track staff and photographers etc stand inside these bollards when under race control (or whatever its called) The key here is very clear. The bike were not meant to have been riden on the track at the time of this confrontation. Try to picture the scene. Before the riders parade and introductions, the bikes are stood on the track and across the track, pointing towards the main stand (which at Arlo is on the BACK straight). Then, when its all ready for the off, the annoucer says some announcing stuff, Sussex by the Sea is played and the riders, mechanics, little mascots (children, one with each home rider) management and various sponsors, guests etc, walk out onto the track. There are various people stading around the area on turn 2 (where the entrance to the pits is) and the first part of the back straight. The announcer introduces the away team and then the home team. When both teams have been announced, the riders are all pushed off to do some starts and check out the track by sliding into the turns. However, after the team had been announced and the home team had not, SOME of the away team push off and started doing practice starts before the home team were announced. So, we have plenty of people still on and near the track, pit gate wide open and Craig Cook flying down towards turn one. So yes, one of the marshalls walked out onto the track desperately trying to stop the riders flying round into turn 2 where someone could have got hurt. Craig Cook rode straight into him. Now I am a pragmatic person. I will often argue with my son when he is cursing for the ref because and Eastbourne rider has been excluded and I will say , well "maybe he did touch him, the ref has a better veiw than us" so I was still thinking that this could be a misunderstanding, maybe Craig was looking outwards and didnt see the marshall, maybe the track is patchy and he has a career to worry about and not wanting to risk riding a tricky track for his secong team in a UK league. All sypathy for him stopped when I saw him, wearing a helmet, head butt a marshall. Even less when heat refused to come out in heat one Even less when the reserves rode the track fine in heat 2 Even less when he decided to take his second ride and stormed to a win, easily. As for the extra track prep that went on before the start, it was a token bit of sawdust and a 5 minute track grade. Eastbourne track staff are good but I am not sure they can sort and unrideable track that quickly. Oh yeh and quickly. Someone on here moaned that this thread is getting boring. When it all kicks off like it did and involved one of the best British riders out there, its a topic for conversation. And trust me, I am not a Craig Cook hater. I like ALL our British riders, especially the top ones. I would like nothing more than to hear him apologise for his actions, to Eastbourne, Glasgow and the fans and move on from it. I certainly dont want Kings Lynn hit by a ban like we just have been for Georgie Wood being ill for an Isle of White match!
  2. Interesting. Where did you get that from? I am pretty sure the one that Craig went at stayed but cant swearit!
  3. I agree but it was a bit more than that. Handbags between two helmeted riders is one thing but a helmeted rider against track staff is another. Plus it was everything else and in my mond the refusal to ride in heat 1. I do agree with some comments that the ref could have handled things better. I was amazed that after all that took place, he put the two minutes on without go back down to talk to riders and staff to calm things down.
  4. Eastbourne have a proffessional announcer, hence why he has been used at the British Speedway GP. Eastbourne have professional track staff and fans that applaud away riders that do well A certain few Eastbourne fans will let us down and trust me, I have been at away meetings where certain fans let them down. Jon Cook made some comments that maybe f=he could have steered away from but he was seriously annoyed.
  5. Oh Sugar! Thanks, I will edit. I did not mean to type that!
  6. What did I say that made it look like I think the opposite?
  7. That wasnit the only race that happened either. Its a rule at Arlo that bikes cannot be ridden through the pits and they have to dismount before heading through
  8. Just got home from the meeting. Going to 'try' and put an unbiased veiw on the meeting. Yes, I am an Eastbourne fan but I like to think I am pretty pragmatic and not afrais to say if our riders are out of orsder or if the track is not up to standard Got there tonight ready for a cracking meeting and feeling a little nervous despite only having a 4 point deficit. First thing I heard that there was issues was when the announcer said that the away team had complained about the track and did not want to ride it. There were several people down on turn 2 discussing and kicking dirt around so to speak. Then Jon Cook was interveiwed, he was seriously annoyed and dismayed that the fotness of the track and been called into question and clearly put the blame on Craig Cook (and his mates). At this stage I has no ill feelings about Glasgow or Craig Cook. I am no expert and certainly, I am not one to judge if the track is rideable by veiwing it from turn 1, on the stock car track, which is where I stand. That started to turn a bit when Martin Dugard explained that Jason and Alfi had been practising on the track that day. I must admit, I was less than impressed when we were told there would be a delay as the Glasgow riders had not yet changed. But still, no real drama. It was on the rider parade that it all started going a bit sour. For those of you that dont know, the way it done at Eastbourne is, the bikes are wheeled on to the track, then the riders are paraded out to 'Sussex by the Sea' and then introduced one by one, the away team first. This all takes place on the back straight as thats where the main stand is. When both teams have been announced, the riders are pushed off and have a few practice starts and the opputunity to slide into the turns to get a feel for the track. Tonight, after the Glasgow riders had been announced, some of them pushed off, before the Eastbourne team had been announced. They came down the straight and into turn . With people still on the track and the infield (including kids, who are the Eagles mascots) the track staff held out red flags to stop the Glasgow riders. Craig Cook ran straight into one of the track staff and then kicked off at him. Ot then all kicked off with several people involved. My lad went round the pits to see what was going on and saw people pleading with Craig to go and ride heat 1. He was refusing, talking about his injury and saying why should he ride an unsafe track! So, heat 1 started without him. As much as I feel he should be banned from the whole meeting, thats not what I want. I pay my money to see the likes of Bomber, Scotty and Craig Cook riding. I love them all, they are Brits and I support British riders through and through. The track rode fine. Even the reserves in heat 2 looked comfortable and were not struggling, Yes, there were some fallers but certainly was not more than you can often get. Someone on the updates site said its unusual to see 3 falls in 9 heats, really? I have seen 3 in one heat at times, and not just at Arlington. And Ed Kennet did not fall. He tagged the air fence riding a high line, stayed on and carried on, the air fence started to deflate and the race stopped, thats why he was excluded. Craig Cook, when he finally took to the track, rode it fine and looked classy and smooth. The races that he did not gate were the races of the night as he looked brilliant trying to make the pass. It was a real shame that the controversy ruined the night as it was great for Eastbourne to go through but I feel Glasgow were just deflated after the whole thing, it was really meeting over after a few races. Could have been so much better if Craig Cook had popped out and won heat one. I always think there are two sides to everything but the Glasgow manager having the guts to go on the mic and apologise afetr the meeting said it all and hats off to him for doing so.
  9. You pretty much stole my post, almost word for word what I was going to add. I will add that I belive this was all stared by Martin and Connor and NL. There was a renewed enthusiasm and a new 'feel' to the club and a team winning silverwear rather than being also rans. Then add to the mix Ian Jordan, Jon Cook, Championshil Speedway and an all british team with the ever populat Georgie and Tom. Mix it all together and you have a pretty good recipe. Apart for the painful 1point home losses, it all been pretty good apart from Toms injury!!! Its a very good time to be an Eagles fan at the moment
  10. Not sure I really understand the increased points limit and how it will help us. Just looking at the green sheets on BSPA, out June 1st Averages will add up to 39.32 which leaves nothing to play with. Am I right? Strangely, despite Brum recently strengthening their team, their averages add up to 35.37 so they will be able to strengthen even more? Imagine them being able to drop a 5 pointer for a 10 pointer! Please someone feel free to tell me I have misunderstood.
  11. Really, I thought it was Watford Gap where the North started?
  12. Eastbourne. Its pretty much a team that Lakeside may have put together if the were Championship this year anyway. The club has been great to support the last few years and I think it will only get better
  13. Great News, Cant wait to hear him utter those words "Welcome to a sunkissed Arlington"
  14. Its never easy to judge what will put crowds up for speedway. I wouldlike to think that a few Lakeside fans may come down. I base that purely on the fact that I would have considered going to Lakeside had Eastbourne ever shut down and that was based on the fact I would have had to battle the Dartford crossing on a Friday night. The fact that Cookie and some Lakeside riders are involved, it may entice some Lakeside fans, espcially as it is on a Saturday.But who knows? For me, I am not too fussed about the team winning everything this year. Just keep it good at home and have a solid middle table first year in the league will be great from me. Any better and I would be very happy. I just cannot wait to get behind a team full of local and British riders.
  15. Yeh, that would be my woryy if we have all three of them. Mind you, I trust in our management to do the right thing!
  16. Only one I am not sure of is Bowtell. How has he progressed over the last year or so? Certainly used to struggle at Arlo. Is he championship second string level or would it mean Goergie be in the main team?
  17. Ah, it feels so good seeing the Eastbourne name in this section. I was gutted when we moved out the Elite League but soon forgot all that with the great success in the National League but I am ready. I hope we can proove to be as successful in the Championship but at the same time, I am happy to be patient for a year or so. I hope all fans feel the same!! Surely Georgie and Tom at reserve but who else?? Exicting couple of months seeing signings come in!! BUT BLIMEY!!! Away tris are gonna be a bit of a long haul! Hope some will come back to back!
  18. Hope so. Been the same for years. I will be honest, I am not sure there is much that can be done. Speedway does not fit in to the lives of people in the modern world. Speedway was my life when I was a kid but there is so much more to do now that watch a load of bikes going round a track.
  19. Wonder who the National League clubs moving up are.
  20. I really think you need the complete and full story first. As far as I know, you dont really need much of an excuse to miss a meeting as a rider in the NL. After all, it is only semi-proffessional. On the face of it, it does not look great but you need to see full explanation before throwing the barn door at them.
  21. I think their fear, as much as anything is that once the teams were announced, no-one would turn up. The hard core would arrive to celebrate with the club and others would take to facebook to moan about paying their money to watch a one sided match. So, Eastie would lose money and get slagged off!
  22. What a night! I really dont give two hoots for those that say Eastbourne dont deserve it or are unworthy champions. For the record, I dont agree with play offs and I think the team at the top of the league should be champions. That of course means that Eastbourne would have two more trophies in the cabinet, having twice topped the league but lost the dreaded playoffs. Well last night was ours. No-one can take it away from us with their spiteful and sour words. We are the Champions. And we did it convincingly. We did just scrape by an injury ravaged team. We took at all the way to the last heat for the win on the night by beating there heat leaders (lets remember the guest is capable of scoring 16 round West Row and with our second strings and reserve, beating their reserves, who also fly round their home track. We won convincingly. As for MH not fielding a team tonight. maybe its not but it smacks of sour grapes. Hope I am wrong but like others have said, its stopped us being able to celebrate with the boys. I will finish by saying I really do feel for Mildenhall riders, management and fans. All year I have said, yeh, we will get to the playoffs but I cant see us getting by Mildenhall and I know how it feels to lose the play offs....at the same time as being unsure about your clubs future. It hurts!!
  23. lol, well you did kind of open up the debate with your last statement. Eastbourne were the first team, I believe, to be on the wrong end of the playoffs by ending top of the league but losing o=in the final, so I am sure many of us will have every sympathy fore Mildenhall should they not win BUT it will be hard to take, being called unworthy champions after the same has happened to us. By the way I always have and always will be anti playoffs and stated that at the very beginning, even getting a letter printed in the speedway star! Would be nice to keep this thread on just the meeting though and like others, I think this is going to go either way, It would not surprise me ig Eastboune keep the meeting close to say 8-10 points but nor would it surprise me if Mildenhall win by 25+ Just looking at various riders and previous results its so hard to predict. Base has scored 4 at MH this year but he has also flown round there and top scored for us. Nathan has has some frighteningly good meetings and a mediocre one. If I really had to call it, I would go with a last heat decider going Mildenhalls way but I dont know how much of that is the pessimist in me! Either way, I think it will be a cracker of a meeting
  24. Dam right we are. I want ed a 25-30 point lead to go up to MH with any confidence. Seeing as we seem to struggle with their track, as others do, I think it is still finely poised and could go either way. They have a top 3 that could match our top 3 and reserves that could outscore our reserves heavily. I think it will be an individual performance by a rider from either team that will make the difference.....like Charlie Brooks did at Arlo last week....maybe its Charlie Powels turn??
  25. I think Josh Bailey could swing it either way. If hdrides like last time, eagles will score high but if he rides like we know he can, it could be too close for us to win it it MH
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