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Everything posted by stevec

  1. Good stuff! Its a real shame for Brendan but if this is true about the NZ guy we could have at least three in the team that could really increase on their starting averages. Team shaping up well in my mind. Just hope it is legit about Wilson-Dean
  2. I sure hope the fans do turn up. I guess with KL there is a choice between Elite League racing and National League and I guess people are generally going to go Elite League. It is time for all the fans that have moaned and groaned about foreign riders, bad management, and everything else at Arlington to get there and support a new venture. We have Martin, Connor and Glen running things now and it could be a new era at Arlo. I for one will be there supporting the young lads......and the older ones! Already people ar saying that the team is mid-table at best when the whole team hasn't even been announced! I don't get that, I really don't!!
  3. Good signing. Pleased to have a local rider at the club
  4. Blimey, didnt expect so many replies and I am certainly feeling better about the season. As for what I want from Speedway, its entertainment and success for my team. I have followed the eagles since the early 70s (the old National League) and loved the times we had the local riders riding for us but I was/am concerned the excitement wont be there in the National League. If you guys are right, then it looks like I am in for a good season. I will go whatever!
  5. OK, whats National League Speedway like? Great News that my team, Eastbourne, are riding next year and I am well happy that they are looking to put a local young team together. My concern though is that the racing could be a bit tame with young and inexperience riders at the back with the better riders miles in front. However, Elite League speedway is sometimes far from edge of seat excitement, especially around the confines of Arlington. I have never seen national League Speedway so it would be good to hear some honest views on what we can expect at Arlo in 2015.
  6. Not 100% sure but I dont think connor rides. Would be great to have both Dugards in the team though.
  7. Apparently there may be changes to the Elite League for 2016 and this could make it viable for Eastbourne again
  8. Yes the Elite League will be much better. Just think, half the teams can ride in the play offs now. Do you really think the demise of another team is good for the league? Sounds like there is a glimmer of hope that we may be back in 2016, so make the most of your year without us. Sorry to bite and maybe I shouldn't but I have never gloated on another teams misfortune and I dot understand when others do. You gest about the year in and year out threats that Eastbourne are going to close and most the times they have been real. Three times other promoters have stepped in Brimson, Hagon and Russell. If they had not, we may have lost the sport. Doesnt say on your profile who you support but I kind of hope you go through the same, that is if you are as passionate about your team as I am. Maybe you would just shug your shoulders and move on. I certainly wouldnt.
  9. Woh, hang on. I am not that old Sunday afternoon racing attracted big crowds in the 70's which is when I first started going. Disappointed we wont be in the Premier or Elite league but delighted we will be running in some capacity. I hope Kelsey is the first signing. It will be so good to see a Dugard don Eagles colors again and maybe some other local riders. May just bring the stay away fans back
  10. Best of luck to Kings Lynn, I am routing for them to win this. Why? Well Coventry and Poole have had their fair share at being at the top. I don't want a team that just managed to sneak in to the playoffs to win and I have always liked Kings Lynn since the cracking rivalry we (Eastbourne) had with them in the 2000 season. Mind you, with the amount of guests it will feel a bit flat however wins I think.
  11. Not sure but I remember them saying once that a rain off cost them around £3000 Not sure if that's based on an early call off or one when the gates open and everyone gets sent home. So I guess £3000 is the starting point with points money etc on top. Regarding Martin Dugard Wolfsbane, he is active at the club in that he helps out on race night and I know he does a lot for the youngsters. It does appear that he is not going to get involved in Managing/Running the club.
  12. Ironically I think Eastbourne get this right! The presenter (Kevin Coombes) is probably the best in the league (He does Cardiff) You can see in the pits if you stand at turn two or from some of the grandstand seats. You can also have easy access to the pits before and after the meeting Its also one of the only venues, I believe where the rides can come round on their bikes on the stock car track high fiving the fans after a race win. I do think it could be even better though. For example. A lap of honor after a race win should be obligatory, unless you are in the next race.
  13. I think there are a few that agree the racing at the track is not what it was. Only a few years ago we used to have the likes of Davey Watt and Adam Shields riding the boards because there was grip on the outside. The only one that really seems capable of that now is Cam. I am not convinced however that it is the track itself. Bob knows what he is doing and surely if he could create a racers track, he would. I wonder if the following are the problem with the racing Expensively tuned and set up bikes. New silencers (I am convinced the bike ride different with the new ones) Air fence (takes up half the room that the likes of Sheildsy used to use) on the small confines of Arlo the airfence takes up a lot of room (not that I am against it of course) Grand Prix series Recessions Big money abroad I think the problems at Arlo and more than just the track and promotion. I wish I had the answers. I am going to miss it big time IF it really goes. 45 of my 48 years I have followed the Eagles and I truly love the team, the stadium and the sport!
  14. I do wonder if that is because nothing has changed yet and the article in the Herald is just a bit of old news. No-one has said that Bob's suggestion at the meeting last week of running 8 or 9 meetings has been rejected have they? So maybe the club will not say anything until the next meeting of the Elite League promoters.
  15. I wonder if they will bother letting us paying fans know what they discussed
  16. First of all, I hate it when away teams just slag off their riders and don't give credit to the home team. So, well done Wolves. Great guests and great team replacements with Rory, Ricky, PK and Danny. As for Eastbourne, DISMAL. I actually felt like hiding my Eagles program holder. Thank God I didn't wear a jacket! We had a horrendous journey up and to be honest, I expected to lose, I didn't even go thinking we would get a point but I thought we would be at the races but again, Eastie didn't turn up. 10 hours of my life I gave up for that. I could have been in bed at a sensible time, I could have watched Banshee, I could have saved the fuel and entrance money spent for 14 heats of rcing. Yes 14, because for the first time in 43 years of watching Eastbourne, I did not stay for heat 14. From about heat 4 onward I just wanted to start the trip home. I am gutted, absolutely GUTTED about the possible end of the club and had intended going to the double headers at Coventry and Belle Vue but WHY? Why bother? Thanks Kyle.
  17. Gutted! First Lewis, now Cam I hope it turns out to be wrong
  18. There should be more races people moan about from the gate racing and I think my idea could add more to see and make ftg races less boring Lets have 20 races per meeting and get on with the racing quicker. When there are unsatisfactory starts the ref should put on a 15 second warning for the riders to get back to the start, not let the riders all disappear to the pits for 5 mins. So we get more starts and more races but the boring FTG races last for less time.
  19. Good to hear some nice comments. Sure Eastbourne has gone a bit downhill over recent years although I believe the new silencers have affected bikes on our track and also the air fence takes up so much room on a tight track. I hope people remember the likes of Adam Shields riding the boards and Martin Dugard coming from the back after a rare bad gate rather than the regular FTG racing. As for taking a pop at a team that could be on the way out, I don't get that. I certainly took no pleasure from the demise of Oxford, Reading and Birmingham, I think there could be others on the way out as well as Eastie so it could be a small Elite League next year. As for this match, I just hope we get all the points and hope for something from the two Belle Vue matches and Wolves.. Come on Eastie
  20. Not sure it been quite that bad. Yes there was a period of 4 or 5 years where it looked bad. Each time someone stepped in, Terry Russell, Bob Brimson and martin Hagon stepping in each time and Bob consistently putting in when he needed to. I believe this really is it this time though as I cannot see them queuing up to buy/promote the club. It will be a very sad day on Saturday. What will make it worse is not actually knowing. Riders Please Please Please come round the stock car track to say goodbye after the meeting whether you win or lose
  21. I think this could be closer than some think. Lewis is good around Arlo. Craig Cook for Whatty could work in favour for Lakeside as he has not impressed round Arlo recently Adam Ellis goes well but so does Kyle Really looking forward to seeing Kim but I hope he does not go as well as he showed at the end of last year Come on Eastie, we need all them there points!
  22. Dam it! Now I have a bank holiday looking out the window at the rain with the Mrs moaning that I am not doing the garden.
  23. Would appreciate weather updates from anyone local to the track. Its peeing down here in Sunny Hastings! I really dont wanna travel to Wolves for a rain off!
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