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Bandits4eva last won the day on November 15 2015

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About Bandits4eva

  • Birthday 11/10/1987

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    Married <3 Chris <3
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    ..Bon Jovi...Queen...The Kaiser Chiefs... Beyonce...Leona Lewis etc...
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  • Profession
    Oncology Day Unit Sister

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  • Location
    Berwick upon Tweed
  • Interests
    Speedway... Meeting new people... Cuddles with my beautiful children... Eating and Drinking :-P
  • Team
    Berwick Bandits

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  1. He’s a rider who hasn’t endeared himself very well in the past but neither had Ricky before he came along and look what happened with him! I’m not a huge fan but if he goes out there and rides in a good headspace then we have a proper no.1 for sure! the thought of having him and Rory going to the Pairs for us is a bit exciting too…
  2. Good start so far…. say the rumours are true about Cook… and a fit Bastian comes back to us… what would that leave us with?
  3. Given last night's showing for both teams, we are going to have to be very very careful with this one. Expect Plymouth to give us a good close meeting now.
  4. We've given ourselves a good chance with an 18 point advantage surely?
  5. I'm taking nothing for granted here. Redcar truly are a bogey team for us so we will need to ensure no complacency to get the job done.
  6. Poor stream... Lack of sound and lagging a lot of the time... But still paying to see your team win away is well worth it! Superb show from our boys... Definitely rattled following last week and we've bounced back
  7. Let's not let this thread get over run by pettiness. It should be a good meeting... Expect Lawson to bring the real challenge for Poole given how superb a guest he's been for us but we've certainly got probably the best guest we could get bar Mr Lawson himself. I do expect it to be tight as has been against Poole but hopefully we can keep the home wins coming and the fans happy
  8. He's got family, friends and sponsors in Berwick and had been one of the away team to make a genuine pass that night. You were just beat by the better team that night... He moved away from Berwick to take his career forward and has went to a track he was known to struggle with. It would have taken a lot of balls to step out of his comfort zone the way he has done IMO.
  9. As Bandit59 says, it was mentioned in the meeting against Edinburgh by Dennis I believe as Mr McGregor was getting some dogs abuse at the time!
  10. What's the crack with the rules on rolling starts? We were told after the Edinburgh meeting that if a rider does jump the start that it must be pulled back even if they have penalised themselves. Happened a couple of times with the Scunthorpe riders moving and it was let go... Not complaining as we had made the gate each time... But again, where is the consistency?
  11. There's a trend.... You got battered at Berwick and have been beaten at Redcar... And they're snooze fests?
  12. We've stepped on quite a few black cats it seems... Lewi out and now losing Jye and Drew....
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