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Everything posted by stevebrum

  1. The longest journey i could undertake is to try find an F P post with any substance.
  2. Some promotions can be `fairer` when they have an asset base that they can`t use in one team, instead of trying to hold other teams building plans to ransom. The asset base system is pretty crumbly right now. However these teams with large asset bases shouldnt be out of pocket either. They choose to buy up riders because they have the finance to do so, but when that systems starts to fail they have to bear some of that responsibility also. Think the asset base system is archaic and another way forward needs to be implemented, but with some consideration to those who do have a large asset base already.
  3. In all honesty you make some very valid points and posts Don`t feel pressured to return the compliment.
  4. Playing games AGAIN it seems. Gotta pity the poor riders and the supporters of Peterborough who are starting to be made a laughing stock of a club. Mind games seem more important than actually sitting down to sort a deal.
  5. Oh i dont know, i would say posters who feel they can say who WILL be fighting for the basement 2 months before the seasons starts that the above applies......
  6. I guess you might be one of those that said Eastbourne looked basement bound pre season 2011, 2012. I didnt say he was. Just that he was unhappy. Reading some of your posts i do know what tedious feels like.
  7. Suspect it to be Kus. But lets face it there a few options of who it might be.
  8. Another rider annoyed at the Peterborough promotion to add to the growing list of unhappy riders.
  9. As expected , a Poole fan talking about other teams `tapping up`. Poole are the kings of `tapping up`.
  10. Pontus and Lukasz had potential at the start of the season. Kus was dreadful when used. Adam has a point higher average because Nicolai had an injury affected season. I believe he will too. However saying that Adam (we hope) will still do a sterling job. And considering not many have an outstanding 3rd heat leader either. Tend to agree with you.
  11. The usual retort as expected. I don`t state any lists other than what we already know.
  12. Much stronger? Really? Swapping Nicolai for Adam ?? - Weaker Ricky Wells Starting in second string insted of Pontus? - Much stronger. Jacob in place of Lukasz? - stronger New signing (4.13) starting in place of Ricky at reserve? Will need to have a good season to top the improvement made by Ricky that we know already. Maybe from a balance perspective we may be slightly better but i wouldnt say we are much stronger. As for Freddie - he looked a pale shadow of the superstar we have seen for chunks of last season. Maybe its just the UK (due to his awful crash at Wolves). I cannot see any further decline in his average and we would have to be worried if that is the case. The irony of course is that Freddie had his best GP season and one of his worst EL campaigns since becoming a true number one. There is no no doubt that Freddie is World class but a minimum 9 point average should be the standard he, and we, expect.
  13. Good point. And lets face it, it always seems to be the same few clubs that want to play silly bu*gers when dealing with other clubs. Right or wrong, depends on your stand pont. To be honest so would i! Saying that, i`m not really surprised though.
  14. They do, and get exploited time and time again. cough cough POOLE.
  15. "Does not see the point in negotiating with a club he feels isn`t genuinely interested in signing him" "Was asked to send them my demands ........ had the impression the team was already picked" "Approached by Coventry, had permission to speak, gave the impression the Peterborough team is already sorted" "They sent something through, they playing silly bug*ers, i havent got involved though" "another season loan to Swindon is my first choice" Must have read the `derisory` comment somewhere else.
  16. Agreed. Fairness has to work all ways. Why dont they just continue discussing terms (like a lot of promotions and riders do) and not air dirty linen in public?
  17. Speedway Star Dec 22nd issue. Were they? Thought it was harris that was wanted as heat leader??
  18. Must admit i find a lot of the statement inconsistent. Not stopping assets riding in the UK, yet then say they want the rules to be adhered to (so stopping rider movement in the process). Hans has turned them down twice - yet his own remarks say it was a derisory offer and a `token` offer in his eyes. Obviously Neils, Troy and Hans are Panthers assets. However would it be unlikely they and Swindon/Kings Lynn not ask the riders their plans for next season? Obviously they can`t do direct deals with the riders, but it seems clear all 3 riders want to ride elsewhere other than their parent club. Peterborough have every right to ask that those clubs SHOULD sign them on full transfers. But to prevent from signing (even if just on loan) IS stopping their riders sorting their 2013 UK seasons. Still, at least Peterborough have spelt their intent quite clearly. Won`t stop me from believing it is still an inconsistent press release. So, the saga continues!
  19. I love how everyone is writing off our chances before a wheel is turned, however seeing as we have just swapped Nic for Adam i can see why some may think that. It is an easy opinion to make, despite it being a new year. However seeing as a lot had wrote Eastbournes chances off 2 season`s running i`m hardly likely to take too much notice of so called experts! We don`t look any stronger i agree , however its a new season and a new challenge so time will tell. I would rather wait and see if the side has any fire this year first.
  20. Interesting quote in SS - Neils talking about going on loan with Lynn buying at the end of the year, if they dont follow thru he will revert back to being a Panthers asset. So just a loan then
  21. After the double gamble of 2012 that flopped i think we should be very careful taking a gamble unless we have a solid 1-6. With Jacob in reserve who will still be in his first full season of EL racing i think it would be too big a gamble to include an assessed rider in reserve alongside him. Whilst Wolves have a history of unearthing hidden gems it has been a while since Rocket Ronnie and Sqora proved that theory a successful one!
  22. Thats the worry, i have had enough of gambles!
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