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About TTF

  • Birthday 01/18/1983

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    Checking riders fitness!!!

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    Down a snow slope on my board

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  1. I'd love nicki to win again but if not a scotty win would be fantastic
  2. Theres nothing you can change now by moaning Nicki won fair and square over a series of GP (as some of you have forgotten :evil: ) Please just leave him alone now :-(
  3. I am also VERY happy to see him win It's a shame though that people still have to find ways to dig at him :evil: :evil: He won because he has been the best through out and thats that! If any other rider had won it would have been a different story! Guys Please just give Nicki some credit :-( because he worked so hard this season and deserved it
  4. Well put Why can't people just accept that Nicki won fair and square just leave him alone, credit is due to the dane so back off!
  5. For goodness sake whats done is done! :evil: :evil: :evil: Some people are only happy if they are slamming others esp Nicki Grow up :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: You can't change things by moaning so just drop it! It was the right decision to exclude Grumpy clear cut on that 1 as for Nicki in the final he hardly, if ever, touched aj! ok maybe all 4 riders should have been back in, but aj came off long after nicki had passed him so you can kinda see the refs point! The whole championship was won on overall performance no just the 1 GP so guys give nicki credit for winning and lay off him because you can't change anything!! Fab riding by Bjarne as well! Well Done Nicki
  6. Sorry Nobold :oops: Well i guess i am a closet Nicki fan and had to come out hee hee i did tell you all but no one believed me! like i said before the best man won lol lol Hee hee look at the Grump and the smiley Nicki http://www.speedwaygp.com/gallery/full/509.jpg
  7. In case you guys didn't know NICKI IS CHAMPION Yes i am very excited and proud of the dane Thats to all who doubted him Well Done Nicki
  8. don't worry SL,we won't hear from her till Monday And hear from me you will Bikerboy WELL DONE NICKI The best man def won! I told you all he would win but no one believed me! certain people should really back off him now he won fair and square and was brill, not many riders would get back on and be that determined after an accident full credit to the dane! WELL DONE
  9. For goodness sake Nicki won fair and square lay off him people! Nicki didn't course andreas to come off he def did that himself and so he should have been excluded! The best man won! Well done Nicki
  10. Enjoy the GP all and hopefully i'll be the 1 with the smile see i'm practicing already
  11. you want my thoughts? a load of rubbish lol lol The underdogs sometimes shine through and goes on to win so you never know nicki could be the winner am i going to regret calling nix an underDOG???? Please don't comment on that
  12. I'm glad you liked it So that the other don't feel to left out here is the pic http://www.nickipedersen.dk/images/photos....&thumbnail=true This is what will happen tomorrow, as i said to gemini, Nicki winning and Jason looking on at what it could have been
  13. Yes that was mild thank you Did you like that picture i sent you gemini?
  14. :-( :-( I do love nicki i know he sometimes fences riders but it's not a purpose spiteful thing! Despite that he is a good rider and he does have talent! and he is a nice guy off the track! Nicki is the rider who people love to hate and if he does win i know what will happen it will be he shouldn't have won he did this he did that :-( I will post a big congratulations to grumpy sorry crumpy (i do keep hitting the wrong key ) if he wins to show no hard feelings!
  15. nicki's not reckless :-( :-( :-( He's a very talented young man and i REALLY hope he wins in case no one knew that
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