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  1. oh the joy of going to speedway.lol. stay apart, face masks, which can only be removed for eating and drinking no social interaction etc etc. well f..k that and if thats for all speedway then they can shove it. i expect their will be covid marshalls to enforce the stupid rules and making sure the zombies are keeping their 2 metre distance and following the arrows on them directional arrows on the ground. i can only hope that grasstrack doesnt follow this madness
  2. do some research . you want to believe all this crap. fine. you know the old saying" sarcasm is the sincerest form of flattery" cheers
  3. yes there a lot of selfish lying pigs with their snouts in the trough. do youre research and dont listen to the lies spouted on msm
  4. no one in the media will question this lying goverment cos they are being paid by them to feed the lies. they wont debate with any of the alternative and intelligent people out there cos the truth would be revealed and they know it. as for speedway you got to be there. nothing surpasses the atmosphere the noise the smell of r being with youre mates and so on. sports need crowds big ones. . this so called virus is destroying society as we know it at the behest of this lying goverment, we need to get on with life and all its risks.
  5. yes of course i remember you and so does oliver.were down but not out.
  6. oliver will be doing second halves at ipswich when possible and lynn .still got the bikes so may as well use them. were booked in for some grasstracks on the old honda at ledbury aug.30. and frittenden 5sep. also high easter 25. so really looking forward to them.thanks for asking
  7. i dont know who you are but you know who i am so feel free to come and see me at either ipswich or lynn and introduce yourself.
  8. have you got some pills then? cant say ive ever tried chill pills. like i said before if you havent been directly affected like we have finacially with the investment in good equipment and the running around and then not getting paid and to top it all no apology from ray mascall directly to the riders then as far as your comments go youre talking out of youre a.rse. thankyou and good night
  9. another thing thats puzzling is why r mascall still has a licence to sell?surely if the buisness has failed as it clearly has then shouldnt that licence have been confiscated or taken away from him by the bspa ?
  10. im just commenting on the article in s.star and comments by r mascall. it kind of sticks in your throat when he bleats on about how happy he would be if he could sell the licence to clear "alleged" debts and my son still hasnt been paid and his season has been stuffed well and truly this year.its easy for those who havent been affected to say move on.our racing season is over this year and were p.ssed off.
  11. quote" in no way did i choose to shut down mildenhall speedway" " there was no alternative""it wasnt my fault that they couldnt reach aggreement with dave coventry" well ipswich almost closed once but the supporters rallyed round i believe and saved it so why couldnt the promotion have gone to the supporters at mildenhall and asked for help? the choice was there and i still dont understand how there is all this debt after 7 home meetings and 6 away.surely no person in there right mind would start the season with a club that had not made any money in the previous season especially after the self same person had been running it?
  12. hmm. so according to ray mascall "some demands should be aimed at the limited company set up to run the promotion rather than him personally" well who set up the limited company and according to speedway star he is the promoter who wants to sell his licence to clear his debts. talk about taking the p,ss.so who set up the limited company and will they pay the riders? our seasons been stuffed thanks to this fiasco. really angry.
  13. thanks. got there in the end.
  14. how do you find out the latest rider averages? looked on bspa cant see anything
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