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kevin bass

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Everything posted by kevin bass

  1. Rather embarrassing to finish plum last, yeah fully expected the Poles to run away with it but thought the Brits would be up there fighting for at least 3rd with Denmark or Australia or finish 4th at worst, can't even out score Latvia
  2. It reminded me a bit of the crash that Mark Loram had which finished his career when Simota left Mark with nowhere to go along the back straight, it may of been a few feet further along the back straight but was still a terrible accident.
  3. Or haps try and tempt Dimitri Berge back to slot in for Kerr or Howarth depending on his current average.
  4. He is very much a gating tart really, but he's like most of the riders who learnt their trade on t big Polish tracks tbf, yeah there's a few exceptions coz there is, but on those big tracks it's just twist t throttle and hang on, not much skill or race craft needed to actually win races.
  5. Haps that's the plan when Holder is fit again, keep Woofy if the averages work.
  6. Good job Riss did find some form coz Rew was poor again and even Doyle had an off night by his standards, as for Peterborough Harris didn't score a lot more then Worrall wouldn't of scored tbf.
  7. So what average does Tai come in on then, is it 7.03 from 2014 or is he assessed as an 8 pointer, just wondering coz Emil surely had an average from 2011 but when he rode for Coventry but was assessed as an 8 this season, unless it's because his average was 12 yr old rather then 9 yr old like Tai's, just asking.
  8. I seem to recall Lindback came back in at Poole for the play offs to replace the injured Andersen
  9. Does it make Leicester stronger tho, suppose Cook can't do no worse than Batch has, but will Worrall score more then Harris overall home and away.
  10. Makes Peterborough stronger but not sure if it makes Leicester stronger
  11. That may be the case but im sure there's plenty of people who'll enjoy seeing him back in the UK, also no doubt easier to arrange riding back over here if he's gonna be based back in the UK.
  12. Exactly, the 2 Russians have come in on assessed 8pt averages so Tai would be the same, and Holder is currently averaging 9 ish i think so not an issue, i personally thought the average was raised higher than an 8 for a GP rider after the Witches got Gollob in a low average yrs back, mind you it was yrs ago and the rules are always changing
  13. I'd of thought he'd be assessed at an 8 being a GP rider same as Emil who had an average from yrs back, plus Laguta came in on an 8 also i think.
  14. Exactly this, Emil and Laguta are chalk and cheese what of ive seen of them this season, dunno what kind of money their both on but i certainly know who's giving more value for money wk in wk out.
  15. Probably less travelling for him now as well if he's gonna be based back in the UK.
  16. It's no doubt mostly down to cost and also partly down to supply haps, im sure ive read before that shale is getting harder and harder to get and it all comes from up north of the country, pretty sure it ain't cheap to transport a wagon full of the stuff either and Buster likes to save money everywhere he can.
  17. Dunno what the excuse is for using the same stuff there as at Lynn but like been said the track at Lynn is set up for stock car/banger racing first and foremost coz it probably brings in more money then the speedway.
  18. Dan started off slowly but has been in great form the last month in both league and individual meetings, long may it continue.
  19. There needs to be a radical change sooner rather then later, if it ain't to late now even to make the sport more appealing to a younger fan base, ive been going since i was in my teens and im now pushing 58 and my Mum and Dad still go who are in their early 80's, we're classed as old buggers and the majority of the fan base at probably every club is of this age, when we all get to old to attend or turn are toes up who's left to attend the meetings, hardly any bugger the way i see it with how the sport is currently run.
  20. At this rate it's looking more like a 3 or 4 team tournament rather than a top league
  21. I only signed up to last night as hadn't bothered before now, luckily ive got Sky Sports package so get Discovery+sport's for free, least this way i won't miss no more GP's if Eurosport choose not to give it a viewing slot.
  22. There is an icon top right hand corner of the screen as mentioned to get chosen language commentary, i had to use it myself last night as when first tuned in commentary was in summit other then English i kinda missed the "mmm" "err" from Kelv so quickly changed it.
  23. I think he's on summit these days the amount of twaddle and waffle he comes out with when on the box
  24. Wrecks um within a couple of laps round Peterborough
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