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kevin bass

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Everything posted by kevin bass

  1. The sadly ain't enough riders who want to ride over here and the ones that do will ride where they want to ride and no doubt chase the best money available, in an ideal world the top riders would be spread evenly cross the clubs and each club have 2 big hitter/heat leaders but that's never going to happen so you get the situation like we have now, Poole a Leicester have 3 big hitters and teams like Newcastle and Birmingham can't even get one let alone a couple.
  2. Would of been better bringing Danny Phillips back
  3. Hope Danny King has a better night at Lynn then he did 2night for Poole, 4 points from 3 completed rides plus a retirement, thought he'd turned the corner with his 8 points from 4 rides at Belle Vue the other night.
  4. Like been said already the track was a disgrace but it did sort out the men from the boys, a couple of the Danes and Fricke were woeful and just couldn't ride the track, it was the same for everyone but it showed who could and who couldn't deal with the conditions.
  5. Im sure i read it somewhere that Rowe is already or if not planning on living in Poland during the season, we all know the Polish leagues pay good money so haps he can make just a good a living staying and riding over there once or twice a wk, he's been scoring decent points for his club side of late.
  6. There was a junior at Ipswich many yrs ago called Chris Basey-Fisher i seem to remember.
  7. Rowe isn't riding for the Witches 2night, Danyon Hulme is down to ride again.
  8. Just seen on another teams thread that Anders Rowe has left Leicester, dunno if they released him or he left.
  9. Im not disputing how fast he is nor that he's a double world champion, he's a quality rider with rocket ships underneath him, im just saying if the riders infront shut the door on him and clamped him to the kerb he wouldn't get by so easily, unless he rides thru them and knocks them off, Madsen is another one who carries a lot of speed and does the same kind of move, you'd of thought by now the other riders would of sussed out him and Madsen and not keep falling for it time and time again.
  10. Zmarzlik pulls the same move 9 times outta 10 when he comes from behind, bores a whole under ppl and expect them to move, done the same kinda move on Lambert on Saturday, we need Nicki P back coz he wouldn't be afraid to shut to door on him
  11. Yeah i don't know what's happened to Rowe, he started off like a house on fire with the Witches last season then tailed off badly, mind you he had his injure problems along the way, has he a bit off an attitude problem haps and thinks he's better then he is coz wasn't it him who was kicked out or left out of the young British lads training camp get together last year coz of an issue between him and Drew Kemp.
  12. Yeah second meeting in a row had these issues, first few meetings streamed were ok but this is a pain
  13. Anybody else having problems with the stream keep freezing or having sound but no picture
  14. Ex as in ex partner, they separated a yr ago or more.
  15. Fair enough, i wish they had the option to stay signed in on the login page like some other sites have tho, they/i had the same problems again last night where i had to go round theirs and sign back in for them to be able to watch the stream, when they left the BSN site last Friday they were still signed in but come yesterday they were signed out again, it's a right bloody pain at times as their to old to now to use to handset to fill in their email address n password so i av to go round there to do it for them, that's to whole point why i leave um signed in, it must be summit to do with the make of TV (Samsung) they have that signs them out after a certain period.
  16. Oh well not to worry, they still saved a tenna i suppose by getting an early season pass, did anyone else's stream keep freezing around heat 10/11 last night.
  17. I think it's only slightly discounted (£6) from £49 to £43 if you paid £120 for the season pass, my parents signed up early for the season pass which was only £109, but when they signed up for Pairs meetings they had to pay the full £49 and didn't get the £6 discount.
  18. Plus they had no power to the stadium at the timeif the Twitter post is genuine.
  19. Haps it looks dry coz the actually wasn't any rain to postpone itonly someone local to the track can answer that one.
  20. , but the real question is did the power supply or lack of it really cause the postponement or was it the weather or a bit of both, that we'll probably never know hey.
  21. I dunno how to copy the post but it said summit like " just to compound the weather situation the power supply to stadium had been cut (12.05) and still not restored" That was posted at 16.08 i think.
  22. The post is still on Scunthorpe Speedway Twitter page, i think it said it happened at 12.05 and posted on the page a few hrs later
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