Yeah it's a numbers game as we all know and Worral for sure or even Batch will probably end up getting a gig at either Ipi or Peterborough when it's all finally sorted.
It always used to be assessed at 8 points for GP riders and those that had ride in Poland/Sweden and alike but im sure it was posted on here ages ago that that was changed to 9 points after Ipi got Gollob signed on a low average yrs ago, mind you it could be argued that Emil isn't currently a GP rider nor ride in other international leagues
Yeah i mentioned it previously, he also didn't score that well when he rode at Foxhall this season with Sheffield, 0 from 3 rides and 3 from 3 rides looking at the scores from this season just gone, he might score better then Hume away from home on certain tracks but probably not round Foxhall.
Like been said he's got the talent when he takes it seriously, 2 or 3 seasons ago Heeps spent pre season training with Scotty and came into the season looking trim and fit and it showed on track but sadly it was a one off, he's still young enough to turn it around but it's up to him to be more professional about it all.
Mountain had problems getting round Foxhall when he rode for Ipswich a few years ago, and he didn't score that well when he rode there last season for Sheffield
There's 2 versions of Heeps im afraid, one who takes it seriously and keeps fit close season and the other who comes into the season a couple of stone over weight.
I hope the rumoured Emil deal comes off coz if not Ipi will be struggling to put a side together, ain't many riders left to go round and the ones that are like Batch and Worral can't ride for Ipi and Peterborough.
Would Andersen or Cook fit if their had 4 and a bit to play with, would either of them be stronger at number 2, mind you it's all ifs buts and maybes at this stage really tho.
Would be great if true but the club will need deep pockets if it is the case, i know they have a decent sponsor but the large majority of the budget will have already been spent being Doyle back for another season i'd of thought
Hopefully Rew can take his place in the team next season at 2 or as a reserve as a post an another thread says that he doesn't need surgery after his accident the other day.
Batch can only fit in at Peterborough or Ipswich coz surely Ellis is nailed on to return to Sheffield, as of now Batch ain't gotta team place in either league by the looks of it.