was thinking since there is now a GP outside of europe that a American gp should of been on the calender this year,cant help but feel that with greg being world champion that a gp there could really have been sold to the people and also the fact that Monster Energy has been very strongly rumoured to be a title sponsor of speedway gp this season,anyone who is in the know knows that anything Monster sponsor seems to bring in the crowds regardless...i just think its a big missed opurtunity as greg is not going be riding forever and going to a US gp as reigning world champ would be a major boost and sadly once greg leaves the gp scene i cant see another american in it for a hell of a long time sadly.
The americans know how to put on a show and its cheaper and more direct for riders/fans to get to i think with all things in mind it would of got a US gp running and established maybe for years to come