I think you will find if we start afresh with those pay rates speedway will find a level it can operate at. Saying a rider won't ride for those figures is not true. I accept that some superstars won't hang around, but we cannot afford them, so let them go.
The alternative is that the so called names who are unwittingly bleeding the sport dry will hang around until the pot is empty then clear off anyway, leaving nothing for the none superstars.
The top riders in the prem would have to move up to the elite. those professional national league riders would step up to the prem and the national league would be for the novices.
The top to bottom gap in rider skill and ability would be closer, racing closer, entertainment better.
I know of some, (can think of a dozen ) riders who have not had a job outside speedway all winter and they are racing in the premier league, so let's not kid ourselves, that all riders are skint. The premier league was never meant for the pro to make enough to money to race 8 months a yr and then 4 months off.
I do know how much engines cost ( just paid for 2 ). But if we take out the top end and the rest of the riders find a level the sport can be entertaining, create new names and engage the public which may create the attachment that people need to keep coming back.
Or we can do nothing............ But hope