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Blazeaway last won the day on January 19 2015

Blazeaway had the most liked content!

About Blazeaway

  • Birthday 09/14/1976

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  • Music
    Arctic Monkeys, Razorlight, Maximo Park, The Kooks and many more!! Also Old Skool Drum and Bass and Hardcore
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  • Location
    The banks of the river Irwell to the shores of Sicily
  • Interests
    Manchester United FC, Fishing, Staffordshire Bull Terriers.

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  1. Dickhead. Surely it's time for Matthew Davis to get a wildcard?
  2. Aaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. I don't come on here very often anymore but it's nice to see some things don't change, you spouting absolute drivel as usual.
  4. No it isn't, it's a crock of shyte which will be finished in five years unless some drastic measures are taken. But you just keep kissing Ford's ar$e and imagining everything is fine.
  5. No, the stupidest thing in all this is that people still believe that speedway is a professional sport.
  6. He deserves everything he gets to be fair. The bloke is an utter ****.
  7. Enjoyed last night more than last week, the racing was a bit better despite the score. They really need to do something about the inside line though, if it was ripped up a bit it would improve the racing immensely.
  8. Magic hopefully or anyone other than Doyle to be honest.
  9. If you enjoy inane drivel, constant mistakes and screaming and shouting then "Kelv" and "Nige" are the men for the job.
  10. It's really quite staggering at times!
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