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Everything posted by brandonbee48

  1. Not as far as I know. Meeting reports and news here http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=da&u=http://www.speedway-league.com/&ei=7mf8S7ntEcL68Aaxw_TyBQ&sa=X&oi=translate&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CCAQ7gEwAA&prev=/search%3Fq%3Ddanish%2Bspeedway%2Bleague%26hl%3Den The Poles sometimes update here. http://www.sportowefakty.pl/zuzel/liga-dunska Regards. Alan. Carnage. Fingers crossed.
  2. Michel Jepsen Jensen on live here very shortly riding for his Danish club. Regards. Alan http://kanalsport.dk/
  3. Hi all, Fingers crossed that the always splendid Danish weather delivers. Alan. Which it apparently does.
  4. Very enjoyable meeting - especially for Smederna fans. Take care all. Alan.
  5. http://ta.svemo.se/Public/Pages/Competition/DrivingSchedule/CompetitionLiveResult.aspx?Branch=Speedway&Columns=CompetitionInfo,Branch,Name,Arena,Organizer,FromDateShort&Datefilter=Today&pagesize=10&CompetitionId=3372
  6. And not a great one at that! Not a "thrilla" but a good meeting so far. Nip and tuck. Davy Watt and PK need to gas it or Smederna may run out of resources towards the end.
  7. Hi all, No fog! so all set. "Go Smederna" and they'll need to!!! Fingers crossed for Ghostwalker. Alan.
  8. http://www.defunctspeedway.co.uk/Wigan.htm Make sure you have your passport with you for when you travel north of Watford. Avoid the dark satanic mills. Safe trip. Alan.
  9. Any news from our Swedish correspondent regarding a return for Artiom's brother- who has been sorely missed.?
  10. Hancock and Gollob with a combined age greater than the 44-34 score. Let's hear it for the oldies! Sopcast is a super picture but no sound.
  11. Wow, Kolodziej looked as though he was on rocket-assisted fuel around that first turn. Great little rider.
  12. During his long recovery Emil obviously studied the art of gating. Never used to be his strong point.
  13. When we finally got going, what a super race to, hopefully, set the tone for the meeting.
  14. Good stuff with Jamrog and Watt for 2nd place in heat 13. This is a good race track. But of course the fans want to see a winning team- which presumably is why there aren't many there. I'd go- just for the start girls.
  15. Thank you. Perfect picture so i'll stay with it. Not missing much anyway with a silent starting gate. Super-duper ride by Jason Doyle in heat 10. He is flying this season. The start girls look very classy. As though they are off to the church picnic following the meeting. The board girl is definitely off to the nearest bar!
  16. Got to have something "oommpy" to distract and to while away the hours. Can you try Sopcast and see if you have any sound? Not my speakers.
  17. Hi there, Just got in in time for heat 5. Great picture on Sopcast-96707, but no sound. I'll try your link above. Drats. "Not for viewing by Yankee dogs." Nice "Oz" battle there between Jason and Davy. Good stuff. Nice to see umbrellas up at a speedway meeting- and it's to shield from the sun. There's a rare one. Such a simple sport with only one fixed piece of mechanical equipment- a starting gate. Nothing could go wrong with that- could it?
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