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Everything posted by brandonbee48

  1. Where's Marta? https://www.google.com/search?hl=pl&site=imghp&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=1920&bih=955&q=marta+poltrack&oq=marta+poltrack&gs_l=img.12...3179.8655.0.11715.
  2. Rempala has obviously read and absorbed the Fundin/Briggs "outa my way" playbook.
  3. Thank you. Figured he might be. That was ruthless "take no prisoners" on young Drabik.
  4. Reckon you are right but Kenni is Rzeszow and Smederna and gets my vote.
  5. Pawel Prezedpelski is going to sue you for "alienation of affection " and the return of his commissions. Fingers crossed for you Pawel.
  6. http://www.typertv.com.pl/emded/nsport.html This one is good too, Lot of friggin x's to get rid of, but once banished super stream. (So far ) Sopcast comes through with sound but a frozen picture right now. But that may just be my machine. For our friend Pawel, whose home town it is, "C'mon Rzeszow " I hope he hasn't got to work today and can join us.
  7. The Poles sure can pick them. 50% of the US females are lard-arse Michelin wobblies. Perhaps it's the lack of snacks in Poland. Babes anyway. Thanks my friend. Glad no one injured.
  8. The fact that i am back in time to see heat 10 suggests a slow meeting. Hope there were no crashes involving injuries?
  9. Media Player is a Mcrosoft standard installation on most computers. Dead safe to install if you don't have it. Silverlight is Microsoft too and i have that on too. Of course this is all with the help of my 20 year old. Got to go to take my 90 year old "shut-in" neighbour to church. (Good deed v good viewing ). Join you in an hour.
  10. I've had it on here (USA) on my desktop for an hour. Absolutely uninterrupted HD picture. I,m not a techie, but there are loads of other links. Alan. I'll bet that that is the best looking crumpet the fat guy in front of the parade will ever have on the back of his bike.
  11. The "Krakow" Media Player link on the soccer-live site kindly provided by our friend Racers and Royals above gives totally reliable viewing. Oh that all streams were as good. Join you folks in a while. Regards. Alan.
  12. We would like to apologise to our viewers for Mr Klindt's "Ive had a rubbish two heats" comment.. Got censored. S-IT. The boy dun great. Well done Lambert.
  13. And again and again and.... screw the paying public. 30 seconds to get round to the tapes or you are gone.
  14. Young Lambert is not doing his future Polish employment prospects any harm at all. Guarantee some zlotys will be dropped in his toolbox before the evening is over. A great opportunity to showcase himself that he is taking. More youg Brits take note !!
  15. Working fine here too in the US where they usually block it. Thank you. Alan. Super ride by young Lambert in heat 5. Well done lad.
  16. First stirrings of legal action. http://www.sportowefakty.pl/zuzel/516401/pierwsze-pozwy-przeciwko-pzm-zlozone Polish organisers get sued. Polish organisers sue BSI. BSI sue the riders. Riders sue Ole Olsen.. Olsen sues the shale supplier........... This one will run and run and run... The lawyers will ensure that. Regards. Alan.
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