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Everything posted by brandonbee48

  1. Thanks. Hope it's a good meeting, even if we comment on heat 3 whilst heat 11 is at the gate. Alan. And after all that it looks as though the rain will be the winner. Does not look good at all.
  2. Congratulations Poland on a hard fought victory and well done to Denmark for being worthy opponents. Full marks to the Poles for reactivating international test matches. Very entertaining and thank you all for the company. Take care. Alan.
  3. This stream http://www.typertv.com.pl/emded/nsport.html has been absolutely flawless so far. Now watch it freeze! At 2.40 pm here in the USA 60 million kids get out of school, 60 million I-Pads are activated and networks are overwhelmed. Fortunately we'll be out of here in a few minutes.
  4. For the rest of the season all goals scored by Chelsea's opponents will count double. Not too enamoured of the "joker". !!
  5. He had a bit more hair when he rode for the Hackney Hawks in the 70s. Then again, didn't we all. .?
  6. Trouble is, his reputation follows him around and the 50/50 decisions go 60/40 against him.
  7. Please feel free to translate for we ignoramuses who don't understand a word of Polish. This is the friendly section. Anything that adds to the enjoyment. Alan.
  8. The same old story !!! Pawel can't make it today-our official Polish correspondent and translator as he had to work the night shift last night and needs his sleep. 12.40pm here.
  9. Hi all, Another one working well- good to have options for the inevitable freezes Sopcast is again frozen on the image. Sound is fine. Just me? http://livemecz.org/transmisja8.php Alan. And another (so far ) VERY good. - Usually the kiss of death! http://www.typertv.com.pl/emded/nsport.html The babes in the long white socks remind me of the Penthouse Pet of the month in the 70s which i only used to buy for the articles !!! Nice start for the Danes. Does this track have a good reputation ?
  10. Fan- bloody-tastic entertainment. Why we love the sport. Thanks for the company everyone. Regards. Alan.
  11. For passion and excitement team speedway always wins out for me over individual events. I can't imagine the atmosphere in that stadium. Great stuff.
  12. Pawel wasn't kidding about the cemetery. as can be seen from this picture he has just shared with me. https://www.google.ca/maps/@53.474282,18.761431,3a,75y,134.65h,71.51t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sGoXBn4DCZ2FOkHb9C9GDCw!2e0?hl=en Thanks Pawel
  13. Cue The Kinks " Dead End Street" Got caught out with a UK one last week. Asking my friend in Ledbury if he had been to Leominster- as is spelt. He told me i'd been away too long as it's pronounced LEMSTER"
  14. I'm sure they have bet the bank on Gollob. Just hope he can repay the investment.
  15. On paper- which of course is where matches are ridden this ought to be a comfortable win for Gorzow. We shall see. As i was saying........
  16. "Mr Big" Congratulations Pawel. That has to put a smile on your face.
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