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Everything posted by brandonbee48

  1. Your first one http://wizja.tv/watch.php?id=35 is very good still, for which i thank you. Plus you have Joanna to lust after.
  2. Following the pattern of the first meeting from Rzeszow. Not edge of the seat speedway.
  3. Furious downloading of good old SopCast taking place to watch them.
  4. Thanks for the very civilised company all. Join you in a while for the big fish. Alan.
  5. The good thing for us on streams is that we are such a minority sport these days (the bad thing ) that it generally isn't worth the while for the rights holders to go after the streamers. Whereas the Premier League Football Authorities employ teams of companies to protect their investment. Since streams are my only avenue here in the USA to watch the sport i love so much, long may they not bother with us . Alan.
  6. Sad to see such a magnificent facility hosting such a poor Rzeszow team. A moneybags benefactor is badly needed. Watching on SopCast which is dead safe and takes a minute to download from their website
  7. 6-18 after 4 heats. Poor old Pawel has to be weeping in his breakfast cornflakes. SopCast now fine.
  8. I think Mr Shovelar knows about this techi stuff. Kodi on a Firestick sounds like a circus act to this old fart.
  9. We envy you. 3.30 to go on the hockey- Denmark 5-2 so maybe they won't linger too long afterwards
  10. Hi there, The TVP link is blocking me due to "terratorial rights restrictions" . SopCast link is fine but a ice hockey game has 17 minutes to go, so we'll see. Bummer for you too. Fingers crossed that SopCast will switch. Interestingly, the ice hockey game is Poland v Denmark with Denmark leading. After Friday's epic little match, maybe Poland can tie it !
  11. Hi all, From the world's worst forecaster, i'll go for Vaculik, Dudek and Ljung. That immediately scuppers their chances Lets hope for an injury free meeting. Alan.
  12. "You'll not see nothing like the Mighty Leon" Thoroughly enjoyed that Thanks for the civilised company all. Take care. Alan.
  13. So far, on a par with the SEC round from Daugavpils which was a cracker.
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