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Everything posted by brandonbee48

  1. Thank goodness this nicest of guys seems "relatively" okay. Absolutely nothing he could have done.
  2. Full marks to the track staff for providing a really good surface, considering the amount of rain they had.
  3. This one showing GP final. Presume they will switch to live. http://cricfree.tv/watch/live/swedish-elitserien-speedway-live-streaming
  4. I've never really watched this Moto Cross before, but these lads are every bit as mad as speedway riders aren't they ? Go safe, lads. Same picture on Polish Sopcast as my link above, so i assume we are not missing anything yet ?
  5. On this Motocross they mentioned one of the riders who's brother had been killed racing. . Then, of course right here in Pennsylvania this weekend the British Nascar driver was killed in a freak accident when hit by flying debris. Young lads will always want to race. All we can do is make it as safe for them as possible- and how many times on here have i said "Thank God for air fences " My heart goes out to them, and of course we usually get Per on commentary.
  6. Hi everyone, I'm sure i'm not the only one with a very diminished appetite for this today. It puts everything in perspective as to the risks these young lads take to entertain us. Dad's first hero was Tommy Farndon. I remember in the 1950's the admission ticket used to say "Motor Sports Are Dangerous. " Ghostwalker needs no reminder about Tommy Jansson. Speedway and life can be utterly cruel. Praying for you Darcy. Good stream. http://www.fixalen.tv/20140726/vv-856731--53d3b3fc0148e6.42589826.html
  7. So Gorzow needed 36 to escape any relegation play offs. "By the skin of their teeth"
  8. Ghostwalker presents Kenni Larsen with the keys of the City to Eskilstuna and appoints him "Lord Smederna"
  9. King Kenni- "Prince of Pluto" You would not put a Lampart / Larsen pairing on most peoples "must have" list but they really do bring out the best in each other. Remind me a bit of Bjerre and Madsen, who also surprise. The "other side" of Kildemand on turn 2. Could have collected everyone. Is it Rzeszow riding a bit above themselves or Gorzow riding like plonkers? Or a bit of both? Pawel will be happy so far ! I'm sure he's working.
  10. My techie son said to stay with Windows 8. I obeyed ! I like Sopcast because there are no pop-ups or little xs to chase around. nor green Download buttons.
  11. King Kenni Larsen- Supreme Ruler of the Universe. Sopcast plods along for the last few hours. Not sharp HD but reliability is it's middle name.
  12. Due to my cultural sensitivity i wear ear plugs when watching all live sports. Czaja got a clear roller in heat 2. Perhaps it's "Red for Rzeszow" day.
  13. Let's hear it for "The Mighty Leon" Pre-meeting predictions looking a little iffy?
  14. In honour of their sole (i think ) USA viewer. "Ride 'em gals " Sportowefakty reporting Asprgren suspected broken collar bone.
  15. Sopcast is also fine .96707. I've given up on the Div. 1 match. Any news of Asprgren ? It didn't look as though he was too bad, sitting up on the track, but sometimes.......
  16. Asprgren is a lucky lad. Could have been horrendous. My old boss used to say, "Do something, anything....." This is just going to peter out, but that's not totally unusual. I always enjoy the low-key atmosphere of these Div. 1 meetings, but this has been ULTRA low-key. Davy Watt- sponsored by the local tattoo parlour.
  17. They are going to try a new system. The start girls will flash their boobies. "One, two, three,-----away you go "
  18. "We are NOT a Mickey Mouse sport that couldn't organise the proverbial brewery piss-up.
  19. Bit of a runaway in store unless a radical change in the last 5 heats- as long as they get that bloody clock working.
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