Well i see that you won 1-0 and are in a play-off spot! But there is a way to go! You didn't miss "the match of the season" at all.I'm afraid it was a bit flat. Only a couple of close races and it all had a bit of an air of predictability about it. I will be VERY surprised if Lejonen don't cream them tomorrow and as for Vetlanda-they ain't gonna lose at home. Enjoy Perry Barr tomorrow. That looks like a good one. All the best. Alan.
An utterly worthy and deserving Champion.A genius on a bike and a magnificent entertainer. Thank goodness he did not join the list of the "nearly" men.
Regards. Alan.
Sure will my friend. The minute he has it up (we hope) i will paste it in. Sorry you will miss the first one, but a Reading stuffing of Ipswich will compensate somewhat! Obviously i am slighty looking forward to tonight!
All the best. Alan.
Quotas, for anything are B.S. It should be the top 16 , irrespective of what country they are from if it is a true WORLD championship. Carpanese yesterday. A joke. Unfortunately BSI see it as a business and i fear Janus will not be in. Bloody well should be though.
Thanks my friend. I tried this one earlier from soccer-live but couldn't get it. Thanks again Super picture. Going as we expected, but the crowd don't care! Alan.
On to the Leszno/Leigh celebration. I know it "ain't over till it's over" but i'll bet no one would bet against. Leigh's website has a really cool tee-shirt with Leszno in bigger letters than all his other teams.
Running away from Torun. Jason is really fired up for this . By the way, i thought he was VERY gracious yesterday. He has a few more years at the top left. Alan.
What i enjoy most about Polish and Swedish matches is that i get the impression everyone on here is very informed and enjoys the sport before a particular rider or team. We all have our favourites and good for everyone i say.