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Everything posted by brandonbee48

  1. This is mine on IE. Just fine. http://www.drhtv.com.pl/drhtv1.html
  2. He's a happy young man. Eating fish and chips in England and counting the gold bars Sandhu is paying him
  3. As always, when you "big" him up, he comes last. But even when he doesn't gate he is in there battling. Riding for the best club in Sweden as well he is bound to succeed.
  4. Give him 2 years and he will be right up there. He's got that special "it" about him.
  5. Looking forward to this. Nicki P. and Mroczka just exchanged "I love you" cards in the pits.
  6. Hi all, From a sunny,warm Pennsylvania- just like Mateusz says it is in Poland today. Let's hope this is a good one. Got a nice stream here, if anyone interested. Enjoy. Alan. http://www.drhtv.com.pl/drhtv1.html
  7. A victory for "Emil the Bee" IV Turniej O Koronę Bolesława Chrobrego - Pierwszego Króla Polski w Gnieźnie, sobota - godz. 17:00 Strona odświeża się automatycznie co 120 sekund (w przypadku problemów z odświeżaniem prosimy wcisnąć CTRL+F5) Wyniki: 1. Emil Sajfutdinow (Polonia Bydgoszcz) - 12 (3,2,2,2,3) + 1. miejsce w finale 2. Tomasz Gollob (Caelum Stal Gorzów) - 13 (3,2,3,3,2) + 2. miejsce w finale 3. Andreas Jonsson (Stelmet Falubaz Zielona Góra) - 10 + 3. miejsce w finale 4. Greg Hancock (Stelmet Falubaz Zielona Góra) - 9 (0,3,0,3,3) + 4. miejsce w finale 5. Maciej Janowski (Betard WTS Wrocław) - 9 (2,0,3,1,3) 6. Scott Nicholls (Start Gniezno) - 9 (2,1,2,3,1) 7. Peter Ljung (Lechma Poznań) - 8 (0,3,3,0,2) 8. Mirosław Jabłoński (Start Gniezno) - 8 (3,1,2,2,0) 9. Tai Woffinden (Włókniarz Częstochowa) - 8 (1,2,1,1,3) 10. Grigorij Łaguta (Włókniarz Częstochowa) - 7 (2,3,1,1,0) 11. Jarosław Hampel (Unia Leszno) - 7 (1,3,d,2,1) 12. Krzysztof Jabłoński (Start Gniezno) - 6 (3,1,0,1,1) 13. Jason Crump (PGE Marma Rzeszów) - 6 (2,0,2,0,2) 14. Artiom Łaguta (Włókniarz Częstochowa) - 4 (0,d,1,2,1) 15. Kacper Gomólski (Start Gniezno) - 2 (1,1,0,0,0) 16. Nicki Pedersen (Caelum Stal Gorzów) - 2 (1,0,1,d,-) 17. Oskar Fajfer (Start Gniezno) - 0 (0) 18. Adrian Gała (Start Gniezno) - NS Na trybunach w Gnieźnie zasiadł komplet widzów - ok. 10 tys. Bieg po biegu: 1. Sajfutdinow, Janowski, Gomólski, Ljung 2. Gollob, Nicholls, Woffinden, Jonsson Nicholls prowadził niemal przez cały bieg. Na ostatnich metrach wyprzedził go Gollob. 3. M. Jabłoński, G. Łaguta, Pedersen, Hancock Mirosław Jabłoński ustanowił nowy rekord gnieźnieńskiego toru. Młodszy z braci Jabłońskich cztery okrążenia pokonał w czasie 62,62 sek. 4. K. Jabłoński, Crump, Hampel, A. Łaguta 5. Hancock, Gollob, K. Jabłoński, Janowski Walkę o trzecią lokatę stoczyli Janowski i Krzysztof Jabłoński. 6. G. Łaguta, Woffinden, Gomólski, A. Łaguta (d) 7. Ljung, Jonsson, M. Jabłoński, Crump Crump do samej mety atakował Mirosława Jabłońskiego. 8. Hampel, Sajfutdinow, Nicholls, Pedersen 9. Janowski, M. Jabłoński, Woffinden, Hampel (d) 10. Gollob, Crump, Pedersen, Gomólski Ładna walka całej czwórki. 11. Ljung, Nicholls, A. Łaguta, Hancock 12. Jonsson, Sajfutdinow, G. Łaguta, K. Jabłoński Jonsson na mecie szybszy od Sajfutdinowa o przysłowiowy błysk szprychy. 13. Jonsson, A. Łaguta, Janowski, Pedersen (d4) 14. Nicholls, M. Jabłoński, K. Jabłoński, Gomólski Na trasie Nicholls pokonał Mirosława Jabłońskiego, a Krzysztof Jabłoński Kacpra Gomólskiego. 15. Gollob, Hampel, G. Łaguta, Ljung Gollob z końca stawki przedarł się na pierwsze miejsce. 16. Hancock, Sajfutdinow, Woffinden, Crump 17. Janowski, Crump, Nicholls, G. Łaguta Nicki Pedersen wycofał się z zawodów. 18. Hancock, Jonsson, Hampel, Gomólski 19. Woffinden, Ljung, K.Jabłoński, Fajfer Woffinden przeszedł z trzeciego miejsca na pierwsze. 20. Sajfutdinow, Gollob, A. Łaguta, M.Jabłoński Początkowo prowadził Artiom Łaguta, ale wyprzedzili go Gollob i Sajfutdinow, którzy do samej mety walczyli o wygraną. Finał: 21. Sajfutdinow, Gollob, Jonsson, Hancock A shame we were not able to watch it AND THE parade of all parades. Perhaps someone can link us to any video ? Regards. Alan.
  8. Well here we are ready to celebrate "Boleslaw The Brave" and nothing showing up on the net. Could Mateusz or any of our Polish friends close to the scene, advise us whether the meeting is being televised ? With a gtrong lineup and the BEST parade EVER it would be fabulous to watch. Regards to all. Alan.
  9. Sorry guys, It just won't load for me here. I'll catch it later with the recording. Good luck to my Smederna, but after 4 heats i think we can see which way it is likely to go. However, one never knows Take care. Alan.
  10. Hi Ghostwalker Just to clarify about Kenni Larsen. He is not riding for the Bees either tonight against Birmingham., because of the Danish Final tomorrow. Saves him having to make a choice between my 2 favourite teams Alan.
  11. Thank you for posting this. I have the methanol poured into the computer and will join you for what, on paper, should be a cracker- Rospiggarna v "The Blacksmiths " of Smederna. The weather is set fine, you say, so let's go racing! Kindest regards. Alan.
  12. This post from our Swedish friend Ghostwalker earlier in the season should answer most of your questions. Posters in the International section are nice people Regards. Alan. #1 Ghostwalker Group: Members Posts: 2,287 Joined: 19-July 03 Posted 07 October 2010 - 06:00 AM Preview Swedish 2011 season Squads, transfers, rumours rule changes for the Swedish 2011 season so here we are, another season is almost to an end, (Allsvenskan finals are remaining) general info and rule changes will appear in this post. rule changes and info for next season: •only 15 heats (the old heat 15 is removed). •new average system with heat averages instead of meeting averages. Averages are calculated by dividing points with heats. •average cap will be 10.500 •average floor for Elitserien is 8,750 •squad sized decreased to 8 riders •lowest possible average is 0.500 (=2.00 with the old system) and those riders (marked in blue) will not take up one of the 8 squad slots. •riders will receive series specific based averages. Elitserien average will only be based on that riders Elitserien rides no matter in what team/series the rider is registered in. •new heat schedule •no partner teams •contracted guest riders. Swedish riders only and maximum three guestriders/team •Teams are only allowed to use a maximum of two guest riders per meeting •A rider cannot be a guest rider at the team he was registered with the previous season •Minimum 2 Swedish riders/lineup in Elitserien. One of those riders have to be a Swedish U21 rider •the u21 riders can only be replaced once per meeting. •no nr 8 riders •no automatic promotion/demotion between Allsvenskan and Elitserien. •earlier date for series notification entry. All teams now have to have send in a notification of entry to Svemo at the latest at Nov 1st while the squad doesn't have to be registered until Nov 30th. The latter is en exception for this season from next rider registration date is also November 1st. •www.speedway.nu website will be replaced by a result website managed by Svemo themselves. speedway.nu is managed by webbureau nitroz. •playoffs will only contain four teams •the team that finishes 9th in Elitserien will be directly demoted to Allsvenskan. Teams 5-8 will meet in a run-off to decide which team that will follow the 9th to Allsvenskan. •The winner of Allsvenskan will be promoted to Elitserien. •A return to the system used a few seasons ago with no back to back meetings in the series. •Maximum 8 teams in Allsvenskan •Allsvenskan average cap is 11,250 •Some sort of promotion playoff for Allsvenskan •Minimum 3 Swedish licensed riders in Allsvenskan lineups(?). one of them has to be a Swedish U21 rider. •A team with debts to riders at December 31st each year will NOT be allowed to register new riders. •Canal+ signed a new TV deal worth 9 million Swedish Kronor (approx. £850'000GBP). •a transfer window before the season starts. •a joint website for Allsvenskan: http://www.speedwayallsvenskan.se •results official averages, league standings and scores can be found here: Elitserien Allsvenskan Div 1 Individual Swedish Championship info: Venue; G&B Arena in Målilla (Dackarna) Date: Friday September 16th - U21 Final --- Saturday September 17th, 80cc final (afternoon) & Grand Final (evening). more info at: http://www.speedwaysm.se/ All track names are clickable for link to Google Maps This post has been edited by Ghostwalker: 12 May 2011 - 11:11 AM
  13. This post from our Swedish friend Ghostwalker earlier in the season should answer most of your questions. Posters in the International section are nice people Regards. Alan. #1 Ghostwalker Group: Members Posts: 2,287 Joined: 19-July 03 Posted 07 October 2010 - 06:00 AM Preview Swedish 2011 season Squads, transfers, rumours rule changes for the Swedish 2011 season so here we are, another season is almost to an end, (Allsvenskan finals are remaining) general info and rule changes will appear in this post. rule changes and info for next season: •only 15 heats (the old heat 15 is removed). •new average system with heat averages instead of meeting averages. Averages are calculated by dividing points with heats. •average cap will be 10.500 •average floor for Elitserien is 8,750 •squad sized decreased to 8 riders •lowest possible average is 0.500 (=2.00 with the old system) and those riders (marked in blue) will not take up one of the 8 squad slots. •riders will receive series specific based averages. Elitserien average will only be based on that riders Elitserien rides no matter in what team/series the rider is registered in. •new heat schedule •no partner teams •contracted guest riders. Swedish riders only and maximum three guestriders/team •Teams are only allowed to use a maximum of two guest riders per meeting •A rider cannot be a guest rider at the team he was registered with the previous season •Minimum 2 Swedish riders/lineup in Elitserien. One of those riders have to be a Swedish U21 rider •the u21 riders can only be replaced once per meeting. •no nr 8 riders •no automatic promotion/demotion between Allsvenskan and Elitserien. •earlier date for series notification entry. All teams now have to have send in a notification of entry to Svemo at the latest at Nov 1st while the squad doesn't have to be registered until Nov 30th. The latter is en exception for this season from next rider registration date is also November 1st. •www.speedway.nu website will be replaced by a result website managed by Svemo themselves. speedway.nu is managed by webbureau nitroz. •playoffs will only contain four teams •the team that finishes 9th in Elitserien will be directly demoted to Allsvenskan. Teams 5-8 will meet in a run-off to decide which team that will follow the 9th to Allsvenskan. •The winner of Allsvenskan will be promoted to Elitserien. •A return to the system used a few seasons ago with no back to back meetings in the series. •Maximum 8 teams in Allsvenskan •Allsvenskan average cap is 11,250 •Some sort of promotion playoff for Allsvenskan •Minimum 3 Swedish licensed riders in Allsvenskan lineups(?). one of them has to be a Swedish U21 rider. •A team with debts to riders at December 31st each year will NOT be allowed to register new riders. •Canal+ signed a new TV deal worth 9 million Swedish Kronor (approx. £850'000GBP). •a transfer window before the season starts. •a joint website for Allsvenskan: http://www.speedwayallsvenskan.se •results official averages, league standings and scores can be found here: Elitserien Allsvenskan Div 1 Individual Swedish Championship info: Venue; G&B Arena in Målilla (Dackarna) Date: Friday September 16th - U21 Final --- Saturday September 17th, 80cc final (afternoon) & Grand Final (evening). more info at: http://www.speedwaysm.se/ All track names are clickable for link to Google Maps This post has been edited by Ghostwalker: 12 May 2011 - 11:11 AM
  14. Could you just imagine Peter Adams' response if it was even hinted at. ? Not that it is going to happen to a non Polish rider. They are just having "one of those seasons". Regards. Alan.
  15. Always a pleasure to have a Tuesday evening in Sweden. Take care Iris, Ghostwalker, Anders and all! Thanks to technology, over to Somerset. Regards. Alan.
  16. Perhaps Ghostwalker can enlighten us, but i'm not sure if you can buy beer in the stadium. Trying to encourage the family attendance? ( put the cheers on for fun! )
  17. I'm an opposite the stating gate back straight man myself, but i'd try it, even if just for one heat. Alan.
  18. Top of my list. I'll join you when i get over Regards.
  19. What better way to watch a meeting than at one of those startline trackside picnic tables? These guys do it right!
  20. Anders, Thank you for giving us this preview. We are VERY fortunate on this section to have yourself and Ghostwalker giving us reasoned, informative posts about the Swedish scene. I look forward, as always, to my weeklyvisit to the land of the tall pines ( We have a few here in Pennsylvania if you ever run short!) Kindest regards. Alan.
  21. Here is a link for the musically minded. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ole_Olsen_(musician)
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